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Treasure Obtained
From Sherrif

Onyx Dog- Lucian Holding
10 Gold- distributed to Party.

From Lady Gensar

Low Grade Silver Longsword- Dunndero

Purchased from Varmos Harg

A Map of The Vale- Lucian
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At Ulzmilla's

6 Gold of Carved Wood Figurines - Toryn holding
Soulspeaker Amulet- Toryn Holding
Flask of Acid (Lesser) - Oriana
Glue Bomb (Lesser)- Oriana
Antidote (Lesser)- Larz
Elixer of Darkvision Used
Elixer of Life (Lesser)- Kallista
Jar of Silver Salve- Toryn

Barlus' Backpack (Flint and steel, 50' rope, waterskin, 1 week rations)- Given back to Barlus
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From Backpack in Courtyard

50' rope- Dunndero
Thieves Tools- Toryn
42 Silver-Split among party members
Minor Healing Potion-Dunndero

From Courtyard

Graypelts Fur- Kallista
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From Armory/Wolves Den

Finely Crafted Crossbow (30 Gold)- Dunndero
708 Silver Pieces- split among party
Wand of Burning Hands- Lucian
Mutagen of The Juggernaut (Moderate)- Dunndero
+1 Weapon Potency Runestone- Kallista
+1 Hand Axe (weapon potency)- Dunndero
20 Gold Pieces- Split among party
Dwarven Book of Prayers (15 gold)- Larz
Gecko Potion- Toryn
Versatile Tinderbox- Toryn
2 Freezing Crossbow Bolts- Dunndero

From Cloak Room

Dwarven Clan Dagger With Rune to Droskar- Larz
2 Platinum Pieces- Breezy

14 Ironbloom Mushrooms- Breezy
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From Prison

5 gold pieces worth of costume jewelry (Toryn)
Ring of Torag (Fire Resistance)- ??

From Library

Illustrated Dwarven Hymnal (25 Gold)- Larz
Scroll of Spiritual Weapon- Larz

From Gurtlekep

Thieves Tools- Breezy

From Gurtlekeps Room

102 Silver pieces- split among party
Sterling Artisans Tools (stonemasonry)-Larz
Sterling Artisans Tools (Gemcutting)-Larz
2 Garnets worth 30 gold pieces each...that can be used in Torags Chapel for healing.--Larz
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From Gelatinous Cube

Druingars Full Plate Armor ---Dunndero
--Price 30 gp; AC Bonus +6; Dex Cap +0; Check Penalty -3; Speed Penalty -10 ft.
Strength 18; Bulk 4; Category Heavy; Group Plate
Bulwark: The armor covers you so completely that it provides benefits against some damaging effects. On Reflex saves to avoid a damaging effect, such as a fireball, you add a +3 modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier.

The GlintAxe: +1 Battleaxe with Continual Flame on it.---Dunndero
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Off Ygrik The Jailer's Body

+1 Flying Talon  Price: 36 Gold, Damage: 1d4 Piercing Bulk 1. Hands 1 Group: Flail---Toryn carrying
-Traits: Agile, Finesse, Kobold, Ranged trip, Tethered, Thrown: 10', Trip.
---Jailers Keys--Toryn
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From the hidden Cache in the Kitchen of The Crucible

A Moderate Elixer of Eagles Eye--Toryn,
A Moderate Serene Mutagen, and a Moderate Silvertongue Mutagen--Toryn
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From the Monks Bunkhouse

Scroll of Remove Curse.--Lucian
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Runes of Potency, Striking, and Flaming- Larz
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.