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The Foyer
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(08-23-2021, 01:36 PM)Johnny Blair Wrote: John glances at Jessica, then at Ashley, really not wanting to start any sort of strife here.  So he scratched the back of his neck and shrugs.  “It’s all just a bit too much for me to process right now.  I think I need to be alone for a bit.”

Ordinarily, John would be all about the party and meeting all the peeps. But it really is too much for him.  Not even a month ago he was just an average high school quarterback, then he became much better than average through some means that still baffled him, then he got injured and recovered in about two weeks.  Far too soon for that type of injury.  Then he found out he could feel every single emotion his worry-filled parents and surprisingly naughty older sister could feel, and it pounded at his head like a hammer on nails.  Then he learned that he could fly with a pair of massive bird wings and control other people through their emotions.  Nope.  WAY too much!

"Well then, have a good night.  If you get board, just follow the sounds of music and that's where you'll find us."
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"I'm stuck in one of the guest rooms for now.  But if I do stay, we'll likely be roomies," Jack says to John.  "Malcolm and I shared a room before all this happened I'll probably go back to my old room!"
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Quote:"Resting," Johnny replies skeptically.  "Well, it'll be bedtime soon.  You wouldn't want Roslyn to have insomnia tonight.  Maybe you should start thinking about waking her up."  Before she can make another snarky reply, Johnny turns his back on her and pushes the cart to the student lounge.  He Ignores anything she might say while he leaves.

[Image: 7knVH5Fm.jpg]

As Interface walks away, Demi just smirks.  She then turns to the students in the Foyer and says, "Well I'm going to bed.  Both Aurum and I are tired and require some sleep.  I'll see you later Jessica (they're roommates)."  Demi then climbs the stairs and goes to bed.
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Psi-Jack looks at Malcolm and asks, "So are we going?  I need to explore the mansion anyways.  The Lounge seems to be as good a place to start as any!"

[Image: xTxHC6Em.png]
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"Good night," Ashlee says before John leaves.  She'll then start cleaning up the foyer then join the others in the lounge.
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(09-07-2021, 11:18 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: Psi-Jack looks at Malcolm and asks, "So are we going?  I need to explore the mansion anyways.  The Lounge seems to be as good a place to start as any!"

[Image: xTxHC6Em.png]

"Yup, let's go. You any good at video games?"

Malcolm begins walking toward the lounge, hoping Psy-Jack will follow.
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November 29
9:02 AM
Bright but chilly morning.

As the students begin arriving in the foyer you lounge around waiting for everyone to assemble.  You hear a large vehicle pull up outside.  Anyone who takes a look spots a large black bus sitting in the circular driveway. 

[Image: 9nL9gOL.jpg]
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"Either th.that's a prison b.bus, or w.we are a r.rock b.band."
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John shows up wearing several large towels wrapped around his wings, which were wrapped around his upper body.  Massive wings attached to his shoulder blades makes it next to impossible for him to wear any coats or sweaters on this chilly morning.  It was going to be quite an adjustment.

"Where's the livery going?"
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