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Swimming Pool! [Open everyone] + Malcolm
Benjamin has been sitting by himself for around an hour watching the fun with little interest.  Finally he stands up and walks out of the Pool area.  Ben then takes the elevator up to the Professor's office.  Once he arrives he knocks on the door.  When there's no answer he peeks inside.  Seeing no one is around he slips inside...
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She looks at Sebastian sideways, wanting to say something to argue with his assessment of her beauty, slightly sad that he started with the past tense, feeling like he was sweet for fixing that. There's nothing she can really say that would convince him otherwise, though, and it would just sound like she was fishing for compliments.

Then the stuff that came after the compliments throws her a little. She hadn't thought of it that way. She opens her mouth, then closes it again, considering the messed up situation she'd just been forced into that was even now causing her to go get a swimsuit when she didn't want to, just so she could save face. "Yeah... ok... thanks." She glances at the door to the pool. "Walk me to my room?"
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"Gladly," he replies with a cheerful smile.  He escorts her to the elevators and lets her step on first.  He then pushes the button to go to level the Dorms are on.  When the doors close Sebastian just looks up at the number as it changes with each floor.  Then just before the doors open he says, "You know, you're more attractive then any of them in the mansion.  Just sayin."  The doors slide open and Sebastian steps out before Kat can say a word or even blush.

Sebastian then walks her to the ladies dorms and says, "I don't know what room is yours in this place.  So you'll have to show me."  When Katrina points the door to her room out, he walks her there and then says, "I'll wait outside for you.  Take your time.  I won't go anywhere."
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Maybe surprisingly, Gedeon doesn't squeal at suddenly going flying. She looks a little surprised, but quickly gets her bearings in the air, grinning at the experience. As she stops above the water, she looks at Trevor and laughs. "Thanks for asking. You can let me go. Promise I won't kill you."
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Trevor clutches at his heart and lets out a sigh of relief.  Suddenly Gedeon splooshes into the water.  Then moments later he launches himself into the air and lands beside her in the pool, once again splashing her with water the moment she comes up for air.

"HAHA! You said you wouldn't kill me so now everything is on the table!!!!"   Tongue Big Grin
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While swimming around, Jack hears a familiar [Text] ring tone.  

"It's Lisa," he cheers while crawling out of the pool. He runs over to his towel at top speed and snatches up his phone.  "Yup it's Lisa.  She says her dad was really mad that she was texting me.  And he hit her..."  Jack frowns slightly.  Then a moment later he smiles, saying, "Hey can someone get me a drink?  I'm parched!  Hi Gedeon!  Now where was I... oh yeah swimming!  Oh wait no, I have a phone in my hand..."  Jack looks at the screen and yells, "LISA'S FATHER HIT HER???  WE HAVE TO GO PROTECT MY GIRLFRIEND!!  CALL THE X-MEN!"
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Gedeon gets thoroughly dunked by Trevor, but once underwater, she grabs his legs and pulls him under as well. She comes back up just in time to hear Jack freaking out. Confused, she looks around at the other students. She knows how her people would deal with that, but these weren't her people. She is pretty sure they have some kind of official protocol for it, but she isn't sure what it is.
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"Scared?  Only that I might put you to shame!"

[OoC would her Tumbling or Acrobatics skills assist her with a fancy high dive? if so, one or both?]
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Trevor laughs hysterically when Gedeon splooshes into the pool.  So much so that his eyes are closed when she slips a hand out of the water and grabs his ankle.  He stops suddenly and then screams, "Eeeep!!" As he's dragged under the water.  Trevor playfully struggles with Gedeon a bit then flies a out of the pool and hovers a few feet above the water's surface.  
While pretending to be angry, he jokingly yells, "Why you little..."  Then he hears Jack's hysterics.  Trevor's eyes stop glowing and he sighs, "Statty-Buns is at it again.  Should we wait until he settles into the mood he plans to keep?  He emoed himself away in his room when he somehow spotted the weird look Kat gave him.  Ugghh... I would say something but he doesn't respond well to my kind.  Maybe someone with a bigger chest should speak with him."
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[OoC: Well Diving could be a talent for professional divers but it seems like a waste to pick up unless that was your background and your character was into the sport.  So I will allow the synergy of Tumbling and Acrobatics to give a +1cs on basic to good dives.  Like a flip or twist etc.  Any especially fancy dives should be left to the actual Diving Talent which would be for professional divers.]
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