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[IC] Into Barovia
Constitution Check = [1d20]=18 [Failed, needed a 15 or lower!]
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Strength Check: [1d20]=9
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Rhodric, who was making good time shoveling through the dirt, is suddenly stopped by more roots. (Failed)  He quickly begins stabbing at the ground to hack his way through the tangled mess.  While Ismark is helping Rhodric, he manages to make some progress through the roots. Con check DC16: [1d20]=11; Ismark Succeeded!

Aly manages to make it through some of the roots.
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Con check [1d20]=7 vs. 17
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Constitution Check vs 16: 1d20 = 10
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Constitution Check vs 15: 1d20 = 7
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While all of you are frantically digging, the bishop blesses the grave as quickly as he's able.  And as the last bit of sunlight that lit the grey clouds creeped behind the the western mountain, it's like someone suddenly drops a cold shroud over the land.  The Bishop peers frightfully to and fro, urging everyone to dig faster and faster.  Suddenly, as a stale breeze churns up the damp fog, creating menacing apparitions in the periphery of your vision, the sounds of your heavy breathing and shoveling is broken by a terrifying howl from somewhere to the north.  Several seconds later it's followed by another howl and soon another.  Each time the baying of the wolves seem to get a tiny bit louder...

Here is a map that gives you an idea of the landscape in the area around the village. 

[Image: sXVgLHx.jpg]

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Is the hole deep enough now?, or do we need another round of checks?
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The Bishop says the grave is deep enough.  He asks everyone to lower the Burgomaster into the hole while he finishes the service.
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Rhodric moves to one corner of the Burgomaster and prepares to lower him 8n the hole, and grab a shovel to cover him with dirt rapidly.
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