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Chapter 1: Hollows Last Hope
Dunndero follows Breezy and Larz into the cabin, and seeing the animated cauldron moving in a threatening fashion towards his friends, Moves to intercept it, and tries to grab it with his free hand in an attempt to impeded it's movement and attacks, while giving it a solid blow with his battleaxe in his other hand.

Grapple attempt: Athletics Check=[1d20+7]=11+7=18 vs Monsters Fortitude save [OoC: if my attempt is successful the cauldron is flat-footed and restrained]

Battleaxe Strike: Battleaxe Attack = [1d20+9]=18+9=27 [OoC: does this count as a multiple attack action, if it does the (-5MAP) brings that 27 to a 22].

Damage:Battleaxe Damage =[1d8+4]=3+4=7Dmg
[OoC: so the monsters hardness of 9 cancels out my damage?]

1. Move
2. Free hand grab attack
3. Attack
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[OoC]Unfortunately I do not have access to a computer right now so can not view the combat map, so will trust you to move my character appropriately.
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Lucian blink in slight surprise as the little bastard fetish came alive and sliced him for good measure.  He sucked air through his teeth from the pain, but again, he had been struck in battle before.  Arrows were the worst. The wizard was fairly certain he hadn't set the thing off, so that meant those in the house likely triggered this places defenses.  The team was on it though, they tore into the little shit in front him pretty good.  And Toryn called out a warning loud enough for everyone to hear, excellent. 

Most of them were hand-to-hand range though, so he left the one that hit him to his allies.  He needed to support Harley as she was isolated. Lucian took the chance that these little things were not overly complex and focused on the fetish that hit her instead of the one in front of him.  He snapped his fingers.  "Ignis!" This caused the distant fetish to be engulfed in a short burst of fire.  He then focused on his own defense just in case, "Protego!" forming his one hand into a stopping gesture, causing a shield to shimmer around him.

Action 1 and 2 - Ranged Spell Attack on Fetish attacking Harley. Casts Cantrip Ignition.
Action 3 - Casts the cantrip Shield to gain a +1 to AC and the Block Reaction with shield 5

Ignition (Attack): 1d20+7 = 26
Ignition (Fire Damage): 2d4 = 5
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the dwarf being very familiar with metals takes one look at the animated caldron and realizes his hammer won't be able to hurt it, at the same time he hears the noises of battle coming from out side, So he turns and rushes back out of the small cabin, saying. Watch out there's a big pot in there that's come alive. As he passes Dunndero on the stairs, his short legs pumping as he rushes out to help these new friends he's met. he stops to survey the scene. raising his shield for protection the young dwarf begins to pray.

1st  move
2nd move
3rd raise shield
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With a glance at the Cauldron animating and his hammer, then hearing the sounds of battle joined from outside, Larz turned and left the building passing past the Leshy and the Half-Orc telling them what they face inside. Upon getting to the corner of the building he raised his shield in defense again preparing for the fight.

Breezy, ran up the stairs passing between Dunndero's legs and took a position where he could see the guardian coming out of the fireplace slowly on rusted legs. He noted something strange as the bottom of the Cauldron began to turn red. He pulled out a silver coin he kept in a pouch secreted away and uttering some words in the Primal tongue of the universe he projected a dozen needles of silver at the iron cauldron. They bounced off of it harmlessly, unable to damage the forged iron of the pot.

Harley grimaced at the wound on her body and brought the Maul around in a glancing blow that dead less to the fetish as she hoped. Then she backed up towards where the group was centered.

Oriana took stock of the situation as she had been trained to and decided to work on the fetish in their midst first. She called up on her newfound powers and sent a blast of icy pellets into the wooden frame of the animated effigy. They damaged the creature but did not destroy it, then with a few steps she was behind Lucian and she reached out a hand and touched his shoulder, and icy hot water ran down his frame to his wound healing the majority of his wounds.

Ignoring the footprints for the moment, Toryn focused on the creature Oriana just pelted with ice. With a deft strike he shoved his blade through the pile of sticks and straw, right where its heart would be if it was alive and splintered it causing it to crumble to the ground.

The Kitsune and Eidolon looked at each other and with joined mind Arielle strode towards the foe that had struck Harley as Satoru caused her senses to become more acute and able to dodge things things more readily. Her fingernails hardened and she slashed out at the smaller walking stick creature. It nimbly barely avoided the attack.

The Cauldron came out of the fireplace on its squat iron legs and moved foreward steadily as the bottom of the Cauldron began to heat up turning red. Both Breezy and Dunndero could feel the heat emanating from it by the time it got near the Leshy. As it stood before the small leaf like creature it snapped out with its mouth opening on top. The iron lid slammed down on the arm of the leafy being and pulled it partially into its waiting interior, Breezy gasped as he felt himself lifted off his feet as the Cauldron tried to swallow him. He could feel the heat from the interior of the pot and was frightened over what would come next.

