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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
[[Vanguard Strike's effects are gone by the time Ning/Nang and Elphaba take their turns.]]
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Ning is going to cast Whelming Blast, angling the cone to get both creatures

whelming Blast [2d6]=7
Will save vs DC 17 negates the damage. The damage is type non-lethal mental damage.
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Initiative NameDamage HealedDamage InflictedCurrent Hit PointsConditionsNotes!
22.4Betimi---1(before);7(RC)08/52(58)----2 Con
21.2Tomeal---15pts(cave);20pts(PC) 35/60(66)---Bloodied!!; -1 Con
20.5Simon------ 00/51------
20.1Cozar------ 00/13------
19.4Tegab------ 00/33------
16.9Red Creature10pts(cave)1pt+6pts(Crozar);1pt Elemental; 14pts(Ning);7pts Simon; 3pts (El)22/??------
16.9Purple Creature---19pts+10pts+35(Tomeal); 5(Selina); 14pts(Ning);1pt (Simon); 5pts (El)78/??---DEAD!!
14.6Kubo------ 00/27----5 Con
14.1Selina---2pts(PC);30pts(Cave)32/52(58)---Bloodied!!; -1 Con
10.9Ning/Nang------00/27---Spitsear returns on Round 4
9.6Elphaba------ 00/?? ------

Quote:[ONLY Ning/Nang: Primal Instinct: +5 initiative and survival checks; Primal Senses: +5 on Listen/Spot and Low light vision; Uncanny dodge as barbarian.  Protection from Chaos: +5 on Torque CL checks.]
[ONLY Simon:  Blur effect.  20% miss chance.]
[ONLY Selina: +1 Morale bonus on attacks]
[Sun Elemental: AC:18; HP's: 44/ 48; Attack: +6; Damage: 2d6+1]
[Island of Blades: If both you and an ally are adjacent to the same creature, the two of you gain the benefit for flanking that opponent. You can gain this benefit against multiple opponents at the same time, as can your allies. If both you and an ally are adjacent to the same two creatures, the two of you gain the benefit of flanking against both creatures. ]

Kubo takes a step to his right and swiftly reloads his crossbow.  He takes a moment to aim and then fires another shot!  The bolt flies over the monster's shoulder and lodges itself in the fleshy cave wall.

[The effects of Vanguard Strike ends.  Condition notes updated.]

Selina grunts as the lightning blasts her right in the face and chars her flesh. Seeing stars, she blinks her eyes and shakes her head. ~That wasn't expected. Well...I'm not going to last if I don't whittle the odds down a bit. Just hope Tomeal can fill the void in while I heal. Until then...please, goddess, make my aim true...~

And she lifts her blade and swings.  [It looks like you forgot your Mysterious +1 Morale bonus.  With a base 9 +2 flank +1 morale = +12 to hit, but you rolled with only a +11 bonus which would miss.  With the +1 morale bonus, you hit!!  But of course with almost minimum damage...  Rolleyes ]

The creature steps back causing Selina's blade to just nick the monster but it begins to teeter.  [4 damage]

Ning stretches out his arms and unleashes an invisible cone of magical power in an attempt to assail the creature's minds.  Gauging their reactions it doesn't seem to have any affect.

Nang can't reach anyone to cure them with his healing touch and he can't cast any spells because his brother is casting a spell.  So there is nothing he can do.

Two small balls of light suddenly appear about 20' in the air to the east of Tomeal.  They each shed about the same amount of light as a torch.  You all then hear Elphaba say, "Attack the large creatures!"  Suddenly a single ribbon of strange glowing symbols* begin to spin around each of the orbs.  The spheres then begin blasting away at the Purple creature (2 bolts each).  [*The symbols are of Celestial origin]

Touch attack 1: [1d20+2]=19+2=21, Damage: [1d6]=5; HIT!!
Touch attack 2: [1d20+2]=15+2=17, Damage: [1d6]=1; HIT!!

Touch attack 1: [1d20+2]=15+2=17, Damage: [1d6]=1; HIT!!
Touch attack 2: [1d20+2]=10+2=12, Damage: [1d6]=1; HIT!! (Wow three 1's in a row.  Dodgy ]

Every bolt strikes its target and seem to penetrate their damage resistance with ease.   The first ray burns a deep hole into the creature's thigh. [5 damage] As the beast roars, first one of its arms rip from its elbow joint and falls to the ground.  It lunges out for Selina with the other arm and before it reaches her its shoulder dislocates and that arm falls off too!  Within seconds the entire creature just falls apart into a vile mass of flesh, blood, bone and sinew.   The other 3 blasts all strike the Red creature, singing its tumorous flesh. [Total of 3 damage]

The sparkling lights in the cave begin to grow brighter...

[It's now Betimi, Tomeal, Simon, Crozar, and Tegab's turns]


[Image: Jh92UKL.png]
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Still waiting for Betimi.  I will be posting Monday with or without her post.
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(12-15-2021, 09:09 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: Every bolt strikes its target and seem to penetrate their damage resistance with ease.   The first ray burns a deep hole into the creature's thigh. [5 damage] As the beast roars, first one of its arms rip from its elbow joint and falls to the ground.  It lunges out for Selina with the other arm and before it reaches her its shoulder dislocates and that arm falls off too!  Within seconds the entire creature just falls apart into a vile mass of flesh, blood, bone and sinew.   The other 3 blasts all strike the Red creature, singing its tumorous flesh. [Total of 3 damage]

Selina sweeps the cancerous limb away from her shoulder with barely-concealed disgust.  "Disgusting creature."
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[[OOC:  Not sure how I missed the round update for 5 days.  Sorry.]]

