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The morning after Thanksgiving ~Open to all~
[Using Karma for power stunt need 31 Karma to get to 95.  Using Karma for both Agility rolls 1st agility roll  Need 56 Karma to get to 71 Bullseye.  2nd agility roll   Need 47 Karma to get to 71 Bullseye.  Green Intuition feat  To see Police  Oops rolled 2 attacks by accident when you said I needed one.]
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[OoC: Yes because you had already rolled one attack. ]

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[OOC: I'll just say I used 135 Karma (instead of 134) for the whole thing to get 1 use of Forked Lightning that hits two targets Big Grin]
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Porsche in her concern over thge bo in her arms, fails to notice the approaching police, unless it gets broadcast through the mental link.
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[OoC: Samba I rolled for you and you succeeded in seeing the police. That's why I posted that you saw them. I just forgot to post the roll.

Static: I'm on my phone but I think you are adding wrong. It's 100 for the stunt plus you said 31 to get a red result. Then your first attack you said cost you 57 karma then you said you needed another 56 karma for the second roll. So that's around 244 karma! ]

Sent from my SM-G925W8 using Tapatalk
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[OOC: 244 Karma?!  To MAYBE save two peoples lives, then possibly get thrown in jail??  Cause he failed to notice the cops.  Guess heroes always get kicked in the balls.  I'm still doing it.]
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(11-18-2015, 05:28 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: Gedeon was taken shocked by the man's attack and was unable to retaliate right away.  He bounces her head off [Yellow: 1pt from a kill result!] whatever is close by, which happens to be the edge of the train shell Gedeon just cut him from.  The cut is deep [Typical 6] and threatened to stun her but she easily shakes off the effects [Succeeded with a Red Endurance result].

She barely makes a noise as her head is bounced off the metal of the train, a deep gash forming in her forehead despite the transparency of the metal. So much for people being nice because she's trying not to kill them. A little dizzy from the blow, she curses under her breath, releasing her swords. The metal once again turns into liquid and is absorbed back into her body. In a much better position to fight civilians with her bare hands, she tries again to defend herself.

"Stop! I don't want to hurt you!"

((Paying a minimum of 5 Karma for a Red Stun Result.))
Slugfest - Fighting Remarkable [1d100] = 18
((Total Karma spent=77))
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Aurum grimaces slightly at Jack's answer, but otherwise doesn't let any reaction leak into the link. Instead, her gaze drifts toward the parking lot, where she sees familiar uniforms. She quickly broadcasts over the link, ~Police are here!~

Demi pipes up quietly, ~I could have helped, you know.~ Aurum ignores her.

Intuition - Good [1d100] = 78
Yellow Result
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Intuition - Excellent [1d100] = 31
White Result

Busy with helping people out of the train and not part of the mindlink, Kat remains ignorant to the approaching police. Luckily, she's not doing anything with her powers anyway, and her eyes have gone back to normal. With a glance again toward Sebastian, she gives up on leading people out of the train. Most of those left either can't walk, or are capable of finding their own way. She heads deeper into the train to look for George.

"George! Where are you? It's Kat!"
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Porsche carries the dazed boy out of the train car in her hand and into the waiting crowd on the platform. If anyone seems to be gathering the lost/confused passengers together she takes him over among those passengers, before setting him down to make her way back over to where Allison and the others were gathered on the platform.

"What do we do about the people brawling on the train? Without attracting attention?"
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