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Chapter 1: Hollows Last Hope
Breezy enjoys its watch passing the time observing how the others sleep some. Non plants are fascinating to it. Although it does notice the cold, it seems that the hide armor it has keeps it warm enough. It is interesting that it brought no supplies other than water, and you never see it consume food at all. 

Breezy is up moving around just before the first rays of sun, and it seems to enjoy the sunrise a lot. Letting its leaves take in the sun's warming rays. The small Leshy is happy to cross the river, although it does make sure to have plenty in its pack to weigh it down. "Don't want to float down river again. Last time was on purpose and was not fun." It says to itself mostly. Although it could have been talking to the group or a plant or something.
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The march was taxing and hidden dangers awaited the unwary traveler, but still, the Darkwoods filled Toryn with a sense of awe and wonder. Many gnomes felt a strong connection to the primal energies of nature, and even though Toryn loved the hustle and bustle of city life, he too was drawn in by the allure of the wilds. He pushed onward with his companions, constantly on the alert for both dangers and interesting and novel sights.
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After the camp was packed up, the party made their way to the riverbank and slowly began the crossing. The water was up to three feet deep in many places and on average 2 feet. It was cold. very cold. Prolonged exposure would cause hypothermia. The rocks in the riverbed were slippery. It was relatively fast-moving water. It was also very clear, with not a lot of silt in this particular location. Any waterborne threat would be easy to see. Fortunately, today the group was blessed, as they had been their entire journey so far...nothing jumped out at them. 

The crossing complete, the party of adventurers headed towards Hag Hollow. According to breezy they would reach it before Dusk The group was cold from the river crossing as their clothes dried as they walked. until lunch the ground was gradually sloping up towards the crags. Any break in the trees would show the mountains in the distance. After lunch the ground began to slope downward getting to where it was swampy and the group had to move around large puddles of standing water. Soon every step was accompanied by the familiar squish of ground soaked in water. until about 4pm the group came upon a glade with several willow trees protruding from large puddles of water. The buzz of insects filled the air. The fetid smell of rotting foliage assaulted their senses. In the center of the glade was a small cabin. made from logs from this very forest and covered with moss and lichen. A sod chimney protruded from the top, but no smoke came from it. Steps led up to a door on the opposite side of the chimney. In the nearby trees 2 foot tall fetishes made of straw hung in the trees....a warning for those entering the hollow.

((ooc: When all 8 players have posted I will change the map on roll20 map to the cabin map and advance to exploration mode. When you post look through what mode your exploration activity you will be taking and post that as such...Exploration Action: Defend. Exploration Activity: Detect Magic etc...I will give until Friday for a post then i will choose an appropriate activity for your character to move things along))
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Comming up on the cabin in the glade, brings Dunndero back into focus of the moment, having been lulled into wonder and awe of thier natural surroundings during the groups travels. Dunndero slowly begins to cautiously look around for any sign of threat or ambush.
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Breezy motions for the others to be cautious. But at the sight of the Hollow, it tenses up. Moving slowly the leshy does his best to move slowly and cautiously trying to remain to the shadows. It began scouting the area around the edges of  the glade, moving cautiously and very carefully. 

Stealth: 1d20+3=14
((Occ: taking the Scouting Exploration action.))
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Dunndero will attempt to follow Brilliant Breeze and avoid notice so as to guard the Leshy' back.
[OoC: Dunndero has a +2 to stealth checks but I am wearing chainmail wich I think cancels that out]
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This place seemed like somewhere old Gran Gran would describe in her stories she told Oriana and the others her age as children, warning them of the dangers of wandering away from the village alone.

Eyeing the fetishes nervously, Oriana hoisted her shield and took up a defensive stance as she slowly approached the cottage.

(Action: Defend)
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Lucian used Prestidigitation to dry his clothes and anyone else who didn't want to march wet from the waist down after they forded the river.  Magic did provide some nice benefits from the usual marching pitfalls. It was one of the things that made him popular in his unit.  Keeping things dry, warm, or cool was surprisingly nice depending on the marching situation. The forest always fascinated him, but his path lead him away from mastering the primal magics, but they were still fascinating to study in general. After they reached the old Hags Hollow, Lucian will carefully follow the group staying in the middle where he focuses on Detecting Magic.
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The scene smacked of one of Wilhelm's more frightening tales, as Harley glanced around the place, her gaze finally settling upon the totems. Closing her eyes and focusing her will, she reopened them casting a detect magic cantrip and she looked upon the scene.
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After taking up Lucian's offer to get his boots and socks magically dried, Toryn spent some time peering up at the straw fetishes in contemplation. This place was quite fascinating, though Toryn couldn't imagine why anyone would choose to live in a swamp. The rancid gas from the stale water was pretty foul, but didn't seem to bother the gnome all that much. He'd smelled much worse in some bathrooms, especially after an extra spicy chili festival.

(OOC: taking the Investigate action to gather information on surroundings. I used Occultism/Arcana for the Recall Knowledge check (they have the same +5 modifier))

Investigating: 1d20+5 16
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