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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
[[I'm not sure what is meant by " If you happen to have an 18+ you can make 2 checks and 20+ you can make 3 checks." 2 or 3 checks at what? And with what skill? However...I will say...
Intuition: [1d20+5]=18+5=23
...That when the time absolutely required it, thankfully I rolled well.]]
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(02-10-2022, 08:33 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [[I'm not sure what is meant by " If you happen to have an 18+ you can make 2 checks and 20+ you can make 3 checks."  2 or 3 checks at what?  And with what skill?  However...I will say...
Intuition: [1d20+5]=18+5=23
...That when the time absolutely required it, thankfully I rolled well.]]

[You have a Wis 20.  That allows you to roll 1d20 plus wisdom bonus, three times.]
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Intuition: [1d20+5]=14+5=19
Intuition: [1d20+5]=5+5=10
[[Booyah! For the most part.]]
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Kubo will give it ago.
WIS ((Intuition) = [1d20+2]=7+2=9
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Plants do not really have intuition apparently. Intuition: [1d20+0]=7+0=7
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(02-11-2022, 04:21 PM)Crozar the Sunspot Wrote: Plants do not really have intuition apparently. Intuition: [1d20+0]=7+0=7

[[Crozar has a higher Intelligence so he would use that instead of Wisdom. ]]

[[If Betimi and Ning don't do their rolls soon I will just do the rolls for them.]]
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[[Apparently Crozar is not knowledgable about this either Knowledge(Int): [1d20+1]=3+1=4]]
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[OoC: Apparently, DM Vitkyng has been dealing with some health issues that got worse when he had an allergic reaction to the medication he was given which is affecting one of his eyes, so staring at a computer screen is painful.  He's started IV antibiotics so hopefully he will get better soon.  ]

You all ponder the question.  Some of you seem to be at a loss for what the answer could be.  You all have looked around in the cave and on the door for any hidden compartments or concealed curio that might provide a clue or answer but nothing seems to jump out at you.  Selina decides, as she's suspected, whatever the answer may be, it's likely not an actual key because it would have to be huge to fit and the keyhole is likely just symbolic.  She also surmises the knowledge the riddle speaks about is not knowledge known personally to any of you.  So Selina doesn't need to recite all the prayers of Selune or Kubo sing the battle songs of his people, etc.  Selina also believes, after closely inspecting the keyhole and praying for inspiration, that while the knowledge the question asks about is not an actual physical key it might still be a physical object.

[OoC2: I don't want to throw too many clues at you all at once.  If the others have succeeded on any rolls I will add a few more clues later.  I will also mention, the more clues I give the less experience points you get from the Riddle.  ]
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[[OoC: YIKES!  Full recovery, Vitkyng!  Take care of yourself first.  We'll hold down the fort until you get better.]]

Selina blinks and nods slowly.  "Yyyyesss...  Yes, indeed.  We are not looking for a physical key at all.  The lock may as well be there merely for show.  It is a symbol to the concept of the riddle itself.  But what of the knowledge...?  I do not...hmm...  I do not believe it is any specific personal knowledge any of us possess.  The Litany of the Moon will not aid us any more or less than complex Kobold physiology.  But perhaps what are looking for is indeed something physical.  Perhaps..."  She trails off, stroking her lip in thought.

[[I'll give others an opportunity to post their ideas first before continuing. Also, the coding keeps breaking down when I want to add brackets in the middle of a color or italics tag.]]
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[OoC: I want to give Kubo and Crozar a chance to share any ideas they might have before giving any more clues.  

As for ability checks...

Simon has a very poor Wisdom so that will affect the number of times he can roll.  His Intelligence of 22 so normally this would give him 4 rolls but his Wisdom 6 will drop that down by 2 (minimum 1 check).  The same penalty would apply if his Int and Wis scores were reversed.  Simon is the only character who has a penalty to either stat.  

Simon:  Int check 1: [1d20+6]=10+6=16, Int check 2: [1d20+6]=3+6=9; 1 success!

Tomeal: Wisdom Check: [1d20+2]=16+2=18; 1 success!

Nang: Int check 1: [1d20+4]=12+4=16, Int check 2: [1d20+4]=3+4=7; 1 success!

Ning: Int check 1: [1d20+5]=1+5=6, Int check 2: [1d20+5]=2+5=7, Int Check 3: [1d20+5]=6+5=11; Failed!

Betimi: Int Check: [1d20+1]=4+1=5; Failed!

Tegab: Wisdom Check: [1d20+1]=13+1=14; 1 success Big Grin (Can a Wolf-Hound offer advice?  Lassie or The littlest Hobo (Canadian) sort of could...  Tongue )
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