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Missing Caravan
[OoC: @Selina Ahhh ok.  Thanks.  I assume you are using the Everburning Torch?]

Selina moves [To H8] then gazes in the direction of the sticky strand of webbing attached to Mardak.  At the outer most edge of the torches shadowy illumination, some 35' up [H5], she can just see the outline of the creature.  [Any attacks into shadowy illumination grants the creature 20% concealment.]  She points at the concealed creature and shouts/calls/casually mentions  Tongue where the beast is located.

Motivated by his success at breaking through the first wall of webbing, Tomeal attacks [Standard action] the wall that had bound Jonath and tears apart that wall as well!  Tomeal then turns and while running [to H4] around the north then west sides of the Pillar [At G5] [Move action]he draws his crossbow [Part of move action] and prepares to fire.

21: Betimi = Purple
17: Nacesh = Red
16: Mardak = Black
9 : Jonath = Grey
9 : Gilley = Green
8 : Spiders = H5
8 : Selina = Blue
6 : Tomeal = Orange

NEW ROUND!  Betimi, Nacesh, Mardak, Jonath, and Gilley's turns!
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Betimi moves cautiously at half speed to J9, from there she throws one of her crystal shards at the creature high in the webs. The webs prove an effective shield as her crystal goes wide .

[With her combination of Selina's torchlight and her lowlight vision she can hopefully see the creature. Range would be approx 41' J9-H5 21' 35' up x(squared) = (21x21) + (35x35), x = 40.8]

[Thrown Crystal attack [1d20+6] = 8+6 = 14-4 for 2 range increments = 10]
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Last round, Nacesh took the time to reload his crossbow and look around patiently until someone did the favour of spotting the opponent for him.

Since the monster was too high to attack with one of his ray spells he looked for possible elevation.
(OOC: what is the terrain object on H6? Would climbing it be sufficient to get within point blank range?)

While considering possible tactics any other than suicidal he moves to a position to get a good shot at the monster. If she operates with illusions other magic may as well be on its way. Maybe she's subject to a displacement effect or other means of arcane trickery.
(OOC - move to proper position for clear line of fire like H7 or I7 and ready crossbow attack against spellcasting.
The roll below is not modified for cover (Mardak may impose some) but range should not be an issue
Light crossbow AC [1d20+3] = 17+3 = 20 damage [1d8] = 6
Overcome concealment [1d100] = 72
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Gilley smirks at the creature's voice. That had been exactly the reason he'd looked so interested in cutting away the webbing on the bridge. To tease the creature into showing itself. He stashes his shortsword, redraws his bow and knocks an arrow, moving smoothly closer to the area Selina had indicated.

[Moving to G6]
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[OoC: I forgot to mention last round that Jonath did not find any traps.]

[OoC:  Those ovals that are circled by the webbing are natural pillars.  They reach all the way to the ceiling.  So you can't look though them.  You could attempt to climb them but with the webbing covering them, you would likely get stuck.]

Betimi attempts to move south but finds herself stuck again [At H9]!  [You are Entangled: prevented from moving.  Take a -2 to attack rolls and -4 to Dex]   She can see the blurry form a the spider-thing hiding among sheets of its webbing so Betimi takes a shot but misses.  [If Betimi would have moved to J9 the pillar beside her would have blocked her view.]

[@Nacesh The only thing at H6 is Mardak hanging 20' in the air.  If you mean G5 that would be a web covered pilar.]

Nacesh tries to move [to I7] but when he gets there he finds that he has stumbled into another concealed sheet of webbing.  He attempts to take a shot at the creature but the web has made him off balance which causes him to miss.  [Entangled: No movement.  Take -2 attack and -4 dex.  So range attack penalties would be -4 to hit.  Your 20 becomes a 16 which is a miss.  Sorry.   Sad ]

Without the ground or something else to press against, Mardak knows it's unlikely he can out strength an eight legged creature.  So he tries to break the thick cord attached to his back but fails.  [Sorry, I thought it was an attack at first then realized it was a strength check.  In any case, he failed]

Gilley then readies her arrow and moves closer.  [To G6]

The spider creature then drags Mardak the 15' distance into it's waiting grip.  Mardak attempts to fight the giant spider off [AoO] but fails [Roll 6].  The creature then easily Grapples Mardak in its legs and sinks it's large jaws deep into his shoulder.  Mardak shrieks in pain as blood explodes from the wound [Damage 9].  He feels the burning of the poison begin coursing through his veins but so far he resist succumbing to it's effects. [Poison save 18.  New save in 1 minute]

[Now it's Selena and Tomeal's Turns]
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[OoC did moving at half speed benefit my ability to make that Spot? just hoping]
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Selina sighs as she hears Mardak scream in pain. She didn't like seeing anyone getting hurt like that, even reckless fools. She narrows her eyes and focuses, trying to aim to hit the creature and not hit Mardak.

Shoot: [1d20+2] = 17+2 = 19 , Damage: [1d8] = 7
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[OoC: Betimi, To spot a Sheet-Web requires a DC 20 spot check. Unfortunately you rolled a 13. I gave you +5 mod for moving at half speed but with a 13 you required at least +7 to spot the Web. Sorry. [PENSIVE FACE] ]

Sent from my SM-G925W8 using Tapatalk
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((Can I add the minor action of reloading to the end of Selina's turn? I do't think she'll be doing much else other than shooting at Unreth.))
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Selina takes aim at Unreth but since the spider is grappling [In melee] Mardak, she has to try to avoid hitting her companion.  She sees an opening and takes her shot but instead of hitting the creature, she pierces Mardak's cape.  

[If this was 3.0e you'd be making an attack roll for Mardak right now because you hit within the +4 to ac that firing into melee gives Unreth.  Luckily in 3.5e they did away with hitting friends.  Now you just get penalties to hit.  Personally, 3.0e sounds more realistic.  Tongue ]

Tomeal takes a shot at the creature with his longbow but misses miserably.  "The bastard is going to be a bugger to hit while it grapples Mardak!  Anyone got any ideas?"  He then decides to move over to Nacesh to help him out of the web.

21: Betimi = Purple
17: Nacesh = Red
16: Mardak = Black
10 : Jonath = Grey
9 : Gilley = Green
8 : Spiders = H5
7 : Selina = Blue
6 : Tomeal = Orange


New Map: The Big hollow circle is the spider, hanging upside down from webs around 35' away while grappling Mardak.

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