Crozar directs the elemental to continue to press the attack, and then fires another chakri towards the still standing creature, sending the saw-blade past the monstrosity and cutting into the fleshy environment beyond it.

[[Rivebow: [1d20+3]=1+3=4, Damage: [2d6]=9]]
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Betimi has no weapons effective against the creature so she harasses it with the intent of Aiding Tomreal. If needed she will do that as a readied action for him to get in melee.

Aid another [1d20+7]=5+7=12
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Round 4

Initiative NameDamage HealedDamage InflictedCurrent Hit PointsConditionsNotes!
22.4Betimi---1(before);7+15(Red);30pts(Cave)43/52(58)---CRITICAL!!,-2 Con
21.2Tomeal5pts(Simon)15pts(cave);20pts(Purple);16pts(Red) 46/60(66)---CRITICAL!!; -1 Con
20.5Simon------ 00/51------
20.1Cozar------ 00/13------
19.4Tegab------ 00/33------
16.9Red Creature10pts(cave)1pt+6pts(Crozar);1pt Elemental; 14pts(Ning);7pts+2pts Simon; 3pts (El)24/??------
16.9Purple Creature---19pts+10pts+35(Tomeal); 5(Selina); 14pts(Ning);1pt (Simon); 5pts (El)78/??---DEAD!!
14.6Kubo------ 00/27----5 Con
14.1Selina---2pts(PC);30pts(Cave)32/52(58)---Bloodied!!; -1 Con
10.9Ning/Nang------00/27---Spitsear returns on Round 4
9.6Elphaba------ 00/?? ------

Quote:[ONLY Ning/Nang: Primal Instinct: +5 initiative and survival checks; Primal Senses: +5 on Listen/Spot and Low light vision; Uncanny dodge as barbarian.  Protection from Chaos: +5 on Torque CL checks.]
[ONLY Simon:  Blur effect.  20% miss chance.]
[ONLY Selina: +1 Morale bonus on attacks]
[Sun Elemental: AC:18; HP's: 44/ 48; Attack: +6; Damage: 2d6+1]
[Island of Blades: If both you and an ally are adjacent to the same creature, the two of you gain the benefit for flanking that opponent. You can gain this benefit against multiple opponents at the same time, as can your allies. If both you and an ally are adjacent to the same two creatures, the two of you gain the benefit of flanking against both creatures. ]

Betimi readies her action to Aid Another when someone gets within Melee range of the creature.  [You didn't state if you were adding to attack or AC.  Tomeal can't be Aided.  See below]

Tomeal decides to move to [H-6] to trigger any AoO so his team mates can move freely.

AoO: [1d20+10]=18+10=28, Damage: [2d8+5]=11+5=16; HIT!!

The moment Tomeal moves within reach of the creature it slams him with one of its oversized fists.  The blow nearly knocks him flat. [16 damage]  He knows he can't take another hit like that!  He had planned to smash this creature into the wall but now he was really banged up.  So instead he takes out a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds to consume next round.

Simon's alchemist fire continues to burn... Fire damage: [1d6]=2; it will go out at the end of the round.  He moves 5' to [G-7] then [Free Action] draws an infusion from his MW Potion Belt and holds it in one hand for Tomeal to take.  He then summons a wand [Move Action] from his pack and touches Tomeal and says, "Cure."  

CLW: [1d8+1]=4+1=5; 5pts healed

Simon then says, "Delay your next action."

Crozar yells an order to his elemental forgetting the elemental was snuffed out by the red creature.  He fires another chakri at the creature but it completely misses. 

Tegab whines while waiting beside Kubo...

The creature roars and attack's the closest target.  It swings at Betimi!

Attack 1: [1d20+10]=4+10=14, Damage: [2d8+5]=3+5=8; Miss!!

Betimi's manages to dodge the first attack.  But the beast follows up with a second...

Attack 2: [1d20+10]=12+10=22, Damage: [2d8+5]=10+5=15; HIT!!

The blow smashes Betimi into the ground.  [15 damage!]

Nang speaks into Ning's mind, ~Can you move closer to Tomeal, Betimi or Selina so I can heal them!  It doesn't matter who.  I'd just like to be useful~"

[Now it's Kubo, Selina, Ning/Nang, Elphaba's turns]


[Image: vFufThC.png]
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[[Trying to decide what my move is here. I'm thinking she pivots to H4, which is a 5' step and wont draw an AoO, but RC has already made an AoO. So what's the point? Also, was going to have her use Douse the Flames, which prevents its target from making AoOs until she starts her next turn, but the same issue arises. Unless it has Combat Reflexes, that is.]]
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(12-21-2021, 08:56 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [[Trying to decide what my move is here.  I'm thinking she pivots to H4, which is a 5' step and wont draw an AoO, but RC has already made an AoO.  So what's the point?  Also, was going to have her use Douse the Flames, which prevents its target from making AoOs until she starts her next turn, but the same issue arises.  Unless it has Combat Reflexes, that is.]]

[[Well you're down 32 hit points and Betimi is down 43 hit points.  If you have healing you should use it.  If you don't then go get some healing or eat a fruit.
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