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Droskar's Crucible
seeing the worm like creature move towards Lars, Dunndero will move 5' along the wall to a position beside Larz, wherre he can help defend his friend with the Glintaxe. Asd he move into position he swings the Glintaxe back and forth in a wide arc hoping to drive it backwards.

1. Move Action:
2. Glintaxe Attack Action: Glintaxe (Battleaxe +1) Attack = [1d20+11]=8+11=19 (Miss!0
3. 2nd Glintaxe Attack Action: 2nd Glintaxe (Battleaxe +1) Attack =[1d20+6]=12+6=18 (Miss!)
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Breezy is not happy to have this strange creature suddenly land over him. The small leshy pulls out his silver lump of metal and casts Needle Darts at the creature.

1 & 2: Needle Darts1d20+9=26  Damage: 3d4=7
3: Raise Shield: AC increases to 22
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Seeing the creature coming down from the ceiling Larz sends up a quick prayer then a booming deep baritone. TRUDD!!! explodes above the molten metal pool the rippling sound wave effecting no one but the creature. After casting his spell the young cleric raises his shield.

1&2 cast Noise Blast
3 raise shield

(damage Noise Blast 2d10=18)
(Fort sv DC 18 1d20+7=21) saved 1/2 damage
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Toryn cautiously circled around the strange squid-worm...thing, looking for an opening to exploit. Suddenly, the Grick lashed out with its tentacles, catching Toryn by surprise, though the gnome's instincts kicked in and he was able to duck under the attack with relative ease. He recovered momentum and flanked the creature, slashing the wakizashi across the creature's exposed body as soon as it gave him an opening. The skin felt tough and resisted the blade's bite, but the gnome managed to draw blood nonetheless. Toryn then plunged his shortsword deep into the fresh cut and tore open a sizeable wound in the Grick's body.

Grick Reaction: Gripping Tentacles: 1d20+11 12 miss

Action 1: Stride to flank Grick
Action 2: Wakizashi Strike: 1d20+9 24 hit
Wakizashi damage: 1d4+4+1d6 11 -5 resist = 6 damage
Action 3: Shortsword Strike (-4 MAP): 1d20+5 25 crit!
Shortsword Damage: 1d6+4+1d6 11 x2 = 22 -5 resist = 17 damage

(OOC: sneak attack was 6 damage on first hit and 5 (10 with crit) on second strike, in case the Grick can't be flanked after its turn)
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Attack: 1d20+9 22 (hit) Damage: 1d8+4 10 (Long sword is magical/ Divine Ally) 
Attack: 1d20+4 13

Stepping past the Leshy, the Paladin's sword bit harshly into the side of the worm like creature. The divine spirit within the metal of the weapon adding magic to the edge of the blade. But her second attack missed as the monster responding to the first strike writhed out of the way of the second swing.

1: Stride
2: attack (hit)
3: Attack (missed)
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Lucian immediately raises his shield and fires a bolt of magic at the creatures. 

(Free Action - 5ft step to see the Grick target. Already moved on the map.)
(Action 1 - Casts Shield, +1 AC and gains Shield Block 5 Reaction.)
(Action 2 & 3 - Casts Phase Bolt, ignores up to 2 AC from Cover, on the Grick 1, shifts to Grick 2 if target is killed.)

Phase Bolt Attack Check]: 1d20+9 - 14 - Miss!
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Keeping an eye on their rear, Oriana was further away to react to the creatures climbing from the ceiling. Stepping into the forge room, she activated her dancing motes of ice and fire, slinging blasts of freezing cold water at both creatures, the first hitting dead one but the next went wide to avoid hitting Larz.

1st: Stride
2nd: Channel Elements. Elemental Blast (cold) on Grick 1. 1d20+9=21 Hit. 1d8=5 cold damage.
3rd: Elemental Blast (cold) on Grick 2. 1d20+4=12 Miss.
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after the tentacled worms crawled down towards them Larz, The Cleric Sand a prayer to Trudd and it travelled to behind the wyrm and then boomed out. The Worm seemed to flatten somewhat, but was not effected as greatly as Larz would wish. Then Lars raised up his shield in defense.

Breezy seeing the worm crawling down the wall towards him, touched a silver coin and those familiar darts which had become the Leshy's go to, flew unerringly to turn the tentacles into a pin cushion. Then he copied Larz' action by raising his shield in defense.

