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Chapter 1: Hollows Last Hope
[OoC: Sorry to post so late, but I went to Dialysis yesterday morning and had a minor heart scare and was transferred via ambulance to the hospital in the next city over for a slew of test starting at 11:20AM, and was not discharged until 4Am and with the winter storm (Nor-easter) we got here yesterday IO did not get home until almost 5AM, so I have been in recovery mode today! ]
Dunndero will switch between his battle-axe and the silver longsword upon hearing the wolf howls. "Ready your silver these may be lacanthropes!", shouts Dunndero as he swaps his weapon, while maintaining his position beside Oriana and Breezy in order to provide them his defense.
1. Interact: stow battle-axe
2. Interact : switch to silver longsword
3. Attack: (melee attack) attack the nearest wolf with the silver longsword.

Silver Longsword Attack =[1d20+9]=6+9=15, Silver Longsword Damage =[1d8+4]=2+4=6
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Toryn moved through the overgrown weeds and crouched low ready to strike the first wolf that came into view.

Lucien seeing the wolves dart out to his left, looks to the door in front of him and Lars and says acouple words in Arcannum and suddenly he has a glowing shield of purple energyand incased in puprle armor

A smaller wolf ran across Satoru and Harley's vision at the front gate. another ran right up to in front of Arielle, with a growl on their face. The Fey creature knew it was abnormal for wolves to assault as such, there must be a reason....yet another came running up to the front gate.

suddenly the sound of nails on flagstones at a run announces the presence of a pair of wolves, one burst through the door directly in front of Oriana and as it started towards her at a charge, out of the weeds, Tolyns slice was well timed and met the wolf cutting it across its face and side as the gnome caught it by surprise as he appeared out of the brush. The wolf yelped and leaped to the side severely injured. It turned and barked and growled hesitating. Right behind it though a second wolf appeared running right past Toryn to snap at Oriana. She instinctively interposed her shield between her and its snapping jaws. The force if its attack  left deep fang marks in the shield snapping off a few inches of the stout wooden shield. Shield blocks 3 of 7 other 4 damage shield. BC: 6 Destroyed 12 

Barging around the corner hard and fast near Lars was a 3rd wolf running right towards him. He pushed out with his hammer keeping the wolf temporarily at bay. finally a 4th wolf charged out into the courtyard pausing and growling a step behind the one biting at Lars.

From Stealth behind the well and touching the coin he kept in his leafy pouch were launched, but such was his startlement at having the wolf right beside him almost through off his aim, but he focused and sent the barrage of needle like silver darts into the wolfs flank causing it to yelp again, and spin to look at the little lump of leaves. Breezy immediately back pedalled and rushed around the well and behind Dunndero.

Satoru, realizing hes on the front line at the gate backs up next to Lucian and sends his thoughts through the shared Link to Arielle increasing her alertness and giving her the orders so they act as one. (move and cast Protect Eidelon. Arielle moves.). Arille in turn backs away from the advancing wolf until she stands in front of Satoru. (The sheet in your link isnt complete so I was unsure what else to do, but this at least is in complete)

Harley readied her hammer to fight and then looked at the further away larger wolf and sent two whirling darts of purple energy at the larger wolf and they hit his body stopping him from howling as he jerked his head down to see Harley standing there flipping him off.

Oriana, keeping the shield between her and the snapping jaws, opened the gate to the elemental fields of fire and water and wove them to pull all the heat out of the air causing it to become like ice as she focused the water into an icy blast towards the wolf. his frenzy through off her aim though even as she attempted to re-focus and the ice coated the wall above the doorway.

Lars holding his ground against the wolf lunging at him, pushed back with his hammer once and then reached into his pocket and touched as silver coin he kept there just as Breezy did, and said a quick prayer that caused the coin to turn to a barrage of small silver needles that blasted into the head and chest of the snarling wolf causing it to jump back in pain. 

Dunndero slipped the axe into its loop on his belt and drew his newly obtained sword, wondering if they had a werewolf among them, and stepped forward to get into striking distance and keep the wolves from getting to Breezy or Lucien and Satoru.

Initiative Order

25 Graypelt
22 Pack Leader
22 Toryn (stealth)
19 Lucien (+1 AC for shield  +2 for armor)
18 Gurtlekep (Stealth)
17 Wolves
17 Breezy (stealth)
16 Satoru
16 Arielle (+2 to ac)
11 Harley
9 Oriana (shield raised)
9 Dundero 
6 Lars

Combat summary

Brilliant Breeze AC:18 HP:18/18 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+5 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Druid (Storm) Male Leaf Leshy Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: Fall Damage
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield Block

Dunndero  AC:18 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+7 WL:+3 Per ception:+5 CDC:17 SDC: n/a
1st Fighter Male Half-Orc Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero points: 3 Reactions: Attack of Opportunity, Shield Block

Harley AC:17 HP:17/17 Saves: FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:16 SDC:16
1st Bard Female Dhampir Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none. Harmed by positive energy. healed by negative

Lars AC: AC:16 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+4 WL:+8 Perception:+5 CDC:16 SDC:16

1st Cleric Male Dwarf Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 0  Reactions:Shield Block
Lucien AC:15 HP:14/14 Saves: FO:+3 RE:+5 WL:+7 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Wizard (Battle Magic) Male Human Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none

Oriana AC:16 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+7 WL:+4 Perception:+4 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Kineticist {Water/Fire} Female Human Archetype: n/a Resistances: B/S weapon damage 1 Acid/fire 2 Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Deflecting Wave

Satori AC:16 HP:19/19 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+6 WL:+5 Perception:+3 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Summoner Male Kitsune (Empty Sky) Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities n/a
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none
Arielle AC:18 HP:19/19 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+7 WL:+6 Perception:+4- CDC: n/a SDC: n/a

