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Droskar's Crucible
Kerrdremak nodded at Lucian and said Very well. Thank you for letting us pass. Oh this elevator is guarded below . Its a 30' drop to the top of a Garbage pile. Last thing, The Elevator can only support 1 of your height, or two of my height. It will break and drop if more get in. Good Luck to you smooth skins.
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Shouldering her shield and returning the long sword to it's scabbard at her back, the paladin released the thin robe securing the katana at her right hip and pulled forth the slightly curved blade. Held in both hands, she looked to Lucian and nodded her readiness to him, then returned her nephilim gaze back to the cave, preparing to enter.
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through the mist, Kallista could see a pair of red eyes gazing back briefly then she couldnt. as rolls of hot steam broiled out.
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Dunndero looks over at Kallista standing beside him giving her a big toothy grin showing his large orchish canines and says, I take it this means we are about to start a serious fight, we'll it's a good thing we didna get dressed fer nutin! On yer signal!", he says while trying to light the cave with the continual Flame from the Glintaxe.
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I'm a Paladin of Iomedae, not a fool, Kallista said as she stepped back from the mouth of the cave, can any of you throw some light into the cave, even as she steps to bit to the side, keeping her guard up.
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Toryn waved goodbye to the kobolds. He seems like a nice fellow. Perhaps more of them will see reason. The gnome hefted his weapons and got into his usual sneaky position. Onto the next challenge then!
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[OoC: the Glintaxe provides the light of a torch as it has continual flame]
(03-26-2024, 10:24 PM)Kallista Wrote: I'm a Paladin of Iomedae, not a fool, Kallista said as she stepped back from the mouth of the cave, can any of you throw some light into the cave, even as she steps to bit to the side, keeping her guard up.
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When Kalista asks for light to be cast the young cleric pulls his cross bow from his shoulder, after casting light on a bolt he fires it down the tunnel. Let their be light.

cast light on boltr
shoot bolt 1d20+5=18
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Larz fired a crossbow bolt into the wall enchanted with light on it. The bolt broke in half when it hit the wall, but the light still emitted. The biggest issue was now the broiling steam was well lit and there was glare everywhere. There was no apparent opponent in the snaking cave that went in about 30' before turning north. The tunnel at times was split by rocky outcroppings and fluctuated from 10' wide to 3' wide Heat emanated from around the corner to the north.
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Dunndero will move with Kallista using the Glintaxe as a torch.
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