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[IC] Gemeris Station [Everyone]
Untrained Knowledge Check: [1d20+5]=11+5=16
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Knowledge: [1d20+1]=18+1=19; Knowledge: [1d20+1]=7+1=8
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(09-16-2021, 05:53 PM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: Korstyn grins beneath her helm.

“Don’t worry adiik. I’ll take good care of you.”

[[Can you remind me what 'adiik' means?]]
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[[Pretty sure Jendu doesn’t speak Mando’a, but it’s an affectionate term for a youngster.]]
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(09-23-2021, 06:32 PM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: [[Pretty sure Jendu doesn’t speak Mando’a, but it’s an affectionate term for a youngster.]]

[[Oh, I thought it might have been an inside joke, possibly at Jendu's expense, that he understood the meaning.  So I guess that means I need to find a pet Munn name for her.   Tongue ]]
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[[Lol. That's only if he realizes what she's saying and gets the reference. But if you want him to start a 'cute war' with her, be my guest Tongue]]
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Shunna and Zero both recognize the ship (though for different reasons) as an Imperial Customs Frigate. The ship is dangerous, though not nearly so dangerous as a capital ship. The maiun threat is if they decide you are too great a threat and message for help.

They have not hailed yet, so you do not know what they want, or even what has drawn their attention.
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(09-23-2021, 06:48 PM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: [[Lol.  That's only if he realizes what she's saying and gets the reference.  But if you want him to start a 'cute war' with her, be my guest Tongue]]

[OoC: He doesn't have to know the word she's using to call him to wonder if it's positive or negative.  If the someone was constantly referring to Korstyn by a word she didn't know, she'd probably what to know what it meant.  Maybe even demanding to know in case it was disrespectful.  Jendu isn't the sort to get into someone's face.  Investigation is more his style... Smile ]

ad’ika: ad means “son/daughter (child)”, and ‘ika is a suffix used for nicknames meaning “little,” so ad’ika means “little child.”

[OoC2: I'm not sure if calling a grown man a 'little child' is a term of affection.  Especially since Mandalorians aren't really knows to be sweet with outsiders.]

Quote:Korstyn grins beneath her helm.

“Don’t worry adiik. I’ll take good care of you.”

"I hope so," Jendu replies curiously. "As a junior Senator and as an acquaintance - or am I worthy of being called a friend yet - I would think my value would be worth more alive than dead."
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(10-05-2021, 03:22 AM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: Shunna and Zero both recognize the ship (though for different reasons)  as an Imperial Customs Frigate. The ship is dangerous, though not nearly so dangerous as a capital ship. The maiun threat is if they decide you are too great a threat and message for help.

They have not hailed yet, so you do not know what they want, or even what has drawn their attention.

"There's no need to be so paranoid to assume every ship we see is out to get us, yet," Shunna says to the party.  Then addressing Zero, Shunna says, "Just finish plotting your course and get us out of here as swiftly as possible."

Quote:Search Your Feelings

As a Full-Round Action, you can make a DC 15 Use the Force check to determine whether an action will yield favorable or unfavorable results to you in the immediate future (10 minutes or less).

Shunna opens her thoughts up to the vastness of the Force.  She contemplates whether contacting the ship would yield favorable or unfavorable results...

Use the force: [1d20+15]=5+15=20; DC15 is a Success so it technically always succeeds but I rolled anyways.
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"Not sure why everyone's so afraid of a simple customs frigate, but if you'd rather avoid it, we can just try our little shopping trip at a different system."
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