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[OOC] Return to the Rusty Rat
I have a great idea, Lugar uses the wand as a stick to poke the keys, and the Mage hand as a key to open locksSmile
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The greatsword was pretty obvious; she's never kept it in her haversack. Well, maybe once, while swimming to the cliff in the Prologue.
The wands, on the other hand, were never on display.
The hand is pretty easy to spot as it hung around her neck but nope, it's not metallic. It's an actual mummified elven hand. The chain, of course, is metallic (IIRC silver, just in case it matters)
Giant's clue, a bit morphed by Murkatos' insight, is a new perspective on the possible workings of the trap (I treat it like Aid Another) and calls for a new pair of Search/Disable checks... *ASSUMING* that it's true it will grant you a circumstance bonus but I won't tell you if it does or not... Smile

@{Silent Giant}
About Lugar's retry on search/disarm. yes, he can retry but if he fails the search check by five or more that may set off the trap. And considering that a roll of 16 was insufficient to locate the trap...
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(03-11-2016, 02:49 PM)Silent Giant Wrote: ooc - Yeah, we have a kitchen, cauldrons and water. We can cook elven soup :-)

Elves taste like celery Tongue

This reminds me, I've always wanted to play a monster campaign. Each player picks a stock monster from the monster manual and goes on a rampage and the DM gets to play your heroes as NPCs trying to stop you.
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dungeon keeper? Smile
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About the location of the clang-- you had a snowball's chance in hell to hear it in the first place but I rolled unmodified 19,20,18,20 for the party Smile
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Nice ascii art!! I can't wait to see what happens between Portho and Torin.
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shhhh... don't tell them they are both players Smile
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About identifying spell-like abilities

It's a swampy area whether Spellcraft can identify spell-like abilities. I'd say if they are in effect, yes (20 + spell level - Identify a spell that’s already in place and in effect. ) If you had to roll a saving throw, maybe. (Portho's quote would be correct then) But in this case we have to agree on "spell level" which might be cl/2 (minimum 1) which is interesting since it's higher than the actual spell level a bard can cast, from 8th level onwards.

That said, I would say Knowledge (Arcana) enables Torin to actually having heard of bardic music in the first place and since the music is obvious and the preceding spellcasting was detected by the priest as well he could at least second guess that the bard tried to use bardic music on him. For what avail, he cannot tell.

With the actual result of 13 on Arcana I'd say he has heard about Bardic Music but not exactly what it is capable of. So Torin definitely shouldn't use the word "fascinate" unless it is meant to be a "coincidental" figure of speech. Let's say the Arcana DC to know about BM is 10 and separate uses of Bardic Music have DC equal to 15 + minimum bard level needed for that particular act (e.g. Fascinate needs Perf 3 i.e. 1st level, or DC 16). I repeat, it enables the Arcanist to know about the existence of such a power, not to recognise it.
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About the small heavy falchion

The small falchion can be used as the weapon of same name by a small character or it can be used as a machete by a medium character. There's some ambiguity in how the weapon works though since its weight is not exactly the same and as such it needs a different fighting style.
The glaive head is about 6lbs (10lbs total minus 4lbs shaft; the equivalent of quarter staff) whereas a small falchion is 4lbs with handle and a medium machete is 2lbs (which is a joke).
The glaive has 1d10 base damage while small falchion and medium machete both have 1d6. It's a fine tradeoff for those who don't like reach weapons anyway.
The glaive has x3 crit, the falchion has 18-20/x2 while machete has 19-20/x2.

So instead of going with "stock" weapons let's redefine this weapon as a "small heavy falchion". I'll be generous and it can be used by anyone proficient with falchion, machete or glaive without penalty.
It has weight of 6lbs. (this is the SMALL weight).
For a small character it's a two-handed weapon with 1d8 slashing damage and x3 crit.
Similar to the bastard sword, however, you can train as an exotic weapon and use it as a one-handed weapon with same prerequisite (Str 13).
For a medium character it's a one-handed weapon with the same stats (1d8, slashing, x3). I do NOT apply "inappropriate size" penalty for this particular weapon but don't take it granted for "traditional" weapons.
I'm aware it's same as a medium battle axe or a small dwarven waraxe so it's nothing more powerful than the stock rules, just coolness of being "different", plus the extra coolness of being small and medium at the same time.
I'm not aware of any core rules that would give anyone any bonus for wielding "any kind of sword" or being proficient with "any kind of sword" but if there's such a thing then this weapon certainly grants the benefit (unlike the axes in the comparison).

If there are no alternative proposals of extra coolness I'll add this weapon to the list of house rules.
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small heavy falchion sounds cool to me. Just to clarify, it can be used one or two handed?
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