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The morning after Thanksgiving ~Open to all~
[OoC: @Static Charge So are you saying that you are willing to go with the possible option of dividing your Hyper Running rank by 3?  You know you will most likely lose some Agility because Hyper Running boosted the rank.  But Speedforce is so much better than Hyper Running that even with the lowered agility and the rank changing from Amazing to Excellent, you would still be better off.]

With the sounds of sirens close, the chaos is slowly becoming order.  Most people by now are hanging out in the parking lot waiting for help to arrive.  Dazzler dazzles a couple of the people fighting to slow them down and cuts a few people free of the twisted metal.   Interface forces all the doors and window's open of the train and the people who can, will climb out of the train car and run for safety.

Samba melts the child free but even with her calming words the child can't stop crying.  Pulling the child into your arms, for a split second you think you see that his eyes are pitch black with motes of light.  The moment you take a closer look they look normal except red and puffy from crying.

Roslyn cries out for Sebastian and he glances toward you but when you lock eyes with him all you hear in his thoughts is, "Who's calling me?  Who's that?  Fuck that!  I'm outta here!"  Katrina hears Roslyn call out to Sebastian and she's surprised.  She was traveling with George.  Katrina got a text just yesterday saying that Sebastian would be coming home tomorrow, not today.  What the hell was going on?

Graffiti creates the gurney's and starts helping people onto them and moving them out to the parking lot.

Jack runs into the now open train and runs up to the first person who's struggling to get out of their seat.  He finds that it's not seatbelts that's holding them in their seats but the food trays.  Worse the trays seem to have been partially doubled as if photocopied and merged with each other.  [He will either need to do a strength check or try to zap the tray without hurting anyone.  They are plastic so they don't conduct electricity.]

As Gedeon is finishing up with cutting her man free, he babbles, "Flashes of light... Screams... like slide show...  spinning... oh god make it stop..."  Gedeon finally releases the man.  He suddenly lunges for her and seizes her throat and screams. "We're not here!!  Here is not here!  Should be hear but not here!!"  His grip tightens.  He screams with such force that his ravings spew spittle all over Gedeon's face.
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[I want speedforce for Jack.  As Hyper Running is a sod useless power.  Ooo he can run fast!!  Big deal.]

Jack attempts to remove the foodtrays with his electricity by zapping it without hurting the person. 

 Zapping the food tray
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[OoC: Speedsters like Quicksilver have done power stunts with hyper running such as creating whirlwinds, water running, wall running, etc. But they do seem to have an unwritten hybrid of hyper running and hyper speed. For example quicksilver gets extra attacks which is more hyper-speed. But he can run long distances which is more hyper running. Hyper-speed would let you run fast but you would get tired just as if you ran the same distance. It's kind of annoying. If you switch to speedforce your run speed would go through the roof! From around 400m/h to 2000m/hour or 33m/minute!!

It won't be happening right away cuz I have an idea how to bring speedforce about.]

Sent from my SM-G925W8 using Tapatalk
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Malcolm, now able to see through the train, reaches in with his power and attempts to lift the hysterical, screaming woman and float her out the nearest train exit opened by Interface.

[Rolls needed?]
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Samba scoops up the disteaught child and works her way to the nearest exit, intent on getting him out before moving to the next victim.

While doing so she all but yells through the mindlink.

"Their eyes, there's something wrong with their eyes. A blackness!"
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[Is anyone else going to post? Only Jack, Samba and Malcolm have posted.]
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Surprised, Gedeon suddenly finds the man's fingers around her throat. She tries to fight back without hurting him on her sword, but she just wasn't ready and his extra mass prevented her from breaking free of his murderous grip.

Slugfest - Fighting Remarkable [1d100] = 11
White Result
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Ros glances around a moment, then calls out mentally. ~Jack! Catch up to Sebastian. Find out why he doesn't recognize us and see if he knows what happened to George. Get Dr. McCoy's help, if you can.~
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Kat isn't certain what to do. She hesitates, wanting to find George. But she can't just stop helping the injured people to safety. As much power as she has, she feels practically useless in this situation. All she can do is destroy things and move dirt around. Neither of those are helpful. So the girl just tries to keep finding people and leading them out when she can.
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[Just waiting on a result from GM Marvel. Jack is lazering out a person right now.]
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