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[IC] Field Trip!
Spreading orange marmalade on his toast, Niall replies to Ashlee's question with a shake of his head. Seemingly in response to  Interface's comment Niall shrugs and says, "Not really sure what my class schedule is now, so I was planning on going up to the Professor's office to ask."
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(09-24-2021, 06:57 PM)Niall Glacian Wrote: Spreading orange marmalade on his toast, Niall replies to Ashlee's question with a shake of his head. Seemingly in response to  Interface's comment Niall shrugs and says, "Not really sure what my class schedule is now, so I was planning on going up to the Professor's office to ask."

"I'm sure the Professor will get you new students sorted out.  Over the holiday there has been a lot going on.  Regular classes will probably be returning very shortly.  But I sort of like these smaller classes." 
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John wanders over to the 'Professor's' office, sees Ashley, and immediately regrets being here. Why her? Why here? Why now? It's not like no one else has seen him without any clothes. It's just that she's seen him without most of his clothes. That's a pretty significant difference. But there's no backing out now. Either she makes it weird, or she doesn't.
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When John walks into the kitchen, Johnny nods to him and then gathers his cereal bowl, orange juice and toast to take it to the other side of the island and sits down.  "Ya missed a deadly game of Mario Kart last night boyo," Interface says to John before scooping up a spoonful of Cocoa Puffs.
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(10-02-2021, 11:11 PM)Johnny Blair Wrote: John wanders over to the 'Professor's' office, sees Ashley, and immediately regrets being here.  Why her?  Why here?  Why now?  It's not like no one else has seen him without any clothes.  It's just that she's seen him without most of his clothes.  That's a pretty significant difference.  But there's no backing out now.  Either she makes it weird, or she doesn't.

"Good Morning," Ashley says when John enters the kitchen.  "HEY!  You found something to wear!"  She offers him a friendly smile at the inside joke.  "You new guys should find someone to take you shopping.  You'll need more than just a couple of sets of clothing.  If not, you might soon end up walking around here in just your underwear."
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(10-03-2021, 04:43 AM)Interface Wrote: When John walks into the kitchen, Johnny nods to him and then gathers his cereal bowl, orange juice and toast to take it to the other side of the island and sits down.  "Ya missed a deadly game of Mario Kart last night boyo," Interface says to John before scooping up a spoonful of Cocoa Puffs.

"If that blue shell hadn't also blown me into the lava, I definitely would of won that last game." Niall adds around a mouthful of toast and marmalade.
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Miranda appears in the doorway wearing a bright yellow sweater, jeans, and her long blonde hair pulled back into with bright blue ribbon.  "Good Morning!!!" she sings to everyone in the kitchen.  "I hope everyone slept well!  I know I did!  I was exhausted from all that dancing!  You party poopers should have joined us."  She picks up an orange and banana, and a jar of peanut butter.  She teleports to a chair on the other side of the island and sits down.  "Does anyone know what's going on today?"  Miranda nudges Niall's arm to pass her a knife.  If he hands it to her, she cheerfully replies, "Thanks."
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Niall fumbles trying to pickup and flip over the butterknife, sending it clattering and jouncing across the countertop.  Niall quickly lurched to try to grab it, dropping his second piece of toast towards the floor.
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(10-03-2021, 04:51 PM)Graffiti Wrote:
(10-02-2021, 11:11 PM)Johnny Blair Wrote: John wanders over to the 'Professor's' office, sees Ashley, and immediately regrets being here.  Why her?  Why here?  Why now?  It's not like no one else has seen him without any clothes.  It's just that she's seen him without most of his clothes.  That's a pretty significant difference.  But there's no backing out now.  Either she makes it weird, or she doesn't.

"Good Morning," Ashley says when John enters the kitchen.  "HEY!  You found something to wear!"  She offers him a friendly smile at the inside joke.  "You new guys should find someone to take you shopping.  You'll need more than just a couple of sets of clothing.  If not, you might soon end up walking around here in just your underwear."

John quirks an eyebrow at her response, then narrows his eyes.  "Oh, is that so?  I'll be sure to go looking for some extra, extra, extra, extra, extra-large shirts next time we're at the mall then."  He makes sure to places his hands further and further apart each time he says 'extra'.

(10-03-2021, 04:43 AM)Interface Wrote: When John walks into the kitchen, Johnny nods to him and then gathers his cereal bowl, orange juice and toast to take it to the other side of the island and sits down.  "Ya missed a deadly game of Mario Kart last night boyo," Interface says to John before scooping up a spoonful of Cocoa Puffs.

"Deadly, huh?  Why, was Ash involved?"  He doesn't even look her way as he schools his face to be as neutral as possible.
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(10-06-2021, 12:45 PM)Johnny Blair Wrote: John quirks an eyebrow at her response, then narrows his eyes.  "Oh, is that so?  I'll be sure to go looking for some extra, extra, extra, extra, extra-large shirts next time we're at the mall then."  He makes sure to places his hands further and further apart each time he says 'extra'.

Ashley gazes at him curiously, then replies, "Sure.  If that's your style.  But don't forget to buy some extra, extra, extra-large pants."  Ashley then bites into her cinnamon toast and downs some juice.
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