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Droskar's Crucible
Nodding at the Dwarf's suggestion, the Paladin, sword and shield in hands, followed, walking slowly toward the large lit up room.
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Dunndero nods and follows Larz orders saying, "Aye! Sir!".
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Breezy wasn't sure how it felt about the military nature of the group. But the small druid leshy was just happy to follow along. It kept an eye out to make sure nothing snuck up on them. Honestly after a little rest, and the early joy of a bit of sunlight the druid felt a lot better, so he literally skipped along after the others.
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Oriana falls in the back to protect the rear of the group. The orders were nice, it reminded her of home. Plus having someone else do that kind of thinking let her brain work through what she planned for the wizard when she caught up with him.
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The night before was hard. Healed as they were, they were still very sore and the flagstones of the prison and armory were not very forgiving to their sore bodies, Even padded with a bedroll. Edgrin and Barlus helped with watch and Barlus was up early looking for food and brought back some more potatoes and berries and a wild boar dressed and cleaned he had brought down. At least theyd start the day well fed. Hed also filled all their waterskins early.

What was disturbing was they all had dreams...no... nightmares.  A shadowy, inky darkness was seeping up and around all in the vale. Infecting those alive with a darkness. Illness was ever present. Little sleep was had. the living had shadow circles under their eyes, and tempers flared.  Fights were deadly with no quarter given, even among family and friends. and it seemed...death...was welcome.

The disturbing nightmare was past though when they awoke, and after preparing for the day. The group headed back down into the halls below the monastery. Back in the room of the fallen statue of obsidian, a slight discussion occurred about where to go next, and it was determined to see what else the ruins of this floor had before descending. They turned right and headed towards the slight glow of the room to they had skirted yesterday. 

At the Center of this large stone chamber is a deep pit filled with molten slag and sizzling blood that casts a hellish red gleam on the walls. Three narrow chutes open directly above the pit. The air is oppressively hot and ash floats in the air, bringing back thoughts of the cavern they fought the Forge Spurned in yesterday. A set of double doors go out the northern side of the chamber.


Brilliant Breeze AC:20 HP:41/41 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+7 WL:+11 Perception:+11 CDC:18 SDC:18
3nd Druid (Untamed) Male Leshy  (Leaf) Resistances: n/a Immunities: Fall Damage
Archtype/Dedication: Rogue Hero Points: 1 Reactions: Shield Block

Dunndero AC:21 HP: 44/44 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+9 WL:+7 Perception:+7 +2 Initiative CDC:19 SDC: n/a
3rd Fighter Male Half-Orc Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Wrestler Dedication Hero points: 1 Reactions: Reactive Strike, Shield Block, Bravery

Kallista AC:21 HP:47/47 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+6 WL:+8 Perception:+6 CDC:19 SDC: 16
3rd Champion Female Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Soulforger Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield Block, Retributive Strike

Larz  AC:18 HP:40/40 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+6 WL:+10 Perception:+8 CDC:18 SDC:18
3rd Cleric Male Dwarf  Resistances: fire-5 Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Medic Hero Points: 3  Reactions: Shield Block

Lucien AC:17 HP:26/26 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+7 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:19 SDC:19
3rd Wizard (Battle Wizard) Male Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archetype/Dedication: Psychic Hero (Infinite Eye) Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none

Oriana AC:18 HP:47/47 Saves: FO:+11 RE:+9 WL:+8 Perception:+6 +2 Initiative CDC:19 SDC:19
3rd Kineticist {Dual Gate} Female Human Resistances: B/S weapon damage 3 Acid/Fire 6 Electricity 1 Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Dragon Disciple Hero Points: 3 Reactions: Deflecting Wave

Toryn AC:19 (20 vs Traps) HP: 38/38 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+11 WL:+7 (+1 vs Traps) Perception:+7 (+1 vs Traps) CDC:19 SDC:17
3rd Rogue (Thief) Male Gnome (Fey Touched) Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Bard (Enigma Muse) Hero Points: 3 Reactions: n/a
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Toryn squeezed in between Kallista and Dunndero and took a peek into the room, squinting as the heat from the molten metal suddenly smacked him across the face. He was not unfamiliar with the blaze of an active forge, being an amateur blacksmith himself, but he never laid eyes on a foundry this massive before.

Oh my, that is a rather large pool of molten metal. Toryn remarked out loud. He scanned the room with curiosity as his eyes adjusted to the heat-wave. Aside from the blistering centerpiece and the tubes above, there didn't seem to be anything else of interest at first glance and the gnome preferred not to singe off the rest of his arm and nose hair by moving in any closer than necessary.

Search: 1d20+7 25
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Not wanting Toryn going in alone Larz to moves just to the entrance open arch way. Hey Toryn something doesn't seem right here could you give the room a once over for traps. 
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Note to self, buy a couple pairs of clothes when I get to town, figures we enter hell and I'm wearing winter attire, the Paladin nearly chuckled aloud as she side stepped enough to let the gnome pass between her and the half orc, yeah, make yourself useful Oogletits and avoid making friends with anymore Jellies. She said teasingly as she looked about the room in a quick survey. 

Perception: 1d20+6 10
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Dunndero surveys the chamber bever before seeing such a foundry, seeing if his eyes can catch any sign of something that stands out from the rest of the chamber.

Perception = [1d20+7]=11+7=18
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Breezy moves up to help the gnome scout. The small Leshy is used to finding things others miss, if you asked him it would be because most of them are taller than him.

Aid   Perception: 1d20+11=22
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