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[IC] Field Trip!
"Thanks, but what if this Empath guy controls me and gets me to control others?  What if there's others who do that?  What if nobody trusts me because of what I could do to them?"  John seems to be the brooding kind of fearful today.
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Niall said to John, trying very hard not to stare at his wings, "That's why we need the training they offer here.  So that it's harder for people to make us use our powers in ways we don't want too.  I get your worry.  I'm literally a living petri dish of diseases, and if you think I haven't thought about how that can be misused, you are wrong."
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(11-03-2021, 09:09 AM)Graffiti Wrote:
(11-02-2021, 09:08 PM)Niall Glacian Wrote:
(11-02-2021, 07:29 PM)Interface Wrote:
(11-02-2021, 07:00 PM)Niall Glacian Wrote:
(11-02-2021, 02:14 PM)Interface Wrote: "Have any of you noticed, no one that was ill is here having breakfast," Johnny says in his thick Irish accent.  "None of them.  I heard there would be some after effects.  Maybe they're really sick."

Niall says, "I was a giant germ if that counts as being sick."

"Your powers have to do with isolating and absorbing illnesses so you probably have a natural resistance to most sicknesses.  I assume whatever it was you absorbed that caused the outbreak and turned you into a giant germ is likely connected in some way.  Maybe the illness you absorbed activated a latent mutant gene within you.  It would be interesting to know where this sickness came from to begin with because it has a high likelihood of being genetically engineered or even alien in origin!  At least that's my opinion."  While Johnny spoke his eyes slow turn silver as a web of circuitry begins to creep out the corners of his eyes.  When he finishes his thoughts on the sickness his eyes return to normal.
  Niall nods in agreement, "That's true.  The Professor and I talked about the curious manifestation in me.  I know I can carry and transmit diseases without manifesting them myself, so you are probably right, I wouldn't count as sick in that way.  I would like to know where it came from as well.  If it is a regular disease I should be able to generate samples for study." Watching the circuitry grow and recede, Niall's mouth drop s open in surprise.  "I would love to know how your mechanical interfacing works as well."

Ashley raises an eyebrow at Niall's wish to generate samples for study.  "Niall, do you have any thoughts about where it came from?"  She then glances toward Interface.  "Johnny, you're the brain.  Any ideas?"

To Niall's suggestion of generating samples, Johnny says, "I'd suggest ya don't try that on your oown.  I don't doubt ya have the brains and a natural aptitude with diseases but unless things 'ave changed, ya 'aven't taken any courses in genetics or pathology.  Beast is the school's genetic and bio-chemistry professor.  Ya should speak with 'im if ya want to study the virus."

"As for where it came from, I can only guess.  It's doubtful it's natural.  The virus was also ridiculously easy to cure.  Like what virus has ever been identified and cured in less than a day?  It's almost like someone wanted it that way.  So if the virus were to run rampant it would be easily contained.  But these are all guesses.  Even though my mutation affects my brain, I'm not a geneticist or pathologist.  It just kinda lets me make leaps of logic.  But if I had a little time to study so I could learn the basics of those sciences I could give even Professor Beast a run for his money or maybe even teach him a few things." 

When Alison appears, Johnny says hello to her. 

When John mentions some of the students being turned into babies, Interface gives a sheepish lopsided grin and slightly raises his hand in acknowledgement.  "We were young children, actually.  For a little while I even took over their space ship." 
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Ashley greets Alison and asks, "Have you heard anything from the students who haven't checked in yet?  I spoke with Hoist and Sapphire before they left for Thanksgiving and they said they would be back by yesterday.  He was one of the students we were suppose to pick up at the train station but then everything went crazy."
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"I don't know anyone, I arrived after Thanksgiving vacation started. So I do not know who is missing."
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"We have heard from a couple," Alison replies. "But this was the first visit home since joining the school.  As we speak several of the X-men are paying personal visits to the families to check their status.  It's possible some students want to stay home.  Not everyone has a terrible relationship with their guardians." 

She watches everyone while they eat, then says, "Does anyone have any further questions?  I know this may be a strange situation but we are trying our best to make this as fun of an experience as possible, despite the snags along the way."
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Niall raised his hand and sheepishly dropped it when he realized how stupid it looked.  "Um, I'm not really sure who I need to talk to about class schedules."
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"I'm not a techy but there has been some trouble with the computer systems.  The Professor wants to be cautious so he's asked Beast to thorough check of the systems before making them available to the students.  When everything is up and running you should get a notification on your phones.  If for some reason you don't have a phone, let us know and we'll get one for you."
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John suddenly feels instantly guilty.  "Oh yeah.  I...guess I should probably call my folks.  I kinda left in a rush after Lia burst in on me like she usually does."
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Niall asks, "If the computers are down and classes are in session yet, is today just a free day?  If it is, does anyone have any plans for the day?"
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