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Missing Caravan
(11-13-2015, 05:25 PM)Jonath Wrote: [OOC: I would echo Betimi's question - now that we have spotted the trap, is it possible to just step over it? I assume doing so would cause some risk of setting it off, especially the mules, but would like some DM guidance before we continue.]

[OoC: You can attempt to step over the trip wire instead of disarming the trap.  It wouldn't be difficult for you but the animals could pose some problems so you would have to be extra careful with them.  So in game terms, the players would have a DC: 0 Dex check which since none of you have a poor Dexterity you would only fail on a 1.  The mules I will give a DC: 5 dex check.  Their dex mod is +1 and I will even allow up to two people to apply their strength modifiers to the roll to try to guide their footing over the wire.  Sound fair? ]
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[OOC: Yep, works for me]

"We could attempt to simply step over the line, and I think we would be able to get over without trouble. The mules would be a bit trickier, however - we would likely need to help guide them over, with Mardak and Tomeal positioning themselves help guide their legs over. Even with all that, however, there is a chance that someone may catch the wire - it's quite delicately set, so even the smallest snag would likely have those boulders crashing down on us. Still, I believe the chances of us getting past it without incident by simply stepping over are probably better than if I tried to disable it, so that is probably our best choice at the moment." Jonath goes first, carefully stepping over the line, then moving ahead a bit to continue scouting for further traps or other hazards.

[OOC:DEX check:[1d20+4] = 10+4 = 14
Continuing to search for traps, etc. You said you do that as a passive check, so I won't make a roll.]
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He pushes up his hat and places his fists on his waist "Well hell, why didn't I think of that?"  He looks to the pony and huffs before going to work.  "Come on Marmalade, we don't have all day." 

Mardak gently and carefully helps the pony and himself over the trip-wire. 

Dex check for Mardak
Dex check for Marmalade
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Tomeal easily steps over the trip wire and then begins adding his strength to help Mardak with the mules[?] and he will also assist with carrying Jonath's guard dog over the wire. [Whew! Close!]  Confused

[OoC: If other players don't roll their dex checks soon then I will make the rolls.  Also, Unless Nacesh has a mule (can't see his sheet) I can't find anyone with any mules.  Huh ]
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((Selina has a mule but I can't roll right now. At work. Could you roll for her please?))
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Betimi easily steps over the wire, then moves a little up the p[ath carefully, leaving room for ther others to get the mules and dog across.

[Dex Check [1d20+3] = 18+3 = 21]

[OoC as far as I know Selina and Nacesh each had a mule and Jonath had the dog, When did Mardak gain a pony??]
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[Mardak helped with one of the mules (which he refers to as Pony).  And he named one of them Marmalade...Doesn't matter which one Smile ]

"Alright, one obstacle done.  Where to next?"  
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Selina avoids the trip wire and then guides her mule over the trap.  Now that everyone has moved past the trap you all continue to search for the kobolds.  Luckily for you, because of their light sensitivity, Kobolds dislike going out during the day.  They would rather take advantage of their darkvison to surprise people at night.  Which also means that if you do find their lair, you will need some light so the people without darkvison will be able to see.

You all travel for about a half hour when Betimi spots some movement about 40' away.  She points out that she noticed something moving behind a large pile of brush that's growing (or placed) up ahead against the side of a steep hill.  Whatever it is, it hasn't given any indication it has seen you yet.
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Moving up beside Betimi, Mardak takes a look with her. 

Spot check 1d20+0 = 16
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Mardak takes a look and doesn't see anything.
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