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[IC] Chapter 1-4: Cellars of Hate
Initiative 17 (1d20=11 +6)

On Lugar's turn - "Quick, into the room!" He calls out and rushes in. Once inside, he WILLS his hat to make him look like Merri to confuse the ghost.
After Lugar went into the room Giant makes 5-foot step and readying to slash the ghost. "Behind me" - he shouts
First round

"Quick, into the room!" Lugar calls out and rushes in. Once inside, he WILLS his hat to make him look like Merri to confuse the ghost.

Giant makes 5-foot step and readying to slash the ghost. "Behind me" - he shouts

"Too close!" Murkatos yells and then, "Krisp!" but the cloaked figure dodges the bolt of cold with ease. With the same fluid move it reaches out to the elf once more and she wails as the evil weapon passes her last line of defense with a splash of bluish sparks and collapses.

Maul kneels down to Merri, his shield held high (as if it could protect him) and prays to Pelor, trying to heal the girl and succeeds. It is hard to tell what state she is now, though, lying face-down on the stone.

The priest then withdraws as Giant recommended, giving him the space he required.

Lugar's and Giant's turn!
Lugar uses this moment to start weakening the bed posts supporting the ceiling with his pick, trying to pry out strips of wood. "Giant, I need one of those swords!"
Assuming Lugar plans to use his pick it will do a great job. Roll for attack and damage (sounds funny but you *may* miss on a natural 1)
Lugar attacks the post - (1d20 = 1) + 8 = 9
Swinging 2 handed damage - (1d6 =5) +4 = 9

"At least the others didn't see me do that." Lugar thinks to himself.
Giant makes 5 foot step again and attacks the ghost (ghost's hand?) with full attack if he can.
If he can't he is readying again.
Lugar tries to chop wood with his heavy pick but fails miserably in his haste and the heavy pick flies out of his hands! Fortunately not too far.
"At least the others didn't see me do that." he thinks to himself.

Giant's first attack misses the figure's head-- the only part that's out of the solid wall-- deflected as if the creature "willed" the weapon to fail. However, it couldn't deflect the low end of the weapon and the axe hits incorporeal flesh instead of solid stone.

"Krisp!" but the nervous armorer has hard time aiming.

The figure cackles as if taunting Giant for the low-powered attack and swings at the prone elf but the weapon's distraction proved to be far more than its damage and the attack on Merri fails miserably. It moves farther away from the vicious double axe but still close enough to its prey.

Merri's turn!
Here's a poll since Merri, even in her condition, still has genius level intelligence and since her action may be her last one in her life I offer you the opportunity to take credits...
Her current AC is 14 (+4 Mage Armor +4 Dex -4 prone)
Should she
a) stand up from prone (AOO vs AC 14) and attack (AC18 att +3)?
b) use total defense while standing up from prone (AOO vs AC 18)?
c) attack while staying prone? (no AOO, AC 14, Att -1 / 2d6+1)
d) use total defense and stay prone? (AC18)
e) else?
If attacking, should she do it:
i) with no further mods?
ii) using Combat expertise? (AC+1 Att -1)
iii) fighting defensively? (AC+2 Att -4)
I prefer b) + she steps 5 foot (so Giant has a chance to make a full attack again with magic axes after he makes 5 foot step)
If she is still alive she should withdraw in the next round.
Well here's where ingenuity kicks in. Merri knows that the figure picked her and will do everything to avoid that bastard axe. So taking five foot step would simply cause the creature to move another five feet away from Giant.
That's another question whether it's Giant's or the opponent's turn next but that's OOC info and there's no IC way Merri could eventually know that-- IC, everything is a fluid flow of time.
Will she take the risk of the AOO *and* trust Giant to finish the beast off? probably worth it for the +4 AC though... if the AOO fails.

Let's wait for Lugar's opinion.

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