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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
Init [1d20+4]=16+4=20

Arius immediately strikes at the nearest rat with his whip.

Whip attack [1d20+6]=10+6=16; Damage [1d4+6]=4+6=10
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Kriv aims a firebolt at the farthest rat, and fires off his magic.

Firebolt: 1d20+6=22
Firebolt Damage: 1d10=5
Initiative: 1d20+1: 11
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Nightingale moves with deadly grace as she swings her mace horizontally to strike the rat nearest to her and continues to spin, following it up with a sickening kick.

Initiative: 1d20+4 23
Attack: 1d20+6 25
Damage: 1d6+4 8
Bonus Attack: 1d20+6 20
Bonus Damage: 1d4+4 6
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Initiative: [1d20+3]=15+3=18

Mivia aims her hand at a damaged rat and blasts the critter...

Eldritch Blast Attack: [1d20+5]=18+5=23, Damage: [1d10]=2

[Apparently giving it a little boop on the nose. ]
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Athos fires a bolt of electricity at the rat who looks the most hurt. Hopefully finishing it off.

Initiative: 1d20+2 = 12
Storm Strike: 1d20+6 = 13
Storm Bolt Damage: 1d10 = 10
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Nightingale flashes forward and cuts down one rat before it even realizes the adventurers have entered the cave.  She slices the second one as it squeals wildly, for a second before Arius finished it off with a crack of his whip. 

(DM - No more enemies are in sight. The cave is clear. )

Giant Rats 1 | AC 12 | 0/7 Hit Points 
- Dead
Giant Rat 2 | AC 12 | 0/7 Hit Points 
- Dead
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Arius will carefully begin to explore the room. One of the things he checks to see , is if that is ineed another stairway headed down at the western corner of the room.

Once he has checked the room, he will then proceed to, as before, search and gut thge rats.

Perception [1d20+1]=16+1=17
Perception- rats [1d20+1]=1+1=2 - Disgusted by the smell of the rats, he pukes and stops looking.
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Athos goes through the two dead rats as well. Being a druid and very used to the wild, the corpses don't bother him.  Then he joins in searching the rest of the room.

Perception to search the rats: 1d20+6 = 24
Perception to search the room: 1d20+6 = 22
Treasure Check: 1d100 = 100
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Kriv keep his back to the others making sure nothing snuck up on them while they searched the room. He seemed a bit nervous.
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Nightingale will sweep the room, letting the others look over the rats. She remembered seeing the creatures gnawing at something in the back of the cave earlier. She's also looking for any exits or chambers branching off further in.

Perception: 1d20+4 8
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