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Reform School Mutants
If memory serves me, she could petrify things with a touch, she petrified her lunch, and was going for one of the counselors when they sent goons in on Mac.  They dragged her and Mac off.  By the time Sam joined she was MIA.  Her disappearance was a red flag and a mystery  for the group.  I think the player sort of logged off forever though.
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Still in it to win it, if'n you'll have me aboard. Swearsies I'm working on something!

EDIT: Bah! Why is there Prehensile Everything except Tongue? Why do you taunt me so, Classic Marvel?!
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Yes, her name was Penelope.  She didn't have time to be officially called Cokactrice.  I think she was a little girl too, or a few years younger than everyone else.  EVERYTHING she touched was turned to stone which there were a few issues with that, as in the table she sat at in the lunch room wasn't turned to stone...But I don't think that matters now, as the player is not in the game anymore.
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@ Ramen I think you can just use Prehensile Tail and say it's a tongue if you really want one.
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So, I believe the people in this game are...

Sam Smith
Scott Steiger
Aurum ?

Does that about cover it?  Or are two of those names the same person?
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Nope. Those are different people.
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Good!  Big Grin

So we have at least four perhaps up to seven.  I think we can soon start playing.
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Nerdred is my main account, Sam and Lugar are attached.
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Sorry bout that, forgot to switch accounts before posting. Can't wait to get started!
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Thanks. I edited the post. Still leaves 4-6 which is a nice number to start with.

BTW if anyone wants to join my other marvel game too feel free to PM me.

Sent from my SM-G925W8 using Tapatalk
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.