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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
[Will try to post as I can, recovering from my 3 dose of covid 19 vaccine, so I am mostly trying to stay warm and sleeping lots]
Rupert will carefully pull open the latch and open the next door.
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With not much to do, Bazz will be actively looking out for any danger.
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Pulling the door open exposes a large sitting room.  A lantern hangs from a short chain in the center of the ceiling and a small cooking ring with a fixed iron grate sits directly beneath it.  Numerous pillows and cushions of various sizes are piled around the walls of the room.  The door directly across this larger room likely leads outside the building as it is the first one that you can see the latch side of the pullcord arrangement.  The floor is covered by a threadbare carpet with an odd grid pattern to it.  Both the carpets and the cushions bear an obvious thin layer of dust from neglect and disuse.

[Image: landing_building5.png]
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Melville will start casting Detect Magic as a ritual after suggestinmg the group look for traps under that carpet before setting foot in the room.
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Find Traps:
Perception: [1d20+3]=10+3=13

Find Magical Traps:
Arcana: [1d20+4]=10+4=14; Rolled 10 twice...  Dodgy
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Bazz looks carefully around the dusty sitting room, keeping an eye out for traps or anything else of interest.  He doesn't find anything but grime and cushions along the walls and there doesn't appear to be anything suspicious about the carpeting or floor beneath it except the disorienting pattern.  He does take note that the lamp hanging from the ceiling has been modified to include a strange rotating shutter mechanism whose purpose is not immediately obvious.

[[Bazz can give me an insight check as well to put things together.  To search he had to enter the room.  Is anyone else going in after him? I'm assuming that Melville will as well to look around once the ritual is complete.]]

By the time Bazz finishes his sweep of the room Melville finishes his ritual, and focuses on the room.  Nothing immediately jumps out at him, but after a few moments of looking around, he notices that there is a faint magical aura around the specifically the stones that make up the base of the cooking ring.  Looking closely at this, Melville sees signs that this ring of stones has been stone-shaped to be on continuous ring of stone, although first impressions would be that the ring is made of individual stones.  Melville can also tell that the shaping has been done to also functionally meld the stone through the the black wood beneath is such a fashion as to make it impossible to move the ring without significant damage to the floor and carpeting.  The magic of the ring is quiescent and of such a low ebb that Melville thinks it is enchantment or transmutation related, but would need to figure out how to reactivate it to get a better reading.
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Anders asks, "Do we want to open the door to confirm it goes outside before we start messing with the stone circle?  I can see an argument either way."
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With Anders suggestion Rupert moves up to the door, and turns towards the group with one eye bridge raised in a questioning manner, and waits for the group's reaction.
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[OoC: I'm really sorry for the delay!]

Insight [1d20+3]=14+3=17

"You might want to listen at the door first," Bazz says to Rupert. 

If he hears nothing, Bazz will also try. 

Perception (Listen): [1d20+3]=3+3=6  

Then he will check the door for traps.

Perception: [1d20+3]=16+3=19 
arcana (magical traps): [1d20+4]=6+4=10
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Though he is rather deaf, Rupert will try to perceive any noises from the other side of the door.
Perception Check = [1d20+5]=18+5=23
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