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Chapter 1: Hollows Last Hope
The sullen dwarf slips his hammer from his belt, gripping his shield a little tighter he takes a few quick steps and catches up to Oriana. He purposly stays two steps behind on her left side. You'll not be going alone Lass. I got your back.

[shield up ready to block on his right arm, hammer held down low in his left hand.]
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Slowly the group began to advance across the glade towards the small cabin. Every fetish in the trees were marked by the Magical Detection of Harley and Lucian. Some fetishes were merely 4-6 inches others were the size of Breezy. There was nothing that occurred by their presence, however.  The squishing footsteps of the group marked their advance...and soon they stood before the cabin. Flagstones were set on the immediate approach and a set of steps lead up to the doorway as the cabin stood on stout poles driven into the swampy ground keeping the cabin about 3 feet above the wet ground. The group assembled on the southern side of the cabin. They paused to confer on what to do. Toryn remarks that Fetishes were used by Hags and Witches to warn people away and could be tied to fear effects or possible to be scried through or provide guardians for....with so many of them in the glade there could be multiple reasons for them. Satoru recalled what he knew of Hags remarking they lurk on the outside of civilization and use their occult or primal powers to deceive and prey upon others, manipulating and corrupting them. Some say Hags are twisted Fey others that they are giantkin who have become corrupted by fiendish sources. Hags sometimes gather in groups called covens and lean toward learning and practicing Witchcraft. A Coven has the power to craft a special magic item used for divination magic called a Hags Eye. They at times mate with a human and their offspring is called a Changeling and they grow up among human settlements who have the potential to become hags themselves. Hags are foul creatures who appear as wizened old women but have little in common with the humanoids they terrorize. Thy are hateful entities whose greatest joy is the corruption and ultimate destruction of anything good or virtuous. There are numerous types of hags, each with unique powers to spread pain and suffering.

((ooc: Ive switched maps on roll20 to Ulizmilla's cabin. Everyone is on the edge of the map. Its a rather small one, but will do for our purposes. You may move your character to anwhere within the yellow borders for your first post regarding this map. Ive marked where Harley and Lucian are picking up magical emanations. at first level detect magic sends a radar like pulse out and mark magical spots. Im excluding players and their magic from it, as that is something you can do. I will give until Sunday evening for everyone to post and then advance the round based on what folks do and say. It is ok to say you want to move up and open the door or whatever else you wish. Just remember noone can go beyond the yellow markings yet. For our purposes you are advancing into the area and at the end of a round you will be where you place your characters. ))

{Actions: Scout- Breezy and Dunndero +2 to parties first round initiative roll/Detect Magic: Harley and Lucian They can make out the Magical emanations noone else can./Defense: Larz and Oriana They will start with Shield raised should combat break out. Investigate: Satoru and Toryn}
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Breezy will move forward into the bushes near the door. The small Leshy is not about to open the door first. But it is curious what is if anything inside the hut.

(OCC: I want to move near the door but to the side. I think I am there its hard to tell where the door is on the map.)
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Cautiously the young dwarf advances across the flagstone path to the right of the steps leading up int the Hags small cottage, staying on guard his eyes watching the edge of the forest. leaving the stairs up clear for people better suited to the opening of locked doors.
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Dunndero moves up the flagstones to the door of the cottage, and prepares to try and open the door on the groups signal.
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Resting a hand upon her gnomish friends shoulder, she indicated the areas she seen that glowed to her magical senses and then gripping the maul tightly in both hands, she began to head south toward one of the spots.

(Moved on map, just keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble, +5 to perception)
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Toryn nodded sagely as Harlequin pointed out areas of magic. This whole place is abuzz with energy it seems. And it's not just the insects, oho ho! he followed the dhampir to the southern tree and started snooping about the premises, looking to find anything of interest or danger to the group.

(OOC: Toryn will perform the Search action, looking for hidden hazards, doors, objects, etc.
 +5 Perception modifier)
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Lucian moves toward the closest fetish to carefully inspect it.  Granted it was good Harley warned Toryn, but Lucian figured he should let everyone else know as well.  "Steer clear of the Fetishes and those areas if at all possible." He points out all the immediate spots he sees magical energies. "Those spot pulsing with magic and I am unsure of their exact purpose.  Could just be old alarms or repulsion charms," He sighed, "...or some of them could be nasty triggers for curses, traps, guardians or all the above."

(Action - Moves forward to the spot indicated on the map and tries to determine the effect or purpose of the fetish or whatever is giving off that source of magic. - Arcana and/or Occultism both at +7.  I also have Read Magical Aura if that helps.)
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Harley pointed at the trees and the Effigies and said to Toryn the Fetishes were magical and he nodded.

Moving across the glade and next to the cottage Toryn at first considered the roof and saw it was 12 feet off the ground and then considered it and decided against it. He then moved adjacent to one of the trees that held fetishes and started looking around, quickly taking note of small three toed reptilian prints in the mud leading away towards a fallen tree, He pointed the prints out. 

Dunndero moved up the steps to the house and asked if he should open the door but received no guidance from the group. He paused waiting...

Breezy stood down below the steps looking up at Dunndero curiously.

Larz followed keeping his shield up, as did Oriana both looking around as if something would jump out at them.

Lucian stood next to a tree and gazed at the fetishes within casting read aura and found out they were glowed green and Blue...Enchantment and divination, He considered what that might mean and came up with no further information than what he already had.

Satoru and Arielle followed along looking around for danger...

((ooc: Continue doing what youre doing. Ill give everyone til Wednesday to post Then advance the game. If someone opens the door Ill immediately post a description.))
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"Open when you are ready." Breezy said waiting for Dunndero to do so. The small Leshy keeps an eye out for trouble, trying to be prepared if there is something inside.
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