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Neva Mack

NAME: Neva MackSUPERHUMAN TYPE: PsionORIGIN PATH:  - Suburbia: Was orphaned at a young age, but grew up in Yellow Springs, a college town with an intellectual culture.
ASPIRATION: To understand the supernatural / telluric aspects of the universe.ARCHETYPE: Mystic ROLE PATH: - Mystic: Neva strives to understand the hidden and open worlds of Telluric Reality.
DEFENCE: 2EXPERIENCE TOTAL:  361 SOCIETY PATH: - Aeon Society: Works with the most respected and established organization for superhuman affairs in the world. 
ARMOR: 1APPROACH: Force  POWER: Tier 3: Base Target Number = Base Target Number = 7 (Base 8, -1 for High PSI)
PSI: * * * * *   *PSI POOL: 60 / 60 HEALTH: (Bruised -1): 1 / 1 | (Injured -2): 2 / 2 | (Maimed-4): 1 / 1 | Taken Out | DEAD |

Intellect: * * * * *  * *Universal Intellect, Supercomputer processing. Might: * *Average Human, can lift 375 lbs.Presence: * Weak, you have trouble speaking around more than 1 or 2 people
Cunning: * * * * *  *Heroic Perception and Wit. Able to react instantaneously.Dexterity: * *Average Human accuracy and speed.Manipulation: *Weak, Wallflower. Smart enough to stay quiet most of the time.
Resolve: * * *Skilled, Tained to finish the mission no matter what. Stamina:  * * *Skilled Durability, trained in resisting bodily stresses.Composure: * * *Skilled, you don't freak out easily.

Aim: * * * * *(Spec: Powers, Energy Attacks) 
Athletics: * * *(Spec: Endurance)
Close Combat: * * *(Spec: Martial Arts) 
Command: -
Culture: * *-
Empathy: * * - 
Enigmas: * * * * *(Spec: Noetic and Supernatural Situations) 
Humanities: * * * * *(Spec: Illustration and Writing)
Integrity: * * *(Spec: Resist Fear.)
Larceny: -
Pilot: -
Science: * * * * *(Spec: Noetic and Supernatural / Telluric Phenomenon)
Survival: * 
Technology: * *

Artistic Talent: 3 Gains 3 Enhancement when creating, explaining, or showing her artwork and stories.
Striking: 1 Attractive. Gains 1 Enhancement to any Social Attempts that benefits for their appearance.
Minion: 5Inherited a Super Science Device. Bio-Armor and Weapon.
Legendary Minion: 3Artifact is a century or more beyond current capabilities.
Danger Sense: 1 Reflexive Survival + Cunning roll to detect immediate harmful threats.
Well Informed: 3 Gains 3 Enhancement when researching, studying or gathering information.
Precise Martial Arts: 3Ignore 2 points of Targets armor. Increase the Difficulty of their attack by +1. Gains 2 Soft Armor or 2 Enhancement to Defense vs Grappling.
Tough Cookie: 2 Gains 1 Soft Armor, this armor rating is always active and always stacks with other armor.

Attributes: Starting: +25 | 9/5/7 | Force: 3 | Bonus: (Intellect 1) 
Skills: +27 | Starting: 6 | Starting Path Skills: 9 | Awarded Path Skills: 12
Edges: +14 | Starting Path Bonus: 6 | Awarded Path Edges: 8
Paths: 7 | Starting Path 3 / Awarded Path Levels 4
Starting Psi: 3
Starting Mode: Fluctuation, Probably Control 1

