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The morning after Thanksgiving ~Open to all~
Malcolm can't wipe the amazed expression off of his face, looking around the jet.

~what kind of school has a jet~

He settles, wide-eyed into a seat near a window and listens, not knowing any of these new students that were talking and being talked about.
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Sebastian looks around at everyone and says, "Well I don't know who this professor is.  Also..." he takes a moment to scrutinize all of you and then adds, "I don't know very many of you.  I pretty much only know Kat and Beast.  Dazzler I know only in passing.  The rest of you, I have no clue who you are.  At my school it is just Me and kat, Joshua, Trevor, Ruby, Psi-jack, Demi and X-23.  Kat and I were coming back to school after she took me to meet her parents for the first time at Thanksgiving.  So I'm not sure why you [Kat] don't remember me on the train.  Do you remember anything about taking me to meet your parents?  They've been bugging you for forever to meet me."
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"You don't remember me Sebastian?" He says curiously "Weird.  Kat, Shepherd, you and I did a danger room thing like 2 days ago." He adds off-handedly not knowing this could all be some 'time travel' thingy. Which of course would be AWESOME!! "If you don't know me...Let me introduce myself.  I'm Jack B Quick"

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Sebastian looks at Jack blankly.  "No, I've been at my girl friend's parent's, enjoying the holidays."
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'Completely missed what I just said, I guess this is a common thing among mutants...'

"Well, I hope we are going to gket going home soon right?  Unless we are already there, can never get used to the Blackbird.  OH wait, can I be dropped off in Jersey?  Gotta see someone.  See if she's okay.  If that's alright of course...Don't wanna step on anyones toes and all..." Jack shifts himself in his seat.
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Malcolm looks at Jack and rolls his eyes.

"It's only been like an hour since you first texted her, and your already panicking? I really don't know girls, bujt that's a bit much."
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Hey!  If you must know, Lisa said her father was going to take her phone away.  And secondly, her father is mega-evil.  He almost shot me with a shotgun last time.  I am worried the Jerkface will hurt her. 

Thinking that was it, he folds his arms as he waits for the answer from the 'Adults'.
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"Ahh so I'd be extra careful. if he took her phone away he can read every text you send her.. if you think she's in danger, sending a ton of texts might freak her dad out more."

"Want backup? He doesn't know me and I can pretend to be a kid from her school. And if he does go postal, I think I might be able to shrug off a shotgun blast.
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Jack watches out the window looking sad.  "Yeah...As much as I'd like to go and see her.  There's this thing between us...She's my weakness.  Her image is on my mind, like, all the time.  Happened when I got my powers."
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The professor listens to everyone as they discuss what to do next.  Once it has quieted down a bit, Xavier says, "I can understand your worry for your girlfriend Jack but it has been little more than Ten minutes since you've received a text from her."  [Remember combat rounds are around 6 seconds.] The Professor furrows his brow in thought as he adds, "Unfortunately we have more pressing matters.  With this strange energy anomaly destroying part of a train, people being horrifically merged with said train, and a friend of yours [Sebastian] not only having no memory of current events but completely different recollections from what we know to be true.  Something truly strange has just happened here and we must get to the bottom of it as soon as possible!"

The Blackbird takes everyone back to the mansion where it lands in its hidden underground hanger.  The loading doors open allowing everyone to leave the jet.  The professor then thinks, ~Katrina, would you mind staying close to Sebastian to keep an eye upon him?  We still do not know why his memory is different than what it should be so we should be careful for the time being until we know more.  The rest of you can help too if you wish.  Sebastian seems to be more comfortable with Katrina but I would rather she not be left alone with him just yet.  I will be with Jean in Cerebo, searching for answers.~

The Professor smiles at everyone and says, "Please keep Sebastian company while we sort this out."  He then rolls away towards the room where Cerebro is held.
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