Dunndero stepped into the room and seeing Breezy dangling out of the pot he reached out with one hand and grabbed the pot holding it in place, and swung his axe with all the force he could muster and the axe slammed into the side of it with a resounding clang putting a severe dent in the side.

Lucian snapped his fingers while he looked at The fetish near Arielle and Harley. It burst into flames that died down as fast as they ignited. The fire seemed to injure the creature better than weapons would.

He then with a wave of his hand and a phrase uttered in Arcanum caused a shield of force to appear on his arm

The Mindless Fetish in front of Arielle didnt care that it was injured or that it had attacked Harley prior, its only purpose was attacking invaders and it struck out at Arielle and barely hit the improved defenses of the spirit. The weapon pierced its magical being and Satoru grimaced in pain as his link to the creature caused him to suffer. It continued its assault against the Eidolon, missing with a butt stroke of the trident like weapon, but the following stab nearly gutted the eidolon. As it struck it square in the stomach. Satoru groaned in agony as the shared link hurt him as well...and blood poured from his abdomen.

The Remaining fetish rounded the corner and ran right up to Toryn striking out. The pitchfork stabbed into his shoulder as he turned to meet the attack 

Initiatitive order

24 Ulzimilla's Fetishes (x3)

23 Larz **Has shield raised this round.

21 Breezy Grabbed (has Immobilized and off guard conditions. overcome Fort DC of 18 to escape.) -2 to ac

19 Harley

18 Oriana 

16 Toryn

15 Arielle +1 to AC

15 Satoru

13 Ulizmilla's Cauldron  Grabbed (has Immobilized and off guard conditions. overcome Fort DC of 17 to escape.) -2 to ac

9 Dunndero

8 Lucian +1 to AC

Breeze AC:18 HP:15/18 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+5 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:17 SDC:17

1st Druid (Storm) Male Leaf Leshy Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: Fall Damage

Reactions: Shield Block

Dunndero  AC:18 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+7 WL:+3 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC: n/a

1st Fighter Male Half-Orc Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a

Hero points: 1 Reactions: Attack of Opportunity, Shield Block

Harley AC:17 HP:12/17 Saves: FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:16 SDC:16

1st Bard Female Dhampir Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a

Hero Points:1 Reactions: none. Harmed by positive energy. healed by negative

Lars AC: AC:16 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+4 WL:+8 Perception:+5 CDC:16 SDC:16

1st Cleric Male Dwarf Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a

Hero Points: 1  Reactions:Shield Block


Lucien AC:15 HP:13/14 Saves: FO:+3 RE:+5 WL:+7 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC:17

1st Wizard (Universalist) Male Human Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a

Hero Points: 1 Reactions: none

Oriana AC:16 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+7 WL:+4 Perception:+4 CDC:17 SDC:17

1st Kineticist {Water} Female Human Archetype: n/a Resistances: B/S weapon damage 1 Acid/fire 2 Immunities: n/a

Hero Points: 1 Reactions: Deflecting Wave

Satori AC:16 HP:6/19 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+6 WL:+5 Perception:+3 CDC:17 SDC:17

1st Summoner Male Kitsune (Empty Sky) Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities n/a

Hero Points: 1 Reactions: none

Arielle AC:18 HP:6/19 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+7 WL:+6 Perception:+4- CDC: n/a SDC: n/a

Trickster Fey Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a

Reactions: none

Toryn AC:17 HP:12/18 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+9 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC:14

1st Rogue (magical misfit) Male Gnome (Fey Touched) Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a

Reactions: none


Ulizmilla's Fetish AC:17 (13 if broken) HP: Destroyed, 9/16, 16/16 Saves: FO:+3 RE:+9 WL:+8 Perception:+6 CDC:- SDC:-

1 Animated Object  Resistances: Hardness 2 Immunities: Bleed, Death Effects, Disease, Doomed, Fatigued, Healing, Mental, 

Necromancy, Non-Lethal Attacks, Paralyzed, Poison, Sickened, Unconscious.

Reactions: n/a


Ulizmilla's Cauldron AC:17 (13 if broken) HP: 31/36 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+4 WL:+6 Perception:+4 CDC:- SDC:-

2 Animated Object Resistances: Hardness 9 Immunities: Bleed, Death Effects, Disease, Doomed, Fatigued, Healing, Mental, 
Necromancy, Non-Lethal Attacks, Paralyzed, Poison, Sickened, Unconscious.
Reactions: n/a


