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Chapter 1: Hollows Last Hope
Breezy moves across the foyer and opens the door to what appears to be a cloakroom. This small chamber was used to store the travelling cloaks, coats and hats of visitors to the monastery. Now only a few motheaten rags hang on the pegs while a single soiled hat rests on the table. Maybe because the Leshy is so close to the ground, or maybe because he has an affinity to things in the plant kingdom..who knows...but Breezy can see a single Ironbloom Mushroom next to the table leg in the cloakroom.
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After leaving the corpse in the courtyard for burning later Larz goes back in the building, passing Oriana the young cleric enters the church proper and searches the alter and Sancturary.

(perception 1 nd20 + 6 +8)
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Breezy gathers the mushroom. Then turns a to Oriana and gestures to the rags. "Might make good fire starter if we want to use it for that." the druid says.
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Toryn was securing the coinage and Lucian was placing the wand on his belt. Satoru looking over the crossbow and the bolts. While Arielle watched the stairs. Dunndero and Harley went back to the armory for an armor stand, their barricade beginning to look impressive. Breeze moved in and plucked up the one Ironbloom Mushroom and came out to talk to Oriana who was standing guard , shield raised. Larz had moved past Oriana and entered the chapel and moved down to the altar to look it over. Atop the altar, which resembles a large anvil, are 5 hexagonal depressions . The pews in the room are not secure and have been moved a bit. 

Suddenly Oriana see's 4 globules the size of an Orange drop from the ceiling (where the red circles are) and when they hit the floor the room is plunged into total darkness not allowing any light to enter at all. It takes a second for Larz's eyes to eyes to adjust but then he can see in shades of gray. Oriana finds the area surrounding her covered in darkness that she cannot see within. Breeze sees the darkness in front of him and cannot see Larz nor Oriana.


26 Oriana (Shield Raised)
25 Dunndero
22 Larz 
19 Satoru
19 Arielle

17 Darkmantle (x4)---are Unnoticed. 
16 Lucian (+1 AC Mystic Armor)
15 Breezy
13 Harley 
11 Toryn

Brilliant Breeze AC:18 HP:18/18 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+5 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Druid (Storm) Male Leaf Leshy Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: Fall Damage
Reactions: Shield Block

Dunndero  AC:18 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+7 WL:+3 Per ception:+5 CDC:17 SDC: n/a
1st Fighter Male Half-Orc Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero points: 1 Reactions: Attack of Opportunity, Shield Block

Harley AC:17 HP:22/22  Saves: FO:+7 RE:+5 WL:+6 Perception:+6 CDC:17 SDC:n/a
1st Barbarian Female Human Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none. 

Larz AC: AC:16 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+4 WL:+8 Perception:+5 CDC:16 SDC:16

1st Cleric Male Dwarf Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 1  Reactions:Shield Block
Lucian AC:15 HP:14/14 Saves: FO:+3 RE:+5 WL:+7 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Wizard (Universalist) Male Human Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 1 Reactions: none

Oriana AC:16 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+7 WL:+4 Perception:+4 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Kineticist {Water} Female Human Archetype: n/a Resistances: B/S weapon damage 1 Acid/fire 2 Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 1 Reactions: Deflecting Wave

Satoru AC:14 HP:21/21 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+4 WL:+5 Perception:+3 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Summoner Male Kitsune (Empty Sky) Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities n/a
Hero Points: 1 Reactions: none
Arielle AC:18 HP:21/21 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+7 WL:+4 Perception:+3- CDC: n/a SDC: n/a

Fey Trickster Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: none

Toryn AC:17 HP:12/18 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+9 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC:14
1st Rogue (magical misfit) Male Gnome (Fey Touched) Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: none


Darkmantle AC:15  HP:20/20,20/20,20/20,20/20 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+7 WL:+4 Perception:+6 CDC:- SDC:-
1 Beast  Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: n/a

(So with this fight we will be learning the rules about the degrees of detection and senses...and lighting. 

  • Unnoticed- Unaware of presence. need a perception check vs DC 17 in this case, to make the creatures Undetected. 
  • Undetected- You are flat footed against them. (or vice versa if they dont detect you). Can guess which square they are in to target. need to succeed vs DC 11 flat check. A seek action first can make the creature Hidden if successful.
  • Hidden- You are flat-footed against them. need to succeed vs DC 11 flat-check to target. A seek action can make them Observed if successful.
  • Observed- actions as normal.
  • Concealed- need a successful DC 5 flat check to target. A seek action can make them observed if they can be.)
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"Might need help in here!" Oriana barks as her vision goes to black.

Tapping into her elemental gate, she summons forth a ball of fire to her hand to try and light the space once again.

1st: Channel Elements
2nd & 3rd: Base Kinesis. Summon a ball of fire to her hand to hopefully light the room.
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When what little light they had goes out Larz peers around in the darkness attempting to find the source of the darkness. He can't think of any creature that he knows of that is capable of causing magical darkness, As he raises his shield to better his defense against what ever is about to attack them the young cleric yells to the others, Get out of the darkness!

1st Perception
2nd Recall knowledge nature
3rd Raise shield

(perception roll vs DC 17 // 1 d20+6=12)
(recall knowledge nature DC 12 // 1 d20+3+8)
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Hearing Oriana's and then Larz's call, Harley set down the weapons rack she and Dunndero had be hefting, turned and headed down the hall. Rounding the corner, the tattoo upon her back flaring to life and raising a shimmering shield of force in the air before her. 

Action 1 - Setting down the rack
Action 2 - Stride
Action 3 - Raise magic shield (+1 to AC)
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Toryn was on his way out to inspect the door leading into the double rooms when he heard the commotion. He quickly followed in Harley's footsteps and discovered the wall of darkness as he turned the hallway corner. This was clearly no ordinary darkness, as any ambient light simply failed to penetrate into the room. Toryn searched his mind for who or what could possibly manifest such a power.

Actions 1+2: Stride 50 ft total
Action 3: Recall Knowledge (arcana): 1d20+5 18
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Hearing Oriana's and then Larz's call of alert, Dunndero drops his load and heeads up the hallway with Harley, his battle axe At the ready, saying, "Wutz up?".

1. Interact with Object: - Setting down the rack
2. Move Action: - Stride up the hallway with Harley
3. Perceive Action: - perception check vs DC 17, Perception = [1d20+5]=18+5=23 (Success) = Undetected
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Satoru blinks as he hears Oriana calling for help.  That was significant, given how impressive she had been against the wolfpack.  He glances over at Arielle to see a similar thought seemingly running across her face despite the lack of a shared language.  They both rush to the door to see…nothing.  Blackness.  Two pairs of brows knit in similar confusion as they, again, act in unison.  Arielle stares into the inky blackness as Satoru decides to see if it is something that can be wiped clean.


Action: Act Together (2 actions)
Actions 1 + 2: Satoru casts Prestidigitation on the inky mess.
Action 3: Arielle stares into the soulless blackness to attempt to find…something. Perceive Action: Perception +3 —> 7
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