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Experience Points and Advancement
Betii is updated; Took 1 level of knight of the sacred seal, so she will be definitely fishing a different weapon out of the haversack, as she is now proficient in all maretial weapons, all armour, and all shields. She is keping the armor of Unreth of course.. she made that promise to Unreth so she is keeping it.. will have to look if there are any favored armor feats lol

Signature and chyaracter sheet are updated.
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Your PrC is interesting! Never seen it before now.
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hit points: HP [1d6]=4 = 4+1 Con = 5 hp
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Crozar got the minimum HP gain again: HP increase: [1d4+3]=2+3=5
It will bump it's INT by 1 for the Level 2 adjustment I never did.
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Character sheet updated Yay!! 3rd level spells, Haste anyone?
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Also, just realized that Selina now has her second attack. Finally. But given that strike maneuvers are basically full-attack actions using a standard action, not sure how often she will use it. Wish there were more feats that benefited single hit attacks.
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(01-14-2022, 01:24 PM)Crozar the Sunspot Wrote: Crozar got the minimum HP gain again: HP increase: [1d4+3]=2+3=5
It will bump it's INT by 1 for the Level 2 adjustment I never did.

Just remember your minimum is 3 plus con.
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Oh right, half+1. So that should be 6 then instead of 5.
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I realized that I had also failed to assign Skill Levels, so I am working on that. By my understanding I get 2+Int Mod skill ranks per level as an Elementarii, which would mean I should have a total of 6 skill levels to distribute for 2nd and 3rd level.  How many levels does it take to acquire a new Knowledge skill?  Specifically I would like to take Knowledge (Elementals).
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Knowledge (arcana) includes elementals.. and even one rank gives you the skill.. the max ranks you can have in any skill at level 3 is 6.
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