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Droskar's Crucible
Toryn moved into the room and positioned himself near a wall, studying the two creatures intently. The animated statue seemed to be a security response of some sort, similar to how the wooden fetishes and cauldron at the witch's hut behaved.

Action 1: Stride
Action 2: Recall Knowledge homunculus: 1d20+7 27
Action 3: Recall Knowledge Statue: 1d20+7 24

(recall knowledge done with arcana/craft roll)
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Dunndero moves into the room and try to move to where he can attack the statue and not get in the parties way, and proceeds to try and smash the statue with his battle axe. the first hits solidly and the second atttack misses.

1. Move Action moves 25" towards the backwall beside the statue.
2. Glintaxe Battleaxe Attack Action; Glintaxe (Battleaxe +1) Attack = [1d20+11]=14+11=25 (Hit!), Glintaxe (Battleaxe +1) Damage =[1d8+5]=4+5=9 Damage.
3. 2nd Glintaxe Battleaxe Attack Action: 2nd Glintaxe (Battleaxe +1) Attack =[1d20+6]=8+6=14 (Miss!).
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Oriana had been silent for most of the time since the forge, brooding in her own thoughts as she kept a rear guard. As they saw movement in this bedroom though, she jumped into action.

Spying the small dwarven creature, Oriana steps inside the room and stands to the side to let the others pass if they needed to. Summoning her motes of fire and ice into the dazzling display around her once again, she flings one of the icy motes towards the smaller foe, hitting it dead on.

Inside the room the young woman was now also aware of the moving red eyed statue as well. She moves her feet into a defensive stance and raises her shield to protect from any potential attacks.

1st: Stride
2nd: Channel Elements + Elemental Blast on Homunculus. 1d20+9=27 Hit. 1d8=8 cold damage

3rd: Raise Shield.
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Attack: 1d20+9 27 Damage: 1d8+4 11 (-6) = 5

Striding in behind Oriana and adjacent to the statue, she swung her long sword bringing it down hard against the chipping away at it's stoney skin, before raising her shield against it's attack. 

1: Stride
2: Attack (hit) 5 damage
3: Raising her shield
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Breezy moves to where they can see the targets and aims for the smaller fleshy looking creature. Casting his needle darts spell again the druid grumbles when it misses.

1: Move
2 & 3: Attack Needle Darts:1d20+9=16
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Toryn was the first to react to the rooms inhabitants and he ducked around the corner into the room.  studying the two in the room. He realized the 6" creature was the creation of a wizard. The fact it appeared hostile immediately indicated the wizard was long dead...perhaps the skeleton lying across the anvil.  It would be easy enough to kill; no defenses per se except a normal non-living things immunity to things that effected the body like fatigue or bleeding. The Statue that was animating though would be as hard to take down as the cauldron was because stone was inherently difficult to damage.  ((-5 from damage)) The biggest thing to be wary of was the Homunculus had a poison bite ...the poison being stored in its body. The poison would sap the strength of the bitten if they could not resist it.

Breezy peered between the legs of theose in front of him and went to his staple attack spell and silvered darts flew from his outstretched hand for the tiny humanoid. He misjudged the height and the darts went over its head into the wall. The coin reappeared in his hand.

Oriana moved past Dunndero and Kallista into the doorway and gave but a moment thought before loosing a barrage of cold from her gate that froze the clay the creature had been made from. Its body moved a tad bit slower. With a glance at the statue beginning to move, she raised her shield. 

The tiny winged humanoid lept from the table and wings beating fast flew towards Oriana. She stuck her shield into the face of the creature at first, as it tried to bite her face, then it tried to fly around the shield to bite her and she kept the shield between her and the construct and it bit the shield....cursing at her as it did so.

Lucian heard someone say constructs, and he was having a hard time seeing them but could hear Larz and Dunderro talking about the gremlin looking one, so he ran forward and dodged past Oriana and around to the far corner. Then brought up his mystic shield as he studied his opponents. 

Larz did the same as Breezy, but his darts caught the flying miniature creation in the air putting holes in its claylike body. Then the dwarven cleric followed Lucian into the room and went into the corner by Toryn.

The statue finished animating and stepped around the anvil and intercepted Oriana in the doorway . She pushed the shield at the statue, as the metallic Maul held in the statues hands, one of them wearing a wicked looking metal gauntlet. The Maul smashed into her shield breaking it and pushing towards her chest. In an instant, Kallista was there, striking the haft of the maul with her blade and pushing it partially away.  A cascade of water nprovided a cushion against the force of the shield; but the shield was all but worthless now. Kallista blade continued its course, sliding down the haft and chipping away some of the stone holding it. Then the statue raised its arms again and brought the hammer down a second time; but the Kineticist dodged the clumsy chop of the hammer. The Statue had no thought to its assault just raise hammer and pound. 

Dunndero pushed past Oriana and spun bringing his axe around and caught the winged assailant in flight cutting it in half. The body fell to the ground. No reason not to make it so they only had to face one opponent.  Then on the backswing he tried to hit the Statue, but the axe strike was about 3" in front of it.

Kallista Then followed Dunndero and moved into a flanking position opposite Oriana and brought her blade again into the statue, chipping a gouge out of its shoulder, before raising her shield. 

