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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
[[My understanding was that we'd found a spell book on one of the members of the dead party we found after killing the ragewings. And yes, it does appear that we've reached consensus.]]
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Since everyone else seems paralyzed with fear and indecision after the consensus was reached, Betimi gets the book and approaches the lock. She looks back to the party, giving them a chance to prepare, then inserts the book. 77
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[[Hardly "paralyzed". I was asking for clarification. Also, my wife was sick a large part of yesterday and spent the better part of the night puking her guts out.]]
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Crozar nods encouragingly to Betimi to go ahead.
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Kubo gives a kurt nod of aproval!
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[OoC: I'm sorry for my lag in posting.  I will be getting my shit together.  ]

Betimi slides the book into the rectangle and it does indeed fit snuggly.  Suddenly a warm green glow flows from the book and into the the lacework of fine decorative lines along the door's edges.     

"Interesting," Elphaba says quietly.

With a emerald flash the door disintegrates, leaving a fine glittering dust that floats downward into a circular pit lined with stairs.  Your eyes strain to peer into the void but the stairs slowly disappear into the darkness below.  Above the portal new writing appears (in everyone's native language)...

The stairs beyond wind deeper and deeper,
unknowable is the path before you laid.
The lost will be forever damned,
An eternity of wandering insanity made.
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[[I feel ya, Marvel.  Holiday recently ended and we've been struggling with getting back into the swing of things.]]

Selina blanches a little as the next riddle is shown to all.  "Madness.  It speaks of Madness.  We must remain strong and hold tightly to each other.  Do not trust what you see or hear.  Chaos works strongly in this place, I believe."
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"Well then, ain't this a fine fix, well there be nutin fer us to do, but tie ourselves off on this here rope o mine, jus incase, and hold on ta each other as bes we can!" suggests Kubo, as he holds out his 50' length of rope.
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Tomeal begins rounding up the rope to tie everyone together...
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[[Selina actually doesn't have any rope. I've double-checked her sheet.]]
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