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[IC] Into Barovia
After a few moments, the door creaks open just enough to allow a sliver of light from inside the church to land on Aly's face.  She winces from the light then spots a man peer out at her with a single wide eye.  

"What do you want?" He asks fearfully.  "You should be locking yourself up for the night!"

Ireena appears beside Aly and whispers, "Grigori, please open the door.  We've brought my father.  He passed..."

The door suddenly closes...  There's muffled rattling on the other side of the door then it slowly creaks open to reveal a large man of around 50 years old, with combed back black but greying hair at the top of his head and silvery-white hair at the sides, combed over both ears.  He stares at you with wide eyes, haunted with fear.
[Image: 29JdKk2.png]

"Get in quick," he whispers frightfully.  "The sun will be gone soon."
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Aly waves for the group to bring the Burgomaster inside.  She will hold one of the doors open to make sure it doesn't get in the way.
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Rhodric will nod at the others around the table, and begin to shuffle his feet towards the door, to get everyone moving in concert, into the building before them.
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The four of the party carry the Burgomaster into the church.  

The church is 50 feet wide by 120 feet long. Its interior is a shambles, with overturned and broken benches littering the dusty floor. You spot the priest retreating to a claw-scarred altar toward the far end of the church.  He beings praying and chanting, but his voice is hoarse and weak. 

When her father is placed on the alter, Ireena says, "We must give my father a funeral service, even if it's but a brief one."
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"I can pray to Brave Hajama for his soul for you, unless someone else wan t to give rites more fitting to his own faith."
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Eloric simply lowered his head when the priest or anyone decided to pray for the man.  He had no faith in any gods to offer a prayer of his own, but he was respectful all the same.
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Reion watched with fascination at whatever funeral rite they were getting ready to perform.  He'd offered prayers to Yondalla as his family had done that since he was born. He wasn't sure if he had anything like faith perse, but he understood the need for tradition, hope and the belief in something greater.
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Rhodric bows his head and makes the sign of Fharlanghn, and says, "May his spirit have safe travels to Journey's End!"
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Atop a slight rise, against the very roots of the castle's pillar stone, stands a gray, sagging edifice of stone and wood. This church has weathered the assaults of evil for centuries on end and is worn and weary. The bell tower hangs to one side, its sweet tone long silenced. Flickering light shines through holes burned through the roof shingles. The rafters strain feebly against their load.

Once inside, Ireena insists her father have a funeral service, even a brief ceremony before nightfall hoping in doing so it will protect his soul from damnation.  Many of you offer to help but finally Grigori, the priest of this church speaks up.

[Image: 29JdKk2.png]

"No," the priest interrupt.  "This is my church.  That might not mean much any more but the least I can do is carry out a short service for the Burgomaster who has done his best to take care of this cursed village."

Grigori asks everyone to quickly gather round and make a circle around the alter.  When everyone is in position, Father Grigori begins...

"Thank you Morninglord for the Burgomaster, Kolyan Indirovich's, life, and all the years we shared with him. We lift him to you today, Oh Morninglord, in honour of the good we saw in him and the leadership we felt from him. Please give us the strength to leave him in your care, and give him the hope of eternal rest.  In these words we pray, Amen."

Father Grigori then sprinkles some holy water upon the body and places a wafer in his mouth.  Ireena sobs throughout the short ceremony while Ismark holds his sister tightly in his arm.  When the service is finished Ireena thanks everyone for their help in laying her father to rest.
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Does Sumayl think there is enough daylight left to get a grave dug and bury the body in the graveyard, or will nightfall overtake them?
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