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[IC] Into Barovia
(11-12-2021, 04:09 AM)Sumayl al-Akhir Wrote: Does Sumayl think there is enough daylight left to get a grave dug and bury the body in the graveyard, or will nightfall overtake them?

As if to answer your thoughts everyone hears the low howl of several large wolves nearby.  You all see the father nearly jump out of his robes.  You're sure he probably soiled himself.

"Ahhh... Quickly!  Help me take the Burgomaster to the cemetery!  We must bury him before..."  His voice stops as if he couldn't bring himself to finish his words.  

The father opens the back doors which leads to the small cemetery behind the church.  "Hurry! I must start my prayers.  The prayers are the only thing that has kept this the only place clean and sacred, in all of Barovia."
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"Got any shovels?"  He looks at the other men, "Let's get to work"
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(11-16-2021, 04:59 AM)Sumayl al-Akhir Wrote: "Got any shovels?"  He looks at the other men, "Let's get to work"

Aly side-eyes Sumayl.  "For the moment, your quaint chivalry will have to take a rest.  We need all hands, including women's, to dig out the plot as quickly as possible."  The elvin woman removes her cloak then picks up a shovel and begins putting her surprising strength to work at digging a grave for the Burgomaster.
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[OoC: Digging a hole about 4′ deep, by 3′ wide, by 4′ long takes anywhere from 1 hour to 4 hours. It depends on the ground conditions, and the ability of who’s digging the hole. Yes, digging a hole requires skill, ability, and stamina; but interestingly strength is not a key attribute.  Obviously a grave is slightly larger. ]

You quickly realize that even though all of you are experienced adventurers with most having high strength and Constitutions, this is probably going to take more time than you have.  But the Father already has a couple of graves (6' in length) already partially dug to a depth of about 3 feet.  This will cut down your digging time substantially!  You just have to dig it deep enough so animals don't uncover the Burgomaster's body, and quickly enough before your sunlight is completely gone - about 5 minutes.

[You each will get a shovel and I need you each to role a strength or constitution check (your choice) and you must roll as close to your stat as possible without going over.]
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Rhodric grabs a shovel and puts his back into his work, while keeping an eye open on thier surroundings. CON = 15.
Constitution Check = [1d20]=15
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Constitution [1d20]=10 vs Con 17
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Eloric knows what the nightfall can bring, so he starts digging for all he is worth. Unfortunately he not really a 'manual labor' kind of guy. 

Constitution Check vs Con 16: 1d20 = 19
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Reion grabs a shovel and puts his back into it.

Constitution Check vs Con 15: 1d20 = 4
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Strength: [1d20]=19; She needed an 18 or lower aaaand of course she fails.  Rolleyes
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Ismark: Con check DC16: [1d20]=10; Succeeded

You all begin working on digging the plot deeper.  You line up 3 to each side of the grave and begin working to clear out as much dirt as possible.  Rhodric finds a patch of dirt without any rocks or roots to impede his shove.  Ismark, Sumayl, and Reion are finding a few rocks slowing down their progress but they still are making some good time.  But Eloric and surprisingly Aly are having a really hard time of it.  A large root seems to have snaked itself through the plot which is odd because their aren't any trees in the graveyard.  If you didn't know better, it was almost as if the plants themselves were trying to slow you down.

[I need Ability rolls again!]

Ismark 2nd roll: Con check DC16: [1d20]=18; Failed  Confused
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