26 Toryn
23 Breezy
23 Oriana  Shield Broken 8  damage
19 Lucian Mystic Shield +1 AC
17 Larz
15 Animated Statue
13 Dunndero
10 Kallista Shield Raised +2 AC

The Ceiling of this room is 12'


Brilliant Breeze AC:20 HP:41/41 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+7 WL:+11 Perception:+11 CDC:18 SDC:18
3nd Druid (Untamed) Male Leshy  (Leaf) Resistances: n/a Immunities: Fall Damage
Archtype/Dedication: Rogue Hero Points: 1 Reactions: Shield Block

Dunndero AC:21 HP: 44/44 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+9 WL:+7 Perception:+7 +2 Initiative CDC:19 SDC: n/a
3rd Fighter Male Half-Orc Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Wrestler Dedication Hero points: 1 Reactions: Reactive Strike, Shield Block, Bravery

Kallista AC:21 HP:47/47 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+6 WL:+8 Perception:+6 CDC:19 SDC: 16
3rd Champion Female Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Soulforger Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield Block, Retributive Strike

Larz  AC:18 HP:40/40 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+6 WL:+10 Perception:+8 CDC:18 SDC:18
3rd Cleric Male Dwarf  Resistances: fire-5 Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Medic Hero Points: 3  Reactions: Shield Block

Lucien AC:17 HP:26/26 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+7 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:19 SDC:19
3rd Wizard (Battle Wizard) Male Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archetype/Dedication: Psychic Hero (Infinite Eye) Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none

Oriana AC:18 HP: 47/47 Saves: FO:+11 RE:+9 WL:+8 Perception:+6 +2 Initiative CDC:19 SDC:19
3rd Kineticist {Dual Gate} Female Human Resistances: B/S weapon damage 3 Acid/Fire 6 Electricity 1 Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Dragon Disciple Hero Points: 3 Reactions: Deflecting Wave

Toryn AC:19 (20 vs Traps) HP: 38/38 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+11 WL:+7 (+1 vs Traps) Perception:+7 (+1 vs Traps) CDC:19 SDC:17
3rd Rogue (Thief) Male Gnome (Fey Touched) Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Bard (Enigma Muse) Hero Points: 3 Reactions: n/a


Elite Homunculus AC:19 HP: Destroyed Saves: FO:+4 RE:+9 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC: n/a

1 Construct Tiny  Resistances: n/a Immunities: Bleed, Death Effects, Disease, Doomed, Drained, Fatigued, Healing, Necromancy, Non-Lethal, Paralyzed, Poisoned, Sickened, Unconscious
Reactions: n/a

Elite Animated Statue AC:21 (17 when Broken) HP: 41/50 Saves: FO:+14 RE:+7 WL:+7 Perception:+11 CDC: 18 SDC:n/a ADC:23

4 Construct  Medium Resistances: n/a  Immunities: Bleed, Death Effects, Disease, Doomed, Drained, Fatigued, Healing, Necromancy, Non-Lethal, Paralyzed, Poisoned, Sickened, Unconscious
Reactions: n/a Hardness: 6
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Toryn circled the stone statue while it was otherwise occupied, waiting for the right opening to strike. Then he saw the opportunity; as soon as the statue started shifting its stance, the rogue immediately dropped his wakizashi and lunged at the creature's leg. With a well-timed shove to the back of the statue's knee, Toryn caused the animated object to lose it's balance and crash to the floor with the grinding crunch of stone hitting stone. Toryn followed that up with a strike while it was vulnerable on the ground, but his blade was unable to find a weak point to break through.

Action 1: Stride
Free Action: drop wakizashi
Action 2: Trip: 1d20+4 18 = statue prone
Action 3: Shortsword Strike (-4 MAP): 1d20+5 15 miss
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With the party fighting like a war machine, Larz sees no reason to get in the way. He choses instead to carefully examine the room for any hidden or secret compartments, after all if this was a wizards room what better place could you find to look.

1,2,3  Stride around room

(1d20+7=19 dwarven lore examining room)
(1d20+8=10 looking around bed perception)
                Hero Point
(1d20+8=10 looking around bed perception)
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Dunndero seeing Toryn trip the statue, goes into smash mode while in a position to flank the thing with Kallista. Dunderro 1st two hits take chips out if the stone, and his 3rd blow bits into the floor beside the statue.

1. Glintaxe Battleaxe Attack Action: Glintaxe (Battleaxe +1) Attack = [1d20+11]=11+11=22 +2 (Flanking) = 24 (Hit!), Glintaxe (Battleaxe +1) Damage =[1d8+5]=4+5=9 -6 (Hardness) = 3 Damage.
2. 2nd Glintaxe Attack Action: 2nd Glintaxe (Battleaxe +1) Attack =[1d20+6]=11+6=17 +2 (Flanking) = 19 (Hit!), Glintaxe (Battleaxe +1) Damage =[1d8+5]=2+5=7 -6 = 1 Damage.
3. 3rd Glintaxe Battleaxe Attack Action: 3rd Glintaxe Battleaxe Attack =[1d20+1]=5+1=6 +2(Flanking) = 8 (Miss!).
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Oriana shakes her arm from the force of the blows directed at it that resulted in it's broken state. Wiggling her arm free from the dead weight, the shield dropped to the ground at her feet. She knew she could collect it once this statue was dealt with.

The young woman summons freezing cold water to surround her hands before reaching out to grasp the statue. The water ran over its skin as such, but it seemed to have no affect on whatever the construct was made of.

Her shield down, Oriana took a step back to give herself and her allies a little room.

1st & 2nd: Elemental Blast. 1d20+9=14 Miss. Hero Point reroll. 1d20+9=12 Miss.

3rd: Stride.
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