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[IC] Gemeris Station [Everyone]
Zero alerts the party about the ship and everything else he learns when he learns it.
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Korstyn looks up at the alert, expecting to see the target (everything was a target to her) on-screen, but it's just a dot in a landscape filled with them right now.  She sits in the Commander's chair and tilts her head to one side.

"Well, we should probably contact them, shouldn't we.  Not recommending I get involved in that.  Not many people out there who like Mandalorians."
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Shunna suggests they should first change course slightly then watch to see if they do the same to intercept the Buwark.  The other ship might not want nothing to do with the Bulwark either.
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Everyone please make a knowledge Technology or a Knowledge Galactic lore check (whichever is better, not both)
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[OoC: Ubi hurts himself in the attempt!]
Knowledge Technology (Int) = [1d20+3]=1+3=4
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Knowledge Galactic Lore: [1d20+8]=9+8=17
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[[You can roll for Korstyn if you want. Her mod is 1 for both and she’s not trained in either.]]
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[The DM didn't say if we can make the check untrained so I assumed we couldn't.  Not many people in the group have either knowledge skill]
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You can make it untrained
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Untrained Knowledge Check: [1d20+4]=8+4=12
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