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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
Neither of you hear anything other than the sound of the tree beyond the door, although when Bazz checks it for traps instead off finding any threats he notices that there is some kind of latch or binding on the outside that prevents the door from being easily pulled open. With the little amount of slack that the binding provides, you are able to pull the door open about half an inch and can tell there is some kind of simple metal latch or hook-and-eye setup that holds the door closed against any casual tugging.  

Bazz knows that either he or Rupert would be easily strong enough to force this door open, or that he could pop the hook up with one of his thief's tools.  He gets the feel that this measure is likely simply a reminder of the note that was on the first door, that the rest of the tree was off-limits for visitors, although he can instantly think of a few measures that could have been taken that would be much more secure than this half-assed tactic.
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Bazz explains his findings to all of the party.  

Bazz peeks through the crack to try to get a peek at whatever is beyond the door.
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Peeking through the crack reveals an unlit but otherwise similar oil pot as the one at the other end of the building and a narrow view of planked walkway leading in the general direction of the trunk.
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Bazz whispers to the others to inform them of what he sees.  

[Can you remind me what 'Oil Pot at the other end of the building' you're speaking of?]
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(01-18-2022, 02:15 AM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: Bazz whispers to the others to inform them of what he sees.  

[Can you remind me what 'Oil Pot at the other end of the building' you're speaking of?]

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I believe he was referencing the black oil filled braziers.
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[[I was indeed.  @Melville you still with us?]]
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[OoC still hggere]

Melville is just observing witrh the detect magic at this point. HGe doesn't have mnuch to add, recognizing that his search skills are comparatively lacking.
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[OoC: We seem to be stuck.  Can you please refresh our memory about this room?  ]
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[[Sure thing.  I'll post an update on the map this evening as well.]]

This final room of what might be considered some form of welcome center for the Midnight Tree's rare visitor.  The first room was a supply room, and the next two rooms were obviously sleeping berths.  This room is obviously intended as a cooking or sitting room.  The left and right walls of the room have numerous large pillows or cushions piled up.  A thread-bare carpet with a grid pattern that has been obviously laid to not line up with the walls of the room covers the floor, except for a stone ring that appears to have been Stoneshaped to make it impossible to remove from the floor without chopping up the floor itself.  A raised iron grill is set inside and merged with the stone ring, obviously to provide a cooking surface for anyone staying here.  The stone ring radiates faint quiescent magic of either enchantment or transmutation, although Melville is unsure about which until whatever trigger it is waiting for is enacted. Hanging on a short chain directly above the stone ring is a lantern.  The shudder on it has been replaced with a rotatable metal shield with odd cuts and vents in it that's purpose is not immediately evident.

The door on the far side of the room is the first that you have encountered with the rope and latch mechanism on 'your' side of the door.  Unlike the last couple of doors the hinges on this one are tight, and in addition to the common rope and latch opening mechanism, there is a simple hook and eye latch holding the door closed from the other side.  This could be easily [[OOC: no roll required]] undone either through raw strength or a long probe from Bazz's thief's tools.  Looking through the same crack in the door that revealed the hook and eye, showed an oil brazier outside the door that looks the same as the one you all saw when you came in: a metal bowl on a metal tripod ring.  The one on the "entrance" side was about half full, but you can't tell how full this one is from here.  The oil is not lit.  A walkway of grown planking leads away from the door towards the trunk of the tree.
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