Lucian moved a few steps to see the creatures and cast a spell that had a bolt of force flying towards it target just out of phase with this reality, It missed the target and hit the wall tearing a few chunks of masonry out of it.
((OOC: Theres no free 5' steps in pf2 was there a feat you were using that I dont know about?))

Dunndero stepped next to the worm and Larz, and swung his axe twice. He was still stiff from the day before and it caused him to be off his normal game. 

Kallista moved to within striking distance, and her sword moved almost of its own volition slicing into the side of the aberration. She then tried to hit it on the backswing, but it lurched to the side, dodging the divine blade.

Oriana moved into the room and her gate opened and she directed to blasts of icy sleet at the two creatures. The ice melted in the air as it passed over the superheated air above the forge, making Oriana flinch knowing next time she had to make the water colder. The worm next to Breezy though caught the blast on its back 

Toryn avoided a tentacle as he moved into position, and with two slices cut down the creature who was eyeing the Leshy for lunch.


Next Round

The creature flailed at Larz with tentacles and tried to bite him with its strange birdlike beak. One tentacle Hit the dwarfs shield and did not get through to the dwarf. Merely putting a dent in the shield.

 ((Note these creatures have Attacks of Opportunity. I put their combat stats in their stat block. if you are or move through an adjacent square, roll their attack and damage on your character If you crit, it stops your movement and you are grabbed by them. Remember a Crit is a nat 20 or 10 above your ac))

Initiative Order
26 Grick 
26 Larz Shield Raised +2 AC (shield 2 damage)
25 Breezy Raised 
25 Lucian
24 Dunndero
22 Kallista
17 Oriana
15 Toryn


Brilliant Breeze AC:20 HP:41/41 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+7 WL:+11 Perception:+11 CDC:18 SDC:18
3nd Druid (Untamed) Male Leshy  (Leaf) Resistances: n/a Immunities: Fall Damage
Archtype/Dedication: Rogue Hero Points: 1 Reactions: Shield Block

Dunndero AC:21 HP: 44/44 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+9 WL:+7 Perception:+7 +2 Initiative CDC:19 SDC: n/a
3rd Fighter Male Half-Orc Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Wrestler Dedication Hero points: 1 Reactions: Reactive Strike, Shield Block, Bravery

Kallista AC:21 HP:47/47 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+6 WL:+8 Perception:+6 CDC:19 SDC: 16
3rd Champion Female Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Soulforger Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield Block, Retributive Strike

Larz  AC:18 HP:40/40 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+6 WL:+10 Perception:+8 CDC:18 SDC:18
3rd Cleric Male Dwarf  Resistances: fire-5 Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Medic Hero Points: 3  Reactions: Shield Block

Lucien AC:17 HP:26/26 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+7 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:19 SDC:19
3rd Wizard (Battle Wizard) Male Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archetype/Dedication: Psychic Hero (Infinite Eye) Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none

Oriana AC:18 HP:47/47 Saves: FO:+11 RE:+9 WL:+8 Perception:+6 +2 Initiative CDC:19 SDC:19
3rd Kineticist {Dual Gate} Female Human Resistances: B/S weapon damage 3 Acid/Fire 6 Electricity 1 Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Dragon Disciple Hero Points: 3 Reactions: Deflecting Wave

Toryn AC:19 (20 vs Traps) HP: 38/38 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+11 WL:+7 (+1 vs Traps) Perception:+7 (+1 vs Traps) CDC:19 SDC:17
3rd Rogue (Thief) Male Gnome (Fey Touched) Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Bard (Enigma Muse) Hero Points: 3 Reactions: n/a


Grick (x2) AC:20  HP: Dead, 26/35 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+10 WL:+10  Perception:+8  CDC:17 SDC: n/a
Aberration 3 Resistances: Physical Attacks 5 (except magic) Immunities: n/a
Reactions: AOO- "Gripping Tentacles" If Adjacent and perform a move action get attack. +11 1d8+6. If Crit cannot move
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Again Larz prays to his God this time his seeks his Gods guidance as he grasp a coin and flicks his wrist at the worm like creature. instead of a coin four thin darts of silver fly at the creature but alas his aim is off and the darts fly harmlessly to one side of the creature. Larz again raises his shield defensively.

1&2 cast needle darts
3 raise sheild

(to hit 1d20+8+9) miss
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Seeing the one die in front of him the druid turned his attention to the other one and again hurled needles of silver at it.

1 & 2: Attack: 1d20=27 Damage: 3d4=6
3: Raise Shield
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