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[OOC] Return to the Rusty Rat
(01-25-2016, 09:05 PM)DM Surranó Wrote: (moved to OOC thread)

True but it's not about someone distracting you; it's about a deliberate action on your behalf.

Spell duration "concentration"
Quote:Concentrating to maintain a spell is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

When you made your first standard action other than concentrating on Dispel Magic (i.e. cast Spiritual weapon) you deliberately opted for releasing the spell you concentrated upon.

Regardless, it's a pretty good assumption that by exploring this small area without rushing headlong into any troubles took seven minutes, thus the spell wore off anyway. From this perspective this discussion is better conducted now than in a tighter situation where player characters or their wealth can be seriously affected by aborted concentration.

Okay you have right. In dnd 3.5 the concentration is broken if you take another standard action. 
More than one year I play dnd 5 where the concentration works a little different way.
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About pulling prone (willing) characters I decided that to do so we'll treat the prone character as a "heavy object". As such, you have to enter her space, grab her and move. While she may be unconscious or possibly be able to defend herself somewhat she definitely does not take an action so she won't provoke an attack of opportunity.

Pulling a heavy object, however, does. So if Maul pulls her then Maul provokes an AOO. And, guess what, an AOO can be made against part of the equipment or an "object" held instead of the blood-and-meat part of the character.
So maybe it's not the best decision but I will try to play safe with Merri as much as possible in this situation while avoiding a stalemate.
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@Lugar retrieving an item from backpack is a bit more difficult than drawing a weapon so it can't be done as part of a regular move action. However it can be done amidst a regular move, i.e. you can move 10feet, retrieve a rope then move the rest of what your speed allows.

That said, tying someone is another move action and it needs you to move into her space, provoking AOO.

With an animated rope however you can do it remotely but it is still a move action and pulling still would provoke an AOO should an enemy threaten Lugarmerri (call him Larry?)

Is it what you do then?

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With Harry's Handy Haversack one simply reaches into a pouch and the item magically appears in your hand, no fiddling around. That's why I assumed it was a move action, your call. With the rope I figured it would either magically attach to Merri or tie itself around a limb or waist, depending on your description. Lugar will continue with his actions either way. I'm hoping the magic rope adds to his deception. Err, Larry or Mugar? I'm just imagining a pretty dainty elf lady with a voice of a crusty dwarf.
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(02-16-2016, 10:58 AM)Torin Wrote: Torin goes forward to North. Take a look in the western "tunnel" and after a few step he turn's right.

OOC - Once ago my english teacher said me that: the word earth is used for only the planet. There are several word in hungarian which we can translate to english in two or more self-understanding way, e.g.: nap, hét, föld, ...

When I was a little kid I had to get tutored for reading and writing, mainly because I was stubborn when it came to pronouncing words with silent letters etc. I still think "island" is one of the worst spelled words ever!  My tutor was a young red-headed Eagles cheerleader, but I digress.  Now that I am older and have to teach my kids to read, I can fully appreciate just how dumb the english language is.  It follows no set rules, combines letters to make sounds you wouldn't think, and uses one word to mean multiple things regularly.  Take for instance the infamous 'commode.'  Spanish is so much easier to read.
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You are right about Heward's Handy Haversack. You can retrieve the rope as part of your move. Even though you wrote that you would retrieve the rope *after* movement but since this idea of combining best use of HHH + RoC potentially saves the whole party from a horrible way of destruction I will be lenient this time and handle this as follows:
- Lugar moves 10' to see what's going on and retrieves his rope meanwhile "as if dictated by sixth sense"
- He activates the rope that ties itself around Merri.
- He withdraws beyond Maul, pulling the elf between Giant's legs to safety.
- Thus, Giant has to make only one step (without risking an AOO from the figure) and can even do a full attack which I assume he'll be more than eager to do.
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Will be away for (most of) the weekend. I'll elaborate on Merri's last comment on Monday but feel free to keep posting in my absence.
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I can't remember how the light cylinder teleport thing works. Do we know if Merri uses it now whether or not we will be able to use it ourselves later?
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Seriously? Smile me neither. I mean I remember its purpose ooc but not exactly what I wrote IC. The basic idea is that once you return you cannot pass again, but I don't think it has ever been mentioned that you have to pass within a tight time frame.

The ooc idea is to simplify life if there are smart-ass players who may exploit a headquarters with effectively infinite supply of whatever the party needs e.g. scrolls of restoration. I happwn to know that there are at least two such players in the game and they don't play with duergar, forest gnome or jermlaine :-)

Sent from my HUAWEI SCL-L01 using Tapatalk
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I don't think anybody has a bag of holding, but I did find Merri's sheet that MiB posted. She had two wands, a Mage hand, and a ring. The wand of magic missile would have been useful earlier! Oh well, I'm just sorry he disappeared. He said he had health issues before so I'm hoping he's alright. I would definitely prefer that we tote her body back and look into a resurrection or reincarnation, if we find a Druid Smile

On a side note, props to the DM, nice use of opponents and terrain, cave-ins, water, to challenge the players. I'm curious to see how the other players join us.
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