Attributes:  3 / Exp cost 30
Mega-Attributes: 3 / Exp cost 48
Skills: + 9  / Exp costs 45
Skill Tricks: / Exp costs
Edges: 5 / Exp costs 15
Path Edges: +2 / Exp Costs 4
Power: +3  / Normal Exp cost 24 / Ascended Exp Cost 24
Primary Aptitude: +15 | Exp cost 90
Secondary Aptitudes: +6 | Exp cost 48
Advanced Primary Aptitude: +2 | Exp cost 24
Spent Exp: 352 Unspent: 9
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Detect Flux: This allows the psion to detect the subtle occurrences and effects of quantum flux.  While this exists in all normal humans, it detects the use of Gifts when they are employed by Inspired humans or areas or objects that have been affected by Flux. This power also allows the Psion to understand exactly what the effect of the Flux was upon the target or targets. This does now allow the Psion to detect other psionic powers and effects. This also allows them to detect moments of Dramatic Editing and ascertain their results of that flux manipulation. 
 Dramatic Editing: This allows the psion to use dramatic editing with the same rules at a Talent.  The only difference is that Talents sometimes are unaware of their minor alterations to reality, the Psion is always aware of how, where and in what way their alterations would affect the world around them. Additionally, they are able to Convert 1 Psi point to 1 point of Momentum and vice versa.
Inspiration * * * * *
Grimoire: Costs 1 psi point.  This allows the psion to replicate any gift they can witness, research or study. They must roll Psi + Inspiration to determine if they can copy the gift. They can hold one gift in their minds per level of the Inspiration Mode. They can also copy down instructions for the gift somewhere that they can study again and exchange memorized gifts with the ones they have written down
Empower: Costs 1 Psi per level. Once per Session, (Every twenty total posts.) The psion can dip her mind into the energies of flux in order to borrow a specific psionic power or Talent Gift from any source to utilize once.  A gifts level is based on is prerequisites. The level of the power borrowed is equal to the Inspiration Modes rank. And the Psion must make a Psi + Inspiration check and gain 1 success per level of the power borrowed. A gifts prerequisites are equal to their power level.
Inspired Defense:  Costs 2 psi points. This allows the psion to wrap herself in flux causing anything targeting the psion to have a harder time hitting them. The ambient flux in the surrounding area moves to provide environmental changes to defend the psion. Visually this causes random objects or environmental effects to randomly shield the psion. Trees, falling debris, Rocks, random cars, wind, or anything else nearby to suddenly impose itself between the psion and the power or object targeting them at the moment of impact. For the rest of the scene they have their Inspiration rating added to any attempt to physically attack them as a complication.
Reflexive Inspiration:  Costs 2 psi points.  This allows the Psion to add their Inspiration Mode rating as extra dice to any action that requires the psion to resist an idea, cohersion, or anything negatively affecting her mind or body.
Destruction Inspiration:  Costs 3 psi point. The Psion adds their Inspiration Mode rating as extra dice to any action that causes damage to a situation, relationship, or System. This does not work for direct damaging effects or powers.
Probability Control * * * * *  * *
Hex: Costs 1 psi point.  This allows the psion to negatively alter the result of a target's next action. They can apply this to different targets, or the same target, but only the first Hex has already run it course.  The Psion rolls Psi + Probability Control and applies every 2 successes as 1 Complications on the target's next action. Active superhumans can resist this effect, with Resolve + their own Power Trait. This is a contested roll canceling the Hexers successes 1 to 1.
Bless: Costs 1 psi point. This allows the psion to aid a target's next action. Similar to Hex, this can be applied to different targets, or the same target, but only the first Bless has already run its course. This Psion rolls Psi + Probability Control and applies every 2 successes as 1 Enhancement on the targets next action.  Like Hex, this can be resisted in the same fashion as Hex, but few would resist a blessing.
Chaos Burst: Costs 2 psi points. This allows the Psion to cause a variable damaging effect to burst around the target.  This is environmental damage of some kind. Reflecting what could be near the target.  A few examples would be as follows. A burning cigarette on the ground would suddenly blast the target with fire. A hanging icle might suddenly launch itself at the target inflicting cold damage. A loose wire could suddenly arc and blast a target with electrical damage. The Psion rolls Psi + Probability Control to attack.
