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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
(09-13-2021, 04:19 PM)Eva Morningtide Wrote:
(09-13-2021, 05:37 AM)Cin-Ezra Oovalli Wrote: "I'm willing to switch positions with one of you hunky men at any time!"

Just step back, on your right side. - Eva replies as a free action

Eva has rolled a perception in the last post (http://forums.rpgaddicts.com/showthread....1#pid54691) but if you need a new one for 'next round':

Eva's perception: [1d20+7]=5+7=12

Eva's init: [1d20+4]=14+4=18

DM, droids aren't sightless creatures, are they?

[OoC:  It doesn't matter which roll I use.  Both were successful.  Both sides were kind of aware there was something on the other side of the door so I didn't make the DC very high. ]

[OoC2:  As far as I know, all the droids you've encountered so far could see.  If anyone wants more info about robots they need the Technologist feat and at least 1pt in Engineering to make the check.  Note that Stargazer only gives you the Technologist feat for identifying Aliens, while Local Ties gives you the Technologist feat for Technological stuff.]
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[OoC: Local Ties allows Cyn to be treated as if she possesses the Technologist feat.  She had to choose between Disable Device or Engineering and she had chosen Engineering.

Knowledge Engineering: [1d20+6]=2+6=8; Well that is a fail. ]
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Initiatives: Surprise Round
  • 20.4: Cyn
  • 18.4: Eva
  • 15.2: Robot 1 SURPRISED!
  • 13.2: Robot 2
  • 9.6: E10

Waiting on Reawyn and Gurkagh.
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Perception [1d20+5]=10+5=15; Initiative [1d20+2]=12+2=14
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Perception [1d20+5]=11+5=16; Init [1d20+2]=3+2=5
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Initiatives: Surprise Round
  • 20.4: Cyn
  • 18.4: Eva
  • 15.2: Robot 1 SURPRISED!
  • 13.2: Robot 2
  • 14.2: Gurkagh
  • 9.6: E10
  • 5.2: Reawyn
[For the Surprise round, Cin and Eva goes first. Remember, you can either do a move action or a standard action.  Not both.  You can make a 5' step with a Standard action.]

[Image: Likkn0M.png]
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"Focus on one!" Cin says to everyone. 

Cin moves back to I-12 (5' step)

Free Action: 
Cin loads her pistol with a Paper Cartridge. (Misfire on 1 or 2)

Standard Action:
SHOOT!: Touch Attack: [1d20+8]=16+8=24, Damage: [1d8]=2; HIT!
Up Close and Deadly: [1d6]=6; Total Damage: 8pts!
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Initiative NameDamage HealedDamage InflictedCurrent Hit PointsConditionsNotes!
15.2Robot 1------ ??/??SURPRISED!---
13.2Robot 2------ ??/??------
14.2Gurkagh---2pts(4 armed Skelly)2/10------
5.2Reawyn------ 0/15------

Surprise round: May only make Move or Standard actions.  May do a 5' step with a Standard action.  AoO possible if not surprised!
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In the surprise round Eva casts a Color Spray (std action) and moves to I10 (5 ft. step)
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(09-14-2021, 06:52 AM)Eva Morningtide Wrote: In the surprise round Eva casts a Color Spray (std action) and moves to I10 (5 ft. step)

[OoC:  Color Spray is mind affecting.  Robots are a subtype of Constructs so I don't think they are affected by those types of spells.

Way back when Chrome cast sleep on some robots, he had an archtype which allowed his spells to affect constrcts]
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