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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
From his spot in the group, the stocky dwarf looked ahead to where the silent figure had moved, his gaze moving over the stonework. 

Perception: 1d20+4 19
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(DM - Arius, Nightingale and Ulfgar, the three of you roll Initiative.) 
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Initiative: 1d20+4 18
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Initiative =[1d20+4]=4+4=8
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initiative: 1d20+2 6
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The floor suddenly gives way around the spot Nightingale is inspecting and she falls in.  Arius and Ulfgar see this about to happen, but are unable to act fast enough to stop or catch her.

---Nightingale --- 

Nightingale steps forward to inspect the trap but triggers it. The floor falls in and a pit trap is revealed.  She falls into the pit. 

Pit Trap Initiative (Basically how fast it triggers): 1d20+3 = 23

(DM - Nightingale roll Acrobatics to see if you can avoid the damage from the trap.)
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Kriv seeing their companion fall into the trap opens his mouth in shock. It looks like he wants to say something but it all happens so fast.
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Arius notices the pressure plate just as Nightingale triggers it and drops from site, leaving feeling like he is in slow motion. Having seen his associates plunge into the pit trap, Arius immediately grabs his coil of hemp rope from his pack and moves to assist Nightingale.
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Nightingale finds the ground beneath her give way but ever wary, she attempts to use the walls of the pit to slow her descent and avoid hurting herself from the fall.
Acrobatics: 1d20+6 19
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Nightingale spins in mid-air and grabs the ledge of the stone as she falls, preventing her decent.  

Arius rushes up to her with his rope to help, but finds he doesn't need it, as the man reaches down easily enough to offer her a hand up from the side of the pit.  

No sooner than Nightingales feet are on solid ground again, than everyone notices movement in the pit below.  A giant rat squeals' at the group, angry that it's munching on a dead goblin was interrupted.  Against the far wall of the pit, two small goblin skeletons start to stand up. 

(DM- The monsters below are surprised. Everyone roll an Initiative check to establish action order and post your first action.)
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