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[IC] Field Trip!
(11-02-2021, 07:29 PM)Interface Wrote:
(11-02-2021, 07:00 PM)Niall Glacian Wrote:
(11-02-2021, 02:14 PM)Interface Wrote: "Have any of you noticed, no one that was ill is here having breakfast," Johnny says in his thick Irish accent.  "None of them.  I heard there would be some after effects.  Maybe they're really sick."

Niall says, "I was a giant germ if that counts as being sick."

"Your powers have to do with isolating and absorbing illnesses so you probably have a natural resistance to most sicknesses.  I assume whatever it was you absorbed that caused the outbreak and turned you into a giant germ is likely connected in some way.  Maybe the illness you absorbed activated a latent mutant gene within you.  It would be interesting to know where this sickness came from to begin with because it has a high likelihood of being genetically engineered or even alien in origin!  At least that's my opinion."  While Johnny spoke his eyes slow turn silver as a web of circuitry begins to creep out the corners of his eyes.  When he finishes his thoughts on the sickness his eyes return to normal.
  Niall nods in agreement, "That's true.  The Professor and I talked about the curious manifestation in me.  I know I can carry and transmit diseases without manifesting them myself, so you are probably right, I wouldn't count as sick in that way.  I would like to know where it came from as well.  If it is a regular disease I should be able to generate samples for study." Watching the circuitry grow and recede, Niall's mouth drop s open in surprise.  "I would love to know how your mechanical interfacing works as well."
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"That's an idea. Johnny can you use the cameras to locate Malcolm, so we don't have to go running all over to find him?"
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John just blinks as they seemed to ignore his half-joking reply. Hmm...maybe someone really did get COVID. This is serious.
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Seeing Johnny's confused look, Porsche decides to explain again why everyone is so concerned. She know it was explained before, but perhaps he didn't realize how serious it had gotten. "The students that were infected by Niall when he was a virus became quite aggressive, even violent."
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John gives her a look...then looks at the creepy guy who'd been staring at him for half the morning (Yes, Johnny picked up on that), then looked back at her.  "Niall...was a virus?  Is that his mutant power?  To change people around?"  He looks at Ashley again.  "I take it all back.  Everything I said this morning.  I would not want that.  Not in a million years."
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(10-27-2021, 12:14 AM)Porsche Villar Wrote: As Psi-Jack enters the kitchen, Porsche smiles at the newcomer.

"Heya chicka. You want toast or waffles?"

"Waffles," she replies from the door.  

(10-27-2021, 01:54 PM)Niall Glacian Wrote: Niall looks to PsiJack and says around a mouthful of toast and marmalade, "Can you sense him out?  I'm a little nervous about people just disappearing."

She shrugs slightly and replies, "I don't know.  I'm not sure how strong my telepathy really is.  I usually just hi-jack people's minds to do what I want.  But I can try."

Psi-Jack opens her mind and her eyes shine with a dark purple light.  Surface thoughts flow all around her that sound like whispers she can't quite make out.  It's like being in a crowded room where everyone is talking.  She needed to concentrate on one voice to hear what it was being said.  Some people were more resistant than others.  She'd encountered Malcolm's mind before so Psi-Jack knew his mind was more ordered and naturally resistant.  At the speed of thought, Psi-Jack's mind sifts through the voices until she hears one that's familiar 'mumbling' rapidly and without many pauses.  "I think I might of located him but he has a strong wall.  I don't want to force my way into his mind but I can certainly 'knock.' "  Psi-Jack then does exactly that...

Malcolm suddenly feels something repeatedly pressing against his thoughts.  He recognizes her 'signature'. 

[It's up to Malcolm if he opens up so she can reach him.]
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(11-02-2021, 02:48 PM)Johnny Blair Wrote:
(11-02-2021, 02:08 PM)Graffiti Wrote: "I liked that you left." Ashley gives John a sarcastic smile in jest and takes another bite of cinnamon toast. 

John winces and puts on a sour face.  "Ooo!  Ouch!  You wound me.  Maybe I should turn around again."  Then just as easily, and without waiting for a response, he turns away.

(11-02-2021, 02:14 PM)Interface Wrote: "Have any of you noticed, no one that was ill is here having breakfast," Johnny says in his thick Irish accent.  "None of them.  I heard there would be some after effects.  Maybe they're really sick."

"Sick?  Who got sick?  What happened?  Someone got COVID?"

"There's no COVID around here," Blink replies.  "But will we need to ask the professor if he could make a special vaccine for the both of you?"
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(11-02-2021, 09:08 PM)Niall Glacian Wrote:
(11-02-2021, 07:29 PM)Interface Wrote:
(11-02-2021, 07:00 PM)Niall Glacian Wrote:
(11-02-2021, 02:14 PM)Interface Wrote: "Have any of you noticed, no one that was ill is here having breakfast," Johnny says in his thick Irish accent.  "None of them.  I heard there would be some after effects.  Maybe they're really sick."

