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[IC] The Student Lounge
(09-05-2021, 11:29 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [OoC:  Sorry for being so behind.  Distractions keep appearing.  I don't really understand why because with COVID and a couple of broken feet you'd think there wouldn't be much for me to do!  ]

(08-23-2021, 07:00 PM)Interface Wrote: There was no point in reasoning with Jack so Johnny walks over to the snack cart and begins pushing it toward the Rec Room.  "You coming, Roz?" He asks, his voice trailing off when he remembers that Demi was still in control of Roslyn's body.  Johnny start to walk away but then stops.  "Don't ya think you've been riding her long enough?  I know Roslyn chose to let you out because she didn't want to deal with Jack's creepiness around her but the mission is over.  It's time to go back to where ya came from."

Demi gives Johnny a dirty look.  "Your girlfriend is fine.  In fact she's resting right now.  She will come out to play with you when she's ready,"  she replies with her hollow ghostly voice.

"Resting," Johnny replies skeptically.  "Well, it'll be bedtime soon.  You wouldn't want Roslyn to have insomnia tonight.  Maybe you should start thinking about waking her up."  Before she can make another snarky reply, Johnny turns his back on her and pushes the cart to the student lounge.  He Ignores anything she might say while he leaves.

When he gets to the lounge, he calls out, "Snacks?"  His eyes turn silver as glowing circuitry creeps out the corners to form a mask.  Suddenly one of the TV's turn on with a PS5 booting up seconds after.
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When they get to the rec room, Porsches looks at Saleem, "Well? Music, c'mon.. something we can dance to."
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(09-07-2021, 01:53 AM)Porsche Villar Wrote: When they get to the rec room, Porsches looks at Saleem, "Well? Music, c'mon.. something we can dance to."

[OoC: Saleem already started the music.]
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Coming into the room with Donya Niall asks, "Do you know if they Surgery Simulator here?  I think someone with my power must have been involved in the development.  It just doesn't make much sense otherwise.  It's one of my favorite games."  He shows a small smile at some happy memory for a moment and returns his focus to Donya.  "Do you like games?"
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(09-07-2021, 06:22 PM)Niall Glacian Wrote: Coming into the room with Donya Niall asks, "Do you know if they Surgery Simulator here?  I think someone with my power must have been involved in the development.  It just doesn't make much sense otherwise.  It's one of my favorite games."  He shows a small smile at some happy memory for a moment and returns his focus to Donya.  "Do you like games?"

"I don't play video games much," Donya replies.  "But if there's a video game available then I'm sure Interface has downloaded it for one of the systems.  But if you mean a true surgery simulator, I'm sure the Danger Room could create a realistic environment.  We don't use the Danger Room a lot but it seems to be able to simulate anything.  Kind of like the Holo-deck in Star Trek.  As for games, I prefer playing games like Hide and go seek, and touch tag.  Being cooped up too long inside gives me anxiety." 
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Trevor flies into the student lounge and lands beside the snacks.  Hearing the music he smiles, grabs a red bull then dances to the most spacious part of the lounge.  "Come on guys, just don't stand there.  Shuffle your feet a little.  Loosen up!"
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Ben strolls into the lounge.  While he passes the snack cart he snags a bag of potato chips and a coke and sits down on the oversized furniture.  Ben was happy to be back but he was still feeling out of place.  He had run away because he felt ignored and a bit lonely.  Now he's back in that environment but now it seems the reasons why he first ran away are even more prevalent then before.
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Blink appears on the dance floor and immediately begins dancing with Trevor.
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(09-07-2021, 10:46 PM)Donya Lightfoot Wrote: "I don't play video games much," Donya replies.  "But if there's a video game available then I'm sure Interface has downloaded it for one of the systems.  But if you mean a true surgery simulator, I'm sure the Danger Room could create a realistic environment.  We don't use the Danger Room a lot but it seems to be able to simulate anything.  Kind of like the Holo-deck in Star Trek.  As for games, I prefer playing games like Hide and go seek, and touch tag.  Being cooped up too long inside gives me anxiety." 

Niall's smile widens and he says, "How I do surgery isn't really like real surgery.  In that game when you amputate something you just basically pop off the limb and carry it into the other room and stick it to the other patient.  That's pretty much how I can heal people, but I can go smaller than a whole limb or organ, or even just seal up cuts and such.  I've seen real surgery and read a lot, so I know the basics of the real stuff at least, just in case."  Changing gears, he looks around at the other kids in the room.  Looking back to Donya he asks, "I think I remember most everyone, but I'm still a little foggy on some of them.  Can you help remind me?"
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