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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
Athos immediately readies his magic as the monsters in the pit appear.  The druid tries to blasts the Giant Rat before the thing can jump out.

(Action - Storm strike to the Giant Rat.)
Initiative: 1d20+2 = 19
Stormbolt attack: 1d20+6 = 19
Stormbolt damage: 1d10 = 2
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initiative: 1d20+2 20

Grumbling, the dwarf banged his hammer against his shield and said aloud, Only ting' worse den a goblin, be an undead goblin!
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Kriv moved to where he could see into the hole and tried gathering fire to hurl at the skeletons.


Firebolt 1d20+7=11
Damage: 1d10=3
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Standing near the opening to the pit, he readied an attack against the first enemy coming into striking range.

Attack: 1d20+6 7
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Nightingale quickly throws a small dart she has hidden on her person at the giant rat before taking a few steps back from the edge.

Initiative: 1d20+4 8
Dart Attack: 1d20+6 18
Dart Damage: 1d4+4 6
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Arius seeing the rat and goblen skeletons in the pit below draws his Longbow, nocks an arrow and shoots at the rat.

Initiative =[1d20+4]=6+4=10

Longbow Attack =[1d20+6]=13+6=19
Longbow Damage =[1d8+4]=8+4=12
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initiative: [1d20+3]=12+3=15

If there is room, Miv will step toward the edge of the pit and use an Eldritch blast.  If there isn't enough room she will ready an action to blast anything that pops up out of the pit.

Range Attack: [1d20+5]=5+5=10, Damage: [1d10]=3
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Giant Rat Initiative: 1d20+2 = 20
Goblin Skeletons Initiative: 1d20+2 = 16
Giant Rat Bite Attack: 1d20+4 = 23 - HIT!
Giant Rat Bite Damage: 1d4+2 = 6
Goblin Skeleton Shortbow Attack on Arius: 1d20+4 = 6 - MISS!
Goblin Skeleton Shortbow Attack on Nightingale: 1d20+4 = 17 - MISS!

Ulfgar swung his hammer, but connected to nothing but air. The whiff spun the dwarf to such a degree that he tossed his warhammer into the pit.  It clanged about the base harmlessly. 
The Giant Rat jumps up the side and tries to bite Ulfgar. It latches onto his arm and rends his flesh from where the chainmail wasn't quite protecting the forearm. 
Aethos points toward the giant rat and a bolt of electricity sparks from his hand to strike the creature, but it kept moving.
Both Goblin Skeletons draw shortbows and fire. but luckily ones arrow goes wide of Arius and the second one made the mistake of aiming at Nightingale who literally sidestepped the projectile. 
Arius pulls his longbow and catches the rat right in the head as the creature falls away from the Dwarf.  It dies instantly. 
Nightingale flips a dart at one of the goblin skeletons, popping a sizable crack in it's skull but not dropping it. 
Mivia fires her magical bolt at one of the goblins but misses as the bolt blasts abit of rock to the left of the undead.
Kriv threw a firebolt at one of the skeletons but the fire hit harmlessly just above the thing.

(DM - Next Round. Post your Actions.)
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Kriv grumbles and tries his incantation again.

Firebolt: 1d20+7 = 18
Firebolt damage: 1d10 = 5
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Nightingale produces another dart from seemingly nowhere and flings it at the skeletons, but it passes through her target's ribcage to no effect.

Dart Attack: 1d20+6 9
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