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[IC] Chapter 1-4: Cellars of Hate
(05-02-2016, 12:09 PM)Silent Giant Wrote:
(05-02-2016, 07:03 AM)DM Surranó Wrote: Wait.... What is it about the key you mentioned? Murkatos asks.
(OOC has anyone explained the armorer the mission yet? noone that I'd remember...)

Meanwhile Giant changes his mind and instead of breaking them considers breaking something else with them. While they are too small to act as weapons for his hands they would act pretty well as metallic clubs (footman's maces) for children. But more likely, gnome or halfling children.

Ooc -  I thought Maul and Lugar did back in the caves after Merri died.  I could be mistaken. In any event...

"Our only reason for being in this god-forsaken hell hole, Murkatos, is to find something called the Key of Hate.  We were sent by a council in a city called Sea Jewel."  Lugar pauses suddenly thinking about the name Sea Jewel as he looks at the blue saphires.  He steps back from the looting and taking another look at the names on the tombs, he wonders to himself if the light brought them into the future?  Could these be our graves?  He tries to remember the poem.  "Maul, Giant, how did that poem go? You know, about casting the Key to Hate into the sea or something?  These names, they are like ours but all jumbled up, with a few I don't recognize.  Could we be looting our own tombs?"

We are looking for a special key here. - he shows him a key he have - You know, a key. -  then he is focusing on the treasure again
Giant examines the last sarcophagi before they open Sermour's. Is it also hacked?

Maul examines the bones. Are they from same person in each sarcophagi? Aren't they mixed?
Sermour's isn't hacked; it's simply not sealed so tight and four of the six pitons (maybe better word than "bolts") are missing.
And the last one (Sirrith's) looks untouched (same as the first six)

Maul took it for granted that all bones in a single sarcophagus belong to a single person but upon (*ahem*) the armorer's (*ahem*) suggestion he looks again to verify and as much as he can confirm the bones were undisturbed until the party started raiding them.
OOC: Where are the names (runes)? Are they on the roof (cover) of sarcophagi? Aren't there or inside other runes below dust? Who can read them and how? Maybe it is only a translation mistake :-)

OOC: Sermour =? Mourcatos :-) Maul should cast a detect undead around.
(05-06-2016, 11:56 AM)Silent Giant Wrote: OOC: Where are the names (runes)? Are they on the roof (cover) of sarcophagi? Aren't there or inside other runes below dust? How can read them? Maybe it is only a translation mistake :-)

OOC: Sermour =? Mourcatos :-) Maul should cast a detect undead around.

Ooc - Good point, given what we just went through, either of the spell castes should be doing that almost constantly. Giant, are you thinking the tomb names could help us decipher the wall runes?

Lugar will tuck the bejeweled dagger and sheath in his belt then go assist Giant with his examination of Sermour's sarcophagus. "Giant, can you see any tracks or signs of tampering that don't belong to us in here?"
(05-06-2016, 01:37 PM)Lugar Wrote: Lugar will tuck the bejeweled dagger and sheath in his belt then go assist Giant with his examination of Sermour's sarcophagus.  "Giant, can you see any tracks or signs of tampering that don't belong to us in here?"

ooc - no Giant is not able to think Wink

Giant is looking for tracks (take20 or take10 survival (25 or 15), if he can use track feat here)
The runes are about eye level for Giant on the slabs.
There are no usable signs, especially after four men trotted in wearing soaked pants. If there were any, now all are destroyed by the party.

Maul invokes the power of Pelor but doesn't detect any undead nearby. He goes to the top of the stairs to check the iron wall but no undead forms detected beyond that either.
Let's go open the next.

ooc - Has Lugar searched each sarcophagi for traps?
Which one do you mean by "next"?

Lugar checked here and there but found nothing.
The team has spent quite some time here already and Maul reminds everyone that the sands of time for Merri are running low.
Ooc - I'm in no hurry. I could wait if we need to, for the others to meet up perhaps? If you want I could roll 8 times to search for hidden passages in each sarcophagi.

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