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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
[[OOC: Ok, trying this post for the third time now.  Bazz, you have advantage on the wisdom save, so you can go ahead and make that second roll.  However, I am going to hold off on resolving those Wisdom saves as the outcome of those phenomenal double nat 20s may change the course of how you plan to proceed.]]

Bazz lead the group as they walked, his eyes focused on on the walkway ahead, watching for traps, loose boards, or other hazards.  Anders brought up the rear, nearly hugging the trunk of the tree while he walked.  Rupert and Melville braved a glance over the open edge of the walkway.  There had to be twenty to thirty feet between each level, but the roiling tumult of the rainbow flow seemed to make the precipitous drop even more anxiety inducing, causing the perspective to twist, making some things seem closer or farther than they should be.  

Almost simultaneously they both saw movement two floors below, near the door almost directly beneath them.  Was it just one of those weird lensing events?  Yeah, it must have just been that little branch moving or... No, there is something there.  Plastered against the wood near the door was a large translucent mass of something.  What you thought was a small branch might actually be a spear or other polearm.  And that loose piece of bark might actually be a simple wooden shield. With growing certainty you are believe that there is a plasmoid, similar to the one you encountered on the Wasp, stealthily standing guard near that lower door.  It is impossible to tell if it has spotted you, but you have certainly spotted it.
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Rupert cracks his knuckles and watches to see if the Plasmoid seems to have spotted us, while signaling to the group with his hands to make everyone aware of it.
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(07-28-2022, 04:39 AM)Rupert Gladestone Wrote: Rupert cracks his knuckles and  watches to see  if the Plasmoid  seems to have spotted us, while signaling to the group with his hands to make everyone aware of it.

Go ahead and give me an Insight check to get a read on it.
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Insight Check =[1d20+5]=15+5=20 [OoC: Yes, a dirty 20!]Rupert's beedy little eyes hone in in his target with Lazer like accuracy!
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While there is no way to be completely certain, Rupert's ample experience of the behavior of guards leads him to believe that the Plasmoid is currently completely unaware of the group directly above him.
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Rupert writes out with his fingures, "We should ambush it from above, out of it reach!"
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Anders nods in agreement and while pulling out his bow quietly whispers, "Not to keen on the jump, but I agree."
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Melville nods silently, and opens his book to the pages for ice knife. Preparing to cast the spell.
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[OoC:  I'm very sorry for taking so long to reply.  I want you to know I really am enjoying the game and liking my character.  Things were just going a crazy for a bit.  ]

(07-26-2022, 03:24 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote: [[OOC: Ok, trying this post for the third time now.  Bazz, you have advantage on the wisdom save, so you can go ahead and make that second roll.  However, I am going to hold off on resolving those Wisdom saves as the outcome of those phenomenal double nat 20s may change the course of how you plan to proceed.]]

Wisdom Check: [1d20+1]=2+1=3; Really  Rolleyes

[Question: If I cast a Hex on the creature will he notice?  I looked online and found a Sage Advice by Jeremy Crawford who's apparently one of the creators of 5e and he said, 'Typically, a target doesn't know it's under the effect of a spell like hex until it experiences the spell's effects.'  So for the Hex spell I assume that means when he takes the extra damage.

Source located >> here << ]
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[[OOC: As Hex does not cause a save or mechanically allow for some Perception mechanic I would agree that the target of the Hex does not necessarily know it is the target of the spell. That might not hold true if the target has the ability to detect magic or some other intrinsic "integrity of self", but from what you know of Plasmoids, you are pretty sure it would be a Stealthy cast.

Wisdom save noted for Bazz, although it looks like you all are planning to go a different direction anyway.]]

Anders glances over the edge, crossbow at the ready and gulps heavily at the sixty foot drop to the target. As quietly as possible he whispers, "How do you want to do this?"
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