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Chapter 1: Hollows Last Hope
Aye lassie, them flappers turnt out the lights and jumped me before, I even got a peek. 
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Breezy makes sure to relay to Dunndero that the kobolds haven't moved yet that it can tell.
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Lucian sighs in relief when the nasty things give up on their prey.  Now it was just a matter of clearing them out.  He helps Harley and Larz if they need it.  Now that the things were visible, it was easy enough to blast the them with fire to help uncilng them from the ceiling.   The wizard nods to Harley, "Seems like I need to learn how to make more of those potions." 

He moved over next to Toryn, "You recognize these things?"

The wizard also tries to recall anything he might have learned about these creatures from word of mouth or from his dangerous beasts classes.

Recall Knowledge: 1d20+7 = 17
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Indeed! This is a darkmantle, or as the academics call them, a "ceiling squid". Toryn rubbed his beard sagely as he relayed what he knew about the beasts to Lucian. This is the first time I've encountered one outside of a bestiary though. I suppose we'll need to keep one eye trained on the ceiling as we adventure deeper into the ruins. Ah, if only my old uncle Tanver Genveremble was here with us. He had a wandering left eye you know. Terrible depth perception, but you could never sneak up on him!
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disposing of the dead darkmantles was easy after they were dead.. Then Larz went back to looking at the Altar. He could tell this once was a shrine to Torag, but it must have been defaced by the followers of Droskar. Of note are the 5 depressions in the top of the defaced Anvil, each the size of a large gemstone. 1 looks to be scorched. 4 look to be dirty but unspent. Larz has heard of this before at other shrines to Torag. Gems could be placed in the depressions one time each and the gem would disappear and Torag would answer with a wave of healing energies and a blessing from Torag for an immediate battle....now there was an open door next to the shrine and and a closed one across the hall on an angle left in this area. As well as the tower and maybe the rubble of the tower on the other side to explore. or of course they could venture downstairs....

((need a consensus or someone to take point on the exploration once 4 have posted I advance unless a room is entered or a door opened..))
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Larz trys to tend his own wounds but is distracted by the alter, there's something real familiar about it. So Larz stops wrapping his wounds and goes to give the alter a much closer look. When Lucian walks into the room to look around Larz motions him over. Hey capin this here is a battle anvil, I seen one used before at the battle of the crystal bridge. Me Paw was a front line battle warden, and me Maw was a war priestess of Torag, I was just a bandage boy back then. Anyways when the liners would get all beat up, me Maw would gather a passel of um around the anvil. Then she sit this special gem stone in one of them depressions. A wave of healing magics washed over troops, as well as a battle blessing. It made the men fight like devils for about an hour.He paused for a second then continued. I think I'll be rememberin what those special rocks look like when I seeum. This here could make a damn nice battle camp with just a little work. Ifin we get in trouble we could fall back here. Drop a rock on the anvil. Then it's all about boot stompin, shield slapping, and head bashin.He paused again then adds You give the word, and I'll gather up Harly and Toryn and start searchin for them stones. 
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Seeing Larz's distraction with the alter stopping him from being able to treat the last of his wounds that his prayer didn't get to, Oriana stepped up, opening herself to the healing waters she had access to.

Placing a hand on the dwarf's shoulder, the young lady gave him a stern nod. "Let me help with the last of those nicks." she said as the salty waters filled his cuts and washed away the last of his pain.

Hearing Larz's suggestion of this place being a good one to fall back to if required, Oriana scopes the place out, seeing how she would guard such a place if she had to from when she was among her people.


Ocean's Balm on Larz. 1d8=7 HP restored.

How to guard this place. Lore: Warfare 1d20+3=20.
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Dunndero seeing that Breezy is fine and the kobalds have yet to take advantage of the partied distraction with the Darkwings, begins to finish the job of moving racks and shelving from the armory snd building the stairwell barricade, to make impassable to the konalds
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while moving racks Dunndero pauses and looks at a wall in the corner of the armory. He notices the bricks are of a different color and look worn differently. then he glances at the floor and sees the flagstones show were and scuff marks like somebody was walking into the wall.

Looking at the shrine, Oriana sees a door going to into the side room adjacent to it and realizes until they know whats in that room defending this is impossible. Once they know what that room holds, then maybe it could if that room was secured from entry.
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"Hey! I think I spotted a concealed door here in the armory!, Dunndero announces loadly to the group, as he begins examining the area looking for a way to open it.
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