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[IC] Gemeris Station [Everyone]
(12-16-2021, 01:30 PM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: "Shoot at what?  I'm in a snubfighter sitting in the cargo hold.  You want to fight them, let me scramble.  Otherwise, I'm useless."

"Right now we're all useless," Shunna replies. "Unless you like the idea of being abandoned to fight them on your own, we have to just let Zero do his thing and hope nothing goes wrong.  If you hear cannons or lots of yelling over the comms consider that your sign to launch!"  

[OoC: Korstyn should already have herself prepped to launch so as soon as combat starts she can leave.]
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[[Korstyn is already prepped. It was the second thing she asked the astromech to do after she got in, strapped in and sealed the cockpit.]]
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You all wait with baited breath, expecting them to start blasting or launching torpedoes,=

The comms crackle as they start to give a response..

It is suddenly interrupted by a jolt and the starts suddenly forming bright streaks outside the cwindow as you suddenly jump to hyperspace.

Zero hinks he should be successful, afterall this is a frequently travelled hyperlane.
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Shunna sighs in relief.  She waits a few minutes just to make sure they're safe and then leaves her seat and returns to the bridge.  When everyone returns she says, "We need a list of everything this ship needs."
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Dez swivels the co-pilot seat and puts her feet up.


[OoC link to the Wrathful Bulwark stats: http://forums.rpgaddicts.com/showthread....2#pid53062]

"She's well shielded and pretty durable, but she's as slow as a luggabeast  We should probably  increase her sub-light engines.  You also noted she has no countermeasures, so there's that. We don't have a lot of credits though. Also we have missiles for the Cloakshape, but the Bulwark herself has no launchers,  We could probably install launchers inside the hangar door, and just set them to be fired by the pilot or co-pilot. Anything else anyone can think of?    I don't know that we have the creds, but it would be good to think about."

[Ooc2 GM Vitkyng are we able to use tre Ship Modification rules, and if so how mny emplacxement points have been used and/or remain alead? https://swse.fandom.com/wiki/SotG_Starsh...ifications]
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Yes, you can use the ship modifivation rules. The wrathful Bulwark is actual pretty much a stock Wayfarer class, except the escape pod has been ditched to give it an emplacement point for the dditional starboard laser cannon turret. Otherwise it has no emplacement points, so if you want to add any, you will likely need to buy emplacement points by slimming down cargo space. The ship has a cost modifier of 5.

The ship has 220 tons of cargo capacity. It takes a number of tons of cargo capacity equal to a Starship's Cost Modifier for size (See Cost Modifiers, above) to equal 1 Emplacement Point. So for each 5 tons you wish to remove of cargo space you gain an emplacement point.

Installations that are deemed 'non-standard' would cost double their normal emplacement points.

To determine what is non-standard the GM is final arbiter, but there are some rules of thumb:

1. The Starship does not have any similar system in its stock version, or if the system is specifically described as nonstandard for that type of Starship (Such as a Hyperdrive on a Starfighter).
2. The modification would increase the Starship's Speed, Hit Points, or Shield Rating by more than 50% or the number of weapons, passengers, or carried craft (Measured in Hangar Space) by more than 100% compared to the starship's stock version.
3. If the Starship has gained Emplacement Points equal to or greater than its Cost Modifier by converting cargo space, all further modifications are Nonstandard except for volume-heavy modifications such as Cryogenic Chambers, Escape Pods, Extended Range, Hangar Bays, Medical Suites, Passenger Conversions, and Smuggler's Compartments.

Note that a hangar Bay on a Colossal ship rather than a Colossal (frigate) size ship is completely non standard, so hat is why the Wayfarer class ships have no emplacement points to start.

Example if you want to add Dez's suggested missile launcher. You could add a light concussion missile launcher for 2 emplacement points and 2,000 credits. Taking up 10 tons of cargo space.

Ripping out the current Sub-light Drive (speed 2) would free up 3 emplacement points, then you could install a sublight drive (speed 4( for 5 emplacement popints at a cost of 10,000 x 5 = 50,000 credits and 10 more tons of cargo space (3 emplacement point from removing current engines, plus 2 more from eating into cargoi space)

Thoe two modifications would have eaten 4 tons of cargo space, leaving you the ability to sacrifice 5 more tomns of cargo space before modifications begin to be deemed non-standard and cost more emplacement points, thus eating into cargo space faster.

If you went for broke and cut cargo space in half, you could buy a LOT of emplacement points, but you'd probably eat half your hangar space with all the extra power generators and convertors.
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[[I don't know if anyone is aware but there is a Starship Designer feat that might be of interest to some players.  Korstyn had mentioned an interest in modifying tech so maybe this might be of interest to her too.]]
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"We need to look into doing something about our transponder codes.   There are a couple of options but I'm not sure which would be best for our situation.  I suggest against Masking our transponder because it is immediately apparent to everyone who detects our ship, attracting the attention of the authorities.  We could also disguise our transponder codes so we appear as a different ship but there are some penalties (-5) for each disguise we have.  There's also an IFF military transponder which just transmits friend of foe.  If we have the proper codes for a given military unit, we can upload them to our IFF Transponder and appear as a "Friend" to its sensors.  But if we don't have those codes we will need to hack into another ship to get them which takes time and it's not the easiest task (-5 use computer vs Unfriendly +10 due to encryption).  What is everyone's opinion?"
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"Forget masking, we need a sensor jamming suite.  We get into a situation like that again having the option of shutting down the enemy's ability to communicate gives us more options.  Better ones."
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(12-19-2021, 06:47 AM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: "Forget masking, we need a sensor jamming suite.  We get into a situation like that again having the option of shutting down the enemy's ability to communicate gives us more options.  Better ones."

"I'm listening," Shunna replies.  "What other options would it give us?  Since you're Mandalorian and likely better schooled in defensive strategy than the rest of us, I sincerely want to hear your thoughts.  I would think if the Empire or smugglers see we're jamming them they would be more likely to just start shooting."
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