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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
We will have to find a source of fresh water to wash in after we get paste this fleshy landscape, I have the feeling I we stand in place to long we will risk getting moored in place and not being able to move. We will have to put up with the smell until it is safe to do so.
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[[Well, I mean, if you prefer Selina could go up front with Tomeal to rip and tear (heh) through the meat, but I was thinking about her being better able to attack anything that should approach the group in a hostile manner.]]

[[Can I also say that I have never been a fan of body horror. I’m managing, but I would very much like us to be outta here.]]
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Crozar grunts as it cuts down another pole and nearly stumbles when it's heel settles back in a deep wrinkle that shifts under the weight.  The thorns around it's ankle catch in the sliding skin and cause it's leg to turn out and the knee to buckle.  A splatter of clear, slightly yellowish fluid, and thick white pus erupts as the spiny knee of the plant man lands hard on a swelling pimple.   The splash of fluids cover Crozar nearly to the waist.  As he stands back up he glances to Kubo and says, "I have some options there, although none of them are painless.  I'm thinking the pain might be worth it."
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Showing no signs of discomfort, aside from being coated to the knees in the gore, Betimi simply responds. "Let us just keep moving, if we stand still we will be staying. I prefer not to stay."
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(08-04-2021, 04:02 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [[Can I also say that I have never been a fan of body horror.  I’m managing, but I would very much like us to be outta here.]]

[OoC:  Are you speaking for yourself or for Selina?  Body horror doesn't usually bother me too much but when searching for battlemaps that would fit this environment there were a couple out of the very few I found that did make me feel a little uncomfortable.  I'm not sure why when I can watch pretty much any kind of medical proceedure without being bothered. ]

The blindsense Nang shares with Ning is suddenly triggered.  From the brother's vantage point above the group, there seem to be a lot of movement going on underneath the giant stalks of hair.  Their blindsight can pinpoint the critters location but doesn't give them a detailed description.  (I'm posting from my phone so I will double check this when I finish the post.  I'll lose the post if I go look for the info now. )

[Everyone make spot checks, including Ning/Nang.]
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[[I’m speaking for both but mostly for me.]]

Spot: [1d20+6]=12+6=18
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Spot check: [1d20]=15
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Spot Check = [1d20+3]=4+3=7
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[[RE: Ning/Nang blindsight.  The only info they get is through vibration and scent and they must have Line of Effect.  These hairs aren't blocking sight that much to block line of effect from above but would block sight of anything beyond, let's say, 50'. ]]
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Spot [1d20+7]=14+7=21
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