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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
[OoC: Everyone should make stealth checks just to make sure you don't accidently rub up against the creature.  I'm letting Eva pass without a roll.  Consider it a tiny reward for taking that first brave step. ]
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(08-24-2021, 11:39 AM)GM Marvel Wrote:
(08-23-2021, 05:03 PM)Gurkagh Wrote: "Come in and eat, we will let you into the hall, there are no creatures back her, and there is plenty of the red food. We will not be able to stay with you though, we must continue after our other friends."

Diplomacy [1d20+9]=14+9=23

It seems to pause for a moment but then you 'hear,' ~No.  This room is all I know...~

The creature pretty much ignores Eva as it desperately licks at what small amount of blood is smeared on the floor beyond the door.  You hope the dried blood is satisfying the creature's hunger at least a little and not just driving it toward even more desperate measures to bring its starvation to an end.

Eva moves onward to the southern door and prepares the black card then casts a Mage Hand spell.
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The creature is about halfway finished with the dried blood smeared on the floor.  It ignores both Eva and Cyn sneaking past it.  Eva casts her mage hand and readies the black card.

[What is everyone else doing?]
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[OoC: The numbers might be difficult to see for anyone with impaired vision.  So I will try to fix the numbers on the next map so they're on the right side.  Hopefully it will be easier to see for anyone who might be having any trouble.

[Image: qsojTWu.png]
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E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 waits for Reawyn and Gurkha to enter the room, and will move with them into the room when they follow the ladies.
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Reawyn will attempt to move in, skirting soputh to avoid the creature.

He is pbviously clumsy and noisy overburdened with potions and gear, but he seems to do alright.

Stealth [1d20-1]=13-1=12
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Gurkagh follows Reawyn, a bit more nimble, but following almost the exact same path.

Stealth [1d20+2]=11+2=13
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E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 attempts to slip past the creature following the same path as his friends, with a little more grace and poise.
Stealth Check = [1d20+8]=7+8=15
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If the creature has changed its mind and has moved into the empty hallway then Eva closes the western door from distance using Magic Hand.

If it seems the creature doesn't want to go into the hallway but everybody successfully avoided its tentacles and moved to the eastern side of the room then Eva moves to J6 or I6 and opens the southern door touching the panel once so we will have 6 seconds to leave the room before the door closes automatically.

It's a bit risky to leave such a hungry creature behind us and go into the unknown but this is a rescue mission and we would like to avoid any unnecessary injuries. But who will rescue us? Smile

If we see an even more frightful creature behind this door, we have one round to change our mind. Big Grin
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Everyone manages to move past the creature without causing it to freak out.  And while the creature continues to swifter the floor with it's tongue to get every drop of blood, Eva opens the southern door.  The double metal doors shoot up into the ceiling revealing another hallway with blood smeared on the floor.  The blood smear disappears under a pair of doors on the east wall.  There's another hallway that disappears out of view along the west wall.

[Image: NSIS3lE.png]
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