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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
Both Eva and Cin listen to the door...

Cin: Perception: [1d20+8]=17+8=25

The gunslinger can hear a soft hum.

While they are listening, I assume E10 continues to search the wall for secret doors.  It takes 5 rounds but he doesn't find anything.
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I assume Cyn has shared the information with us so Eva asks the others:

I'm going to open this door first are you ready?
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(10-18-2021, 06:59 AM)Eva Morningtide Wrote: I assume Cyn has shared the information with us so Eva asks the others:

I'm going to open this door first are you ready?

[OOC: Yes she would tell everyone.]

As usual, Cin will ready her pistol but this time she'll shoot anything that's nonliving but still moving.
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"Before we get in other fight and open the door, do we have any healing available? Those robots worked me over pretty good!", asks E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S.-10.
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While the Shaman is deciding what to do with the strange equipment, Cin peeks her head into the room and asks, "Do you have anything renewable that can heal E10 or should we just use one of our potions."
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[[It doesn't appear Gurkaph has any feat or trait that gives him any insight into Technological equipment or allows him to read the language displayed on the panels.  So unless he interacts with the equipment he's not able to gain any more info about the equipment.  ]]

[Gurkaph could also just ask someone who can read the language and has the Technologic ability to look at it.]]
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"I am out of bombs, so there is much less that I can do."
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Gurkagh will cast a cure light wounds on E-10.

"I have one cure spell remaining after this, and no more channels of life force."

Cure Light [1d4+5]=2+5=7 - 7 hp bacdk for E-10
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E10 is fully healed.  Everyone else is healed except Gurkagh who has taken 2 hit points of damage.

Are you going to do any more healing?  Will you continue searching the room with the medical tables?  Or do you decide to open the Southern doors?
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