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Droskar's Crucible
We can take time to explore the other rooms later, we still have a prisoner to save down stairs, Toryn if you please check the door, so we may proceed. After speaking Larz advance with the group to the door behind Dundero with his shield raised.
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Right you are, my bearded brethren. Toryn crept over to the northern door and pressed an ear to it near the ground, listening for signs of movement or life on the other side. Then, after testing the handle to see if it was locked, the gnome hurried back to his position and reported the results.

Actions: Sneaking to door then back to group. Picking a lock if needed.
Perception: 1d20+7 25
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As they start to leave the headless corpse, Lucian stops them pointing out the boots are magical. As they remove the boots they find a journal that was under the body. Most of its pages are too soaked in blood to be legible. However 1 page near the middle reads

I Warned Kemmrick  the secrets of the dwarves should remain beneath the ground, but he would not be placated. We;ve alread lost Martren and without  his divine guidance, we are truly lost in the dark. Monsters lurk in every shadow, but something worse jangles in the deep. I feel its evil from afar, like a blistering heat threatening to melt ay my soul. The Dark Smith might be forgotten, nut I fear one of his vile servants prowls these halls, keeping the fires of Droskar burning for hundreds of years.

Later on another page

...Their shrieks tore my courage from me and left my heart cold. I don't know what they did to me when that rancid-tsting lips locked on mine, but my thoughts jumble now, and my hair falls away in bloody clumps....If only Martren were here, he would know what sickness ails me and pray for my salvation. The only prayer I can muster i that this plague takes me before that hellish shackled servant of Droskar returns to drag me off in chains as he did Kemrick. I still hear his screams in my mind.

On the next page.

,,,Ears wet...thirst so thirst...lost in the dark...tongue gone now...itchy...face rot rot...blood tastes good...fly soon...fly...

The boots are easily identified as Arboreal Boots. [font="Century Gothic", CenturyGothic, AppleGothic, sans-serif]These soft leather boots are embossed with simple woodland scenes. ((OOC: The boots grant a +1 item bonus to Acrobatics and allow you to ignore difficult terrain from plants and fungi.))[/font]

[font="Century Gothic", CenturyGothic, AppleGothic, sans-serif]The doors to the room are made of iron and are not locked, and do not have any traps on them. [/font]
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Lucian raised an eyebrow and added in as he looked over the boots, "Yeah, we can come back to search for useful things and valuables later. Just so long as the rooms behind us are cleared of enemies and nothing is left that can ambush the group."

The wizard read the journal, flipping through the pages with great interest. The whole damn thing sounded ominous and the last passage written seemed the most ominous. It made Lucian's eye twitch to say the least as his voiced his thoughts while his mind worked through the journal notes, "He was infected with ... something. Whatever it was, I think it crawled out of him or I don't know... Unless something killed him before the transformation was completed." He sighed deeply, "I wouldn't count on that though. And if so, whatever infected him is likely still down here."

(Action - Recall Knowledge to figure out what creature might have done this as he looked over the corpse.)

Recall Knowledge Arcana: 1d20+9 = 17
Recall Knowledge Nature: 1d20+7 = 23
Recall Knowledge Religion: 1d20+7 = 26
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((what about Occult))
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Lucian pondered the situation further as he handed the Boots to Toryn for safekeeping and explained what they did for everyone. "Whoever thinks they might make the best use of these feel free."

(OOC - Oops, Spaced that one.)

Recall Knowledge Occult: 1d20+9 = 12
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Lucian considered the information he had and comes to the conclusion that it must have been a Vargouille a Daemon scavenger that resembles an overlarge head with wings and slight tentacles for crawling on the ground. They have a poison bite that curses and a helpless individual can be 'kissed' that infects them with a disease that causes their head to slowly, over a few days, come detached from the body transforming them into another Vargouille. He pauses wishing he could recall what Occult information he had on the creature.
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Hearing Lucien's description of the creature heightens Dunderro's alertness and he tries to sence such a creature trying to sneak up on the group and him.

Perception = [1d20+7]=9+7=16
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Toryn accepted the boots and silently offered a word of gratitude to the poor sod who no longer needed them. Hmm, I believe I could make efficient use of these actually. After giving them a quick inspection of his own, Toryn swapped boots and took a few test hops in his new digs, instantly feeling a noticeable pep in his step as soon as he laced up. The boots were definitely magical. Toryn gave his comrades a thumbs up in approval. Meanwhile, he racked his mind to see if he could recall any additional knowledge about Vargouilles. A flying tentacle head was definitely a...distinctive monster, that was for sure.

Casting Guidance on Self
Occult Check + Guidance: 1d20+8 23
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Toryn listened to Lucian as he put his boots on. Something tugged at the back of his mind and he snapped his fingers recalling hed heard of these creatures. They were reputed to have originated in the plane of Abaddon. Though not from here they could be found here in areas where death was high and plenty of bodies were found. They had a shriek that was unnerving and caused the person to be paralyzed with fear. It was easier to resist than the poison ...he also corrected Lucian, It wasnt a disease from their kiss...but rather a curse.
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