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[IC] Chapter 1-3: Mansion of Hate
"Be careful, that room looked ready to collapse!" Lugar tries to call out before Silent Giant runs off.
Giant has heard Lugar's warning and stops at the entrance for a moment. Then he carefully goes forward (half-movement) watching any collapsing signs.
If he successfully reach swords then he runs outside.
OOC - the kitchen is so large and crowded with rubble that taking twenty needs an hour and a half, maybe more. If you don't feel like having the time for that please specify what to search by taking 20. I will roll for whatever (interesting) remains.

No more than a minute or two for Giant to get around without trouble, bringing two fine scimitars whose hilts are missing.
"Hm--" the young man says as he assesses the weapons by the look. "These look like pure adamantine blades but quite crude without a proper hilt. I may try to fix it; there's probably something useful in this huge garbage heap"
Looking around, he adds, "But I will definitely need some kind of adhesive substance. Could probably boil some bones but it takes several hours and I don't think the place is safe enough."
Realizing a thorough inspection of the kitchen will take to long for his liking, Lugar walks the perimeter and searches for any openings that might reveal another chamber. The salt can wait...

"There's plenty of dead bodies in the barracks if you want bones. The mistress' chamber might have some nice silk to make a quick wrap around the hilt." Lugar says to the young Mage. "I wouldn't go by yourself."
Giant wields the swords with two hands at the same time. Yeah, good spirit slicers, but a hilt would be fine really.
"Silk is good but it's slippery without some sort of processing. Any kind of jelly or other icky stuff would do," Murkatos says, looking around in the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Lugar doesn't find any clues for secret chambers all around the wall. He can find some dull white blocks that may be salt.
"There's got to be more here than just ghosts and bones. But at least you won't leave empty handed, ha! Get it? Because he's got two swords."
Lugar continues prowling through the kitchen.
.Ooc - How does the structure of this room look? What caused the cauldrons to be busted?
It is hard to tell the reason of the upheaval. Looks like there was some kind of commotion or brawl, not just the collapse present everywhere else, but no corpses, no traces of blood or other apparent signs of violence.
So it's unclear how the cauldrons got upside down. However, the reason of the cauldrons' damage is most likely caused by falling debris. Or a force equivalent to a huge adamantine hammer.
"Looks like this room is a dead end."
Lugar will taste a bit of the blocks to see if it's salt, then take a closer look at the cauldrons to see if anything is inside.
"Maybe whatever sounded like a rhino upstairs wrecked the kitchen too. What do you all think?"
Rhino stampede would certainly explain the scene. Explaining a rhino stampede within the building is another question though.
The block is salt indeed. It's a solid block weighing at least ten pounds. By the roughly cylindrical form it may have been kitchen ready salt stored in a clay jug or similar at some time but age and moisture returned it to its primal form. It would need quite some hammering before Lugar could sprinkle it around.

The cauldrons are too heavy for Lugar to lift them alone but peeking inside through the holes Lugar spots a spectacular ring, about six inches in diameter. Its material or texture is hard to tell in these light conditions (mainly darkvision). The everburning light mace, lowered through the hole, reveals it to have rusty metallic appearance. From the shade of the rust Lugar thinks it's probably cast iron or cold iron.

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