Niall says, "I was a giant germ if that counts as being sick."

"Your powers have to do with isolating and absorbing illnesses so you probably have a natural resistance to most sicknesses.  I assume whatever it was you absorbed that caused the outbreak and turned you into a giant germ is likely connected in some way.  Maybe the illness you absorbed activated a latent mutant gene within you.  It would be interesting to know where this sickness came from to begin with because it has a high likelihood of being genetically engineered or even alien in origin!  At least that's my opinion."  While Johnny spoke his eyes slow turn silver as a web of circuitry begins to creep out the corners of his eyes.  When he finishes his thoughts on the sickness his eyes return to normal.
  Niall nods in agreement, "That's true.  The Professor and I talked about the curious manifestation in me.  I know I can carry and transmit diseases without manifesting them myself, so you are probably right, I wouldn't count as sick in that way.  I would like to know where it came from as well.  If it is a regular disease I should be able to generate samples for study." Watching the circuitry grow and recede, Niall's mouth drop s open in surprise.  "I would love to know how your mechanical interfacing works as well."

Ashley raises an eyebrow at Niall's wish to generate samples for study.  "Niall, do you have any thoughts about where it came from?"  She then glances toward Interface.  "Johnny, you're the brain.  Any ideas?"
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(11-03-2021, 09:09 AM)Graffiti Wrote:
(11-02-2021, 09:08 PM)Niall Glacian Wrote:
(11-02-2021, 07:29 PM)Interface Wrote:
(11-02-2021, 07:00 PM)Niall Glacian Wrote:
(11-02-2021, 02:14 PM)Interface Wrote: "Have any of you noticed, no one that was ill is here having breakfast," Johnny says in his thick Irish accent.  "None of them.  I heard there would be some after effects.  Maybe they're really sick."

Niall says, "I was a giant germ if that counts as being sick."

"Your powers have to do with isolating and absorbing illnesses so you probably have a natural resistance to most sicknesses.  I assume whatever it was you absorbed that caused the outbreak and turned you into a giant germ is likely connected in some way.  Maybe the illness you absorbed activated a latent mutant gene within you.  It would be interesting to know where this sickness came from to begin with because it has a high likelihood of being genetically engineered or even alien in origin!  At least that's my opinion."  While Johnny spoke his eyes slow turn silver as a web of circuitry begins to creep out the corners of his eyes.  When he finishes his thoughts on the sickness his eyes return to normal.
  Niall nods in agreement, "That's true.  The Professor and I talked about the curious manifestation in me.  I know I can carry and transmit diseases without manifesting them myself, so you are probably right, I wouldn't count as sick in that way.  I would like to know where it came from as well.  If it is a regular disease I should be able to generate samples for study." Watching the circuitry grow and recede, Niall's mouth drop s open in surprise.  "I would love to know how your mechanical interfacing works as well."

Ashley raises an eyebrow at Niall's wish to generate samples for study.  "Niall, do you have any thoughts about where it came from?"  She then glances toward Interface.  "Johnny, you're the brain.  Any ideas?"

Niall shakes his head sadly.  "No.  I don't really have any cohesive memory after reaching the Academy, so beyond Hellfire involvement I'm not sure where it was introduced, and other than some flashes of panic, I haven't recalled much from after the transformation.  I know I can pick up and pass along, with control, any disease I've encountered so far, so I assume I can produce some samples if it works like any of the other illnesses I've run into."

(11-03-2021, 12:34 AM)Johnny Blair Wrote: John gives her a look...then looks at the creepy guy who'd been staring at him for half the morning (Yes, Johnny picked up on that), then looked back at her.  "Niall...was a virus?  Is that his mutant power?  To change people around?"  He looks at Ashley again.  "I take it all back.  Everything I said this morning.  I would not want that.  Not in a million years."

Niall smiles, but it is an odd expression as he seems to only smile with the right side of mouth, and responding to John says, "Not really change people around in the vein of turning into giant germs, but I can heal people and I've successfully done some skin grafts and some minor limb transfers."  Seeing [what i assume will be] John's expression change Niall holds out his hands, patting the air in a placating gesture, "Just in animal testing!  Just animals."
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(11-03-2021, 05:00 AM)GM Marvel Wrote:
(10-27-2021, 12:14 AM)Porsche Villar Wrote: As Psi-Jack enters the kitchen, Porsche smiles at the newcomer.

"Heya chicka. You want toast or waffles?"

"Waffles," she replies from the door.  

Porsche reaches into rthge freezer and grabs three waffles from the box of blueberry Eggos, They are instantly lightly toasted by the heat from her hands as she places them on a plate. She paces the plate of tasted blueberry eggos  to Psi-Jack along with the bottle of syrup and a fork. 

Smiling she says "Come on in and grab a spot on the counter with the rest of us."  

[OoC no one seems to be sitting, we are just milling around the kitchen if I reecall]
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