Angelic Emmissary Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: none

Toryn AC:17 HP:18/18 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+9 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC:14
1st Rogue (magical misfit) Male Gnome (Fey Touched) Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 1 Reactions: none


Gurtlekep AC:20  HP:45/45 Saves: FO:12 RE:+10 WL:+7 Perception:+9 CDC:- SDC:-
3 Kobold Lookout Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: n/a
Graypelt AC:19 HP:51/51 Saves: FO:+13 RE:+11 WL:+8 Perception:+10 CDC:- SDC:-
3 Elite Warg Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: Avenging Bite

Pack Leader AC:17 HP:27/34 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+11 WL:+7 Perception:+9 CDC:- SDC:-
2 Elite Wolf Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: n/a
Wolf (x7) AC:15 HP:1/24,24/24,10/24,24/24,24/24,24/24,24/24 Saves: FO+6 RE:+9 WL:+5 Perception:+7 CDC:- SDC:-
1 Wolf Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: n/a

((Dunndero wasnt within striking distance, sorry. If you hit you can use the same roll for the first attack if you wish.  I will advance the game after everyone posts or Monday evening npcing anyone who doesnt post. by then.))
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Satoru yelps and jumps back, instinctively sending a mental command to Arielle to get between him and the southern wolves. Then he turns to the East, sees that things are fairly well in-hand, and turns back to the South and lobs a mote of primal magic at the space beneath their pads. This grows and liquefies into a puddle of viscous goo that is every bit as slippery as ice, but doesn’t melt nearly as easily. Arielle prepares to cast Gouging claw should a wolf enter her space.

[The pair Act as one, Satoru moves back and casts Grease on the wolves to the South. Arielle steps between them and prepares Gouging Claw should the wolves approach.]]
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Seeing the wolves have moved in amongst her companions and knowing that blood was about to be spilled in earnest, Harley's voice ripped out in a burst of utter exuberance, as she began to sing, encouraging her party members to fight with all they had. 

Action 1: Casting Infectious Enthusiasm, giving each party member withi 30' of her, including herself a +1 to attack. 
Action 2: Pulling her hand crossbow and leveling a bolt at the pack leader she hit with the magic missles and firing. 
Action 3: Shooting the sorry son of a bitch. Crossbow Shot: 1d20+7 18
                                                            Hand crossbow dart damage: 1d6 4
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With wolves encroaching from all angles, Oriana takes a moment to take stock of where everyone is, then takes a step back to stand over the dead body.

She crouches slightly before shooting out her hands to opposite sides of her body letting out a primal yell as she pulls on her elemental gate with full force.

Twin waves of foamy, rushing water crash onto the ground and walls of the chamber, those hit with the brunt of the attack struggling to keep their feet against the weight of the summoned water.

Panting heavily once the streams had subsided, the motes of elemental water and fire winked out from around her, indicating her having overflowed her connection for the moment.

1st: Step 5ft to be over the body
2nd & 3rd: Tidal Hands, two 15ft cones nearly directly east and west, currently should get all 4 wolves in the room without hitting her teammates. If/when things change, Oriana will attempt to keep her attack from hitting her allies if possible. All creatures in the cones need to make a DC17 reflex save or take 1d8 bludgeoning damage. Crit fails knock them back 5ft.
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Breezy casts his spell again, needle darts was turning out to be very useful and the druid had to say it worked well in a group. As the needle shards of silver leapt from the druids hand, the druid contemplated casting other spells if needed.

1 & 2: Spell Needle Darts

Needle Darts: 1d20+7=26
Damage: 3d4=8
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Dunndero steps 5' to his right  within melee reach of 2 wolves Comming to the dwarven clerics and proceeds to grab the wolf closest to the Dwarf by the scruf of its neck while slashing at it with the silver longsword, while saying, "Ya look like ye could use a bit of a hand!"

1.Move: 5' to the right
2.Grapple Attack: Athletics Check=[1d20+7]=6+7=13 [OoC: will spend a Hero Point if needed]
Athletics Check=[1d20+7]=8+7=15
3.Melee Attack: Silver Longsword Attack =[1d20+9]=6+9=15, Silver Longsword Damage =[1d8+4]=2+4=6
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Lucian turns, "Electrum!" The spell forms from his outstretched hand, sending an electrical bolt arcing through the air to strike the wolf in front of Larz, then arcs again to strike the wolf in front of Dundero.  

(Action 1 & 2 - Casting Electric Arc)
(Action 3 - Casts Shield)

Target 1: 1d20+7 = 23
Target 2: 1d20+7 = 16
Electrical Damage Target 1 (Reflex Save for Half): 2d4 = 5
Electrical Damage Target 2 (Reflex Save for Half): 2d4 = 6
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Toryn moved in to finish off the badly wounded wolf. Unfortunately, a spark of survival instinct still burned within the beast and it managed to evade all of the gnome's strikes.

Shortsword Strike 1: 1d20+7 9
Shortsword Strike 2 (-4 MAP): 1d20+3 6
Shortsword Strike 3 (-8 MAP): 1d20-1 1
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For a split second Larz was concerned, the wolves seemed to be everywhere. Then he hears Harly's song and feels his spirits lifting looking at Dundero beside him, he growls Givem hell! As his war hammer slams into the side of the wolf in front of him crushing it's rib cage. With the other hand Larz grabs the coin from his pouch the cleric again sends up a silent prayer to his God and slings another round of darts into the wolf just coming out of the doorway.

1st action swing on 1st wolf
2nd & 3rd cast needle darts at 2nd wolf

(Hammer attack 1 d20 = 20 Crit)
              (1 d8 +1 = 5 x 2 = 10)
(Needle dart attack 1 d20=20 Crit)
                       (3 d4 = 5 x 2=10)
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