((ooc: Ok so we are done with the first round and as you can see I made slight adjustments to positioning due to what was going on with people above you in the intitiative track. Dunndero- You critically hit the Cauldron...remember its nat 20 or 10 above what you needed Its ac is 17 so the 27 was 10 above so you did some damage to it. Weapons that crit do double damage...you dont have to roll to confirm or a second dice. you just double it he should be easier to hit now as well because the off-guard trait because Dunndero grabbed it lowered his AC to 15. as long as it doesnt break free. Satoru- I read the summoner class before starting the attack and yeah they have changed tremendously...sharing the pool of hp is interesting to me. and still having 3 actions, makes it very interesting. tricky to play. Because the 3rd attack was a nat 20 it did double damage, despite it barely hitting. Finally you will note on roll 20 Im using marker identifiersto signify status so I can remember, Like the net on Breezy and the cauldron  indicates Immobilized. ))
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Dunndero tries to maintain his grasp on the cauldron, but with the  heat building he moves his grip upwards towards the lid almost losing his hold, but he grimises, refocused his efforts as he belows a curse in orcish, " Yo momma's a slop pail!" and grips the lid to clamp it closed with his strong hand and arm. Dunndero then tries to attempt to follow up his previous Battleaxe strike with 2 more. But his concentration is focused so intentently on maintaining his Grapple hold on the oversized animated slop pail that his axe blow is entirely ineffective and buries the axe head into the rotten floor boards of the cabin, and the second attack after he wrenched the axe free if the floor just did not have enough force behind it to inflict any meaningful damage and just bounced off the cauldrons side with a dull thunk. Dunndero then shouts in desperation to his allies, "I'ma trying to hold this overgrown slop bucket down, hit the darn thing wit everything ye got, HElllp!"

1. Maintain grapple on cauldron (spends hero point to reroll)
2. Attack
3. Attack

Grapple check: Athletics Check=[1d20+7]=2+7=9 (Failed (possible crit fail)),

Hero Point spent for reroll: Grapple check Reroll:Athletics Check=[1d20+7]=17+7=24

Attack 1: Battleaxe Attack = [1d20+9]=1+4=5(crit Miss)

Attack 2:3rd Battleaxe Attack =[1d20-1]=16-1=15 (possible hit)

Damage: Battleaxe Damage =[1d8+4]=5+4=9 (-9 Hardness negates damage)
[OoC: that could gone a lot better!]
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Toryn yelped out in pain. Ow ow ow! Stop that! Gnomes bruise easily you know! The gnome shrunk away from the fetish and pretended to fuss with his wound, all the while furtively unsheathing a second blade in his other hand. Once the construct leaned forward menacingly, Toryn suddenly lashed out, slicing at the thing's chest, followed by a quick stab of the second weapon. The first strike found purchase, tearing into the fiber and cutting loose several bindings holding the fetish together. Unfortunately the first hit caused the fetish to lurch back unexpectedly, causing the second stab to glance harmlessly off its exterior.

Action 1: Draw second shortsword into off-hand
Actions 2+3: Twin feint (2 strikes, second strike always flat-footed)

Twin Feint first strike: 1d20+7 17 hit
Shortsword 1 Damage: 1d6+4 10 -2 hardness = 8 damage

Twin Feint second strike: 1d20+3 5 miss
second strike re-roll (Hero Point): 1d20+3 8 miss
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Breezy screamed out in pain as he was trapped by the cauldron. It was a strange high-pitched sound.  The arm inside the beast was the one holding its silver spell component and the small druid realized it couldn't use it. He tried to slip out of the iron grip of the creature, but found he was unable to do so. Its actions seemed much like an animal trapped in a cage in some ways.

Reaching with its free hand the small Leshy pulled the morning star off of its belt and swung at the creature in desperation. 

Athletics: 1d20+1=2
Attack: 1d20+4=24 (-5=19)
Damage: 1d6+1=4  (Critcal damage 8)

1 Escape Attempt - Critical Failure
2 Attack: Natural 20
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seeing the blood coming from Satori's stomach Larz begins to pray. By the blood of Trudd, heal these brave warriors. His hand begins to glow a soft blue, the young cleric has healed more then a few dwarfs in battle and can tell the wound is pretty bad so he closes his eyes and calls on his God a second time. By the blood of Trudd, heal these brave warriors. Now with his hand glowing much brighter he lays his hand on the human beside him. Satori feels a cool tingling wash over his body as the clerics magic goes to work closing the wounds on both him and his Eidolon both. Every scratch, bruise, and drop of blood made good as new. His healing done the cleric once again raises his shield on the defense again.

(rolled 1d8=7 + 8 =15) Satori & Eidolon healed completely

1st & 2nd heal
3rd raise shield
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Oriana was surprised to say the least as Satoru doubled over, clutching his abdomen with blood pouring out of it in a very similar location to where Arielle was just struck. The kineticist wasn't sure exactly what their deal was, but they weren't ordinary travelling companions by any stretch.

She started to move to aid him, but Larz called on his God to heal them, and heal them he did.

Looking up at the magical creature that caused this pain, Oriana slammed the fetish with an icy torrent of water, trying to stop it from causing more injuries before raising her shield to help aid in any attacks coming in her direction.

1st & 2nd: Elemental Blast (cold) at the fetish next to Arielle. Used hero point to reroll, natural 20 crit. (4 + 4) x 2 - 2 hardness = 14 damage.
3rd: Raise shield. +2 AC
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