Chaos Aura:  Costs 3 psi point. The Psion activates this and for the rest of the scene if something attacks or attempts to harm them, the probability of that attack being successful is drastically lowered. The Psions defense is increased their mode. Once used this can be immediately reactivated.
Equilibrium: Costs 3 psi points for a single target or 5 for an aura originating from the psion. This allows the Psion to adjust a targets chance for breaking or malfunctioning. This causes the objects defense to increase by the number of successes rolled by Psi + Probability Control. Or vice versa, this can cause direct damage to an object causing it to spontaneously fail. This only works on Non-living targets. 
Probability Mastery: Costs 1 psi point per scale enhancement. When using a power from Fundamentals, you can increase the scale of the power by spending additional power points.
Probability Shift: Costs 5 psi points. This allows the Psion to change one existing fact that the DM has established for a scene. The Psion must look at the target and announce the change they want to happen. (Some ancient spell casters may have called this ability 'Power Word or Wish". This can only be done once, per scene. And obviously requires DM Approval. This can be very dramatic, but not directly obvious. For example, The Psion cannot make a building abruptly vanish, but they could cause a sinkhole to open up and cause the structure to collapse.  Likewise, one couldn't cause a person to explode, but they could cause them to suffer a fatal Heart Attack or Stroke. Or they could cause an adversary or even group of adversaries to abruptly decide to retreat.  The Psion rolls Psi + Probability Control and for every success they can affect 1 target. Areas of strong flux or Corruption, will negate these effects as an active complication. Active superhumans can resist this effect, with a Resolve + Power trait Rating for changes that affects them mentally, Stamina + Power Trait for changes that affect them Physically, and Composure + Power Trait for Changes that affect them Emotionally. 
Teluric Control * * * * *
Enchant:  Costs 1 psi point per level.  This allows the psion to infuse a target object with flux or psi. This allows them to essentially enchant an item. They can store extra psi points in the item creating a battery that the psion can draw upon later, 2 psi stored per mode level. They can make it where only an individual with psi or flux can touch an item. They can impart any power they have or with the aid of another superhuman can actually impart another superhumans power or talent onto the object.  The level of the power imparted must be equal to the level of Telluric Control for the Psion to imbue it. The item has a number of uses equal to the Psions Telluric Control. Or the Item can be made permanent with a single use per scene with the expenditure of 1 experience point per level of the power enchanted into the object.
Summon:  Costs 2 psi points per Scale. This allows the psion to shift the local telluric energies to create a specific tool or item. Any physical item or tool can be temporarily pulled from the energies of the Tellurian. The scale of the tool that can be summoned is equal to the level of the psions Telluric mode. The summoned tool or item vanishes after 1 scene.
Commune:  Costs 2 psi point per Tier. This allows the psion to call a telluric entity within or near a Telluric or Flux zone. The Psion rolls Psi + Telluric Control.  Successes determine what if anything hears the psions call and how well it's convinced to come to the psions request. Any dealings after the summon are dependant on normal social checks. 1 success will usually get the entity to appear. 2 successes will mean its attitude is favorable toward the psion. 3 successes will mean it will perform one task or answer three questions for the psion. 
Traverse:  Costs 2 psi points. This allows the Psion to shift between or travel too Flux, Telluric, and Dimensional Zones.  Once a psion detects, finds or enters a flux, telluric, or dimensional zones, (This includes areas of particularly high psi or corruption.) they can teleport themselves back to that zone from any other location. This allows them to shift between multiple dimensions as well, even standing still if another dimension exists in the same place as Prime continuum space. 
Banish:  Costs 3 psi point. The Psion causes massive damage to a Telluric entity. This is any creature or being that is visiting our dimension from another dimension, flux or telluric zone. The Psion rolls Psi + Telluric Control.  The target resits with Stamina + Power Trait. If the target is successful, they are stunned for one round but unharmed. If the psion is successful, the target is destroyed outright or knocked unconscious depending on what the psion chooses.

Distant Touch: Successes lets the character sense the surfaces of all objects and precisely the determine all movement in a radius of short range.  This removes all Complications or increased difficulty caused by reduced visibility. 
Nudge: This allows the Character to move one tiny object, but can spend one success to increase the size of to small.  They can move the item at a speed scale of 1, but may spend successes to increase it to scale of 2.
Telekinesis: * * *
Tow: Success lets the Ascended telekinetically move objects of up to their Size parameter within their range. Every two successes allow the Ascended to increase the object's size by a maximum of +1. The object moves at a scale speed of 1 or space speed 1. 
Remote Hands: If successful, the Ascended can manipulate objects up to their radius away. The telekinetic can use this power with their Power rating as Might. This lasts their mode dots in minutes. 
Velocity: Costs 1 psi point. The Ascended can increase or decrease the speed of any object by 1 scale per 2 successes. Space speed can be increased by 1 for every 3 successes. Targets the as large as the Ascended's size or lower can be increased by 1 for ever 1 success. This can also accelerate bullets or like sized objects to deal incredible damage.  Mode rating for Enhancements.  Tags for this attack can be Automatic, Brutal, Deadly, Piercing, and Spread.

Kirlian Eye: This allows the psion to detect flaws in any lifeforms pattern, such as sickness, damage, or other problems that life forms body is currently experiencing.
Knit: The psion automatically heals her most severe wound condition (7- Psi rating in hours) and this even effects Persistent wound conditions. As long as damage doesn't kill the psion outright they will always recover from any source of injury or disease in a few days.
Latrosis: * * *
Relief: Successes remove 1 point per success from Injury Conditions, Illnesses, or Status conditions that impose an increased difficulty. This last Mode dots in duration.
Accelerate: Success  rolled equal bonus Enhancements to resist damage from toxins, illness, or mental trauma and can divide the time needed to heal those afflictions by their Mode dots + Successes.
Mending: Costs 1 psi point. This allows them to heal a target by rolling Psi + Mode.  Bruised level = 1 success. Injured level = 2 successes, Maimed level = 4 successes, Status condition = 3 successes, Taken out or Dead (Life support only) = 5 successes.

Weather Sense Cunning and Constant. The Character is always aware of weather patterns and systems.
Levitate Costs 1 psi point. Intelligence and Momentary. The Character can cause themselves to float upward or negate any and all fall damage with this gift.


Suburbia: * -  Grew up in Yellow Springs, a college town with an intellectual culture.  (Skills: Culture, Empathy, Humanities, Technology.) (Edges: Artistic Talent, Big Hearted, Library, Patron, Wealth, Striking.)
Arlene Freemonte - Music and Band Teacher at Yellow Springs High.
Supernatural Beacon: * * *- Haunted and Stalked by Supernatural Events and Beings. Skills: (Empathy, Enigmas, Integrity, and Science). Edges: (Danger Sense, Iron Will, Cool Under Fire, Keen Sense, Indomitable, Striking, Minion, Legendary Minion). 
The Green Woman, Associated Nature Spirits - An ancient Nature Spirit that turned out to be Danan. The mother and watcher of life on Earth.
Bongo - Considered to be Neva's pet cat, this creature is a vastly powerful supernatural entity that has been drawn to her. Bongo is known by many names, but a few are the Cat King and the voice or the Avatar of Cats
Baba Yaga - Mythical and powerful Witch who has watched Neva for her entire life.  A creature of vast age and destructive power, Baba Yaga sees Neva as a kind of protege, at least for the moment.
Aeon Society: * * * - Works with the most respected and established organization for superhuman affairs in the world. Skills: (Humanities, Persuasion, Science, Larceny). Edges: (Followers, Library, Wealth, Alternate Identity, Artifacts, Well Informed, Wonderous Items.)
Master Han - Ancient Psionic Master, Founder of the Aeon Society.
James Black - Sevren's uncle and paranormal detective for the Aeon Society.
Director Thetis - Neva's fathers boss and Direct of Project Proteus, an enforcement and defensive branch of the Aeon Society. Essentially they are the